New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
PO Box 51926, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87181 USA
2007 Annual Meeting & Technical Symposium
26-27 Oct 2007, Clayton, NM

The 2007 NMNWSE Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium will take place in the historic Eklund Hotel, a landmark for travelers of the southwest since the 1890s. The Eklund is known for the elaborately carved bar which is still in use in the saloon, and has long had a reputation for good food and drink.

Eklund Hotel
15 Main St, Clayton, NM
505-374-2500 or 877-355-8631 (877-EKLUND1)

Rooms at the Eklund range from $83 to $133 - click here for more details.

Hotel reservations should be made directly with the hotel. We recommend reserving your room as soon as possible as space in the conference hotel is limited. Be sure to mention you are attending the NMNWSE Annual Meeting as all rooms at the Eklund are being held that weekend for conference attendees.

If the Eklund is full, we suggest trying the Best Western Kokopelli Lodge (702 S 1st Street, Clayton, 505-374-2589, reservations 800-392-6691), which is located about 1/2 mile south of the Elkund.

More hotels: Clayton tourism department's hotels page

Sholarship applicants: We have pre-reserved the two rooms with two twin beds assuming you would want to save money by having a roommate - contact the Meeting Chair, rather than the hotel, about these two rooms.


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