New Mexico Network For Women In Science and Engineering
Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium

October 19-20, 2001


Friday, October 19, 2001

Time Activity/Presenter Presentation
3:00 Registration
4:00 Mary Campbell Thermal Properties of Polymers
4:30 Wendee Brunish Los Alamos National Laboratory Participation in the MentorNet Program
5:00 Betsy Frederick New Mexico High School Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge
5:30 All Networking in the Lounge

Saturday, October 20, 2001

Time Activity/Presenter Presentation
8:30 All Annual Meeting
10:00 Elaine Brouillard Translating Community Concerns to Engineering Specifications
10:30 Diane Kozelka How to do Chemical/Engineering Research Without Getting Your Hands/Clothes Dirty: Working as a Technical Information Detective!
11:00 Danielle Diehl Microbially Mediated Reduction of Uranium at a Site in Koenigstein, Germany
11:30 Christy Jones Balancing the Surface Water of the Middle Rio Grande Basin
12:00 Mercedes Agogino Lunch Speaker - Physics, Education, and Kids Too.
1:00 J. Margo Clark Radiation Protection for the Pregnant Employee at Los Alamos National Laboratory
1:30 Break
3:00 Paula Hensley Sildenafil Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Related to Antidepressant Medication
3:30 Elaine Borelli & Rena WISE Job Shadowing Program
4:00 Deborah Potter Bosque Bike Ride/skate/walk:On Saturday we'll have everyone drive to the aquarium after the last presentation and bike from there northward on the bosque trail. The Nature Center closes at 5 PM but they said it's OK for people to stop at the Nature Center on a bike ride (the building and parking lot will be closed). That's only about 3.5 miles distance one way, so those who don't want to stop can ride further north along the trail.
6:00 All Dinner, Albuquerque Aquarium
8:00 Stephanie Forrest Biology and Computer Science

Annual Technical Symposia
