New Mexico Network for

PO Box 1360
Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544 USA.

NMNWSE Annual Meeting
28-29 OCT 2005
Embassy Suites, 1000 Woodward Place NE, Albuquerque

Agendas and Abstracts (revised 10/24/05):
(Adobe pdf)
The 2005 NMNWSE Annual Meeting & Technical Symposium will be held on Oct 28-29 in Albuquerque, NM, at the Embassy Suites. We will begin with registration and reception on the 28th of October. The Annual Meeting will be on the 29th - there will be a business meeting in the morning, a lunchtime speaker, and technical presentations in the afternoon.
Dr. Yolanda Jones King, 505-846-4848, is the Annual Meeting Chair this year. Alice Yuen, alice @, will be assisting with the Technical program and also coordinating roommates. Please contact the NMNWSE Board at if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with the meeting organization - this is a great opportunity for a member to get to know our organization.

Call for Presentations

The deadline for abstracts for presentations in the Technical Session the afternoon of 29 Oct 2005 has been extended to 7 October 2005. Post-deadline abstracts will also be considered. Presentations will be 30 minutes, including questions. Contact the Annual Meeting Chair, Dr. Yolanda Jones King, 505-846-4848, or email your abstract to the NMNWSE Board,
Postable call:   NMNWSE_AM2005.gif
Scholarships for students are available.
Mentors are encouraged to bring a student and have them present a paper - with a scholarship this can mean the student effectively attends for free. Please indicate if you or your student would need help with meeting costs when you submit your abstract (post deadline abstracts also elligible).

Meeting Registration and Room Reservations
Room Rate Deadline extended to October 7

Annual Meeting Registration Form: (Adobe pdf file)
Mail your completed registration form to the address on the form. The hotel room registration is not included in the meeting registration.
You need to make your room reservation by Oct. 7th (extended from the original Sep 28 deadline) to get the $89 rate (single or double). Be sure to specify the event name "NM Network for Women in Science & Engineering" or the Event Code "NMN" to get this rate. The direct phone number of the Albuquerque Embassy Suites is 505-245-7100, or you can use the national toll-free number 1-800-EMBASSY, or the website
If you'd like assistance finding a roommate please email Alice Yuen, alice @, and let her know. Be sure to indicate smoker/non-smoker and any other preference.