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Charlene Bausinger
Central Chapter. Field: Mechanical Engineering/Space Science. NMNWSE member since 2006.
Junior Test Engineer, Applied Technologies Associated. Recently relocated to Albuquerque. Past positions: Junior Mechanical Propulsion Engineer, NASA Expandable Launch Vehicle Program; student, Florida Inst. Tech. Past community service: Vice President & Sectional Conference Chair for Alpha Phi Omega (a co-ed National Service Fraternity); Girl Scout Troop Leader.
Statement: I enjoy volunteering and serving my community. I am hoping to inform more people about the NMNWSE through outreach efforts in state universities and high schools. I believe that the revitalization of the central chapter will play an important role in strengthening the NMNSWE community.
Vice President
Elizabeth Kallman
Central Chapter. Field: Combustion Physics. NMNWSE member since 2005.
Doing algorithm development for heat transfer and combustion modeling at Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation. Albuquerque AIAA Precollege Outreach Officer. Founder, Los Alamos/Santa Fe Java User Group. Participated in central EYH. Active with LAWIS as non-member volunteer 2001-2004 while doing graduate work (science fair judging).
Statement: I am very excited about the possibility of serving as VP, and hope to use my scientific experience and enthusiasm for women in science and engineering to help serve the NMNWSE community.
Yolanda King
Central Chapter. Field: Physics/Chemical laser kinetics. NMNWSE member since 1982.
2003-6 NMNWSE Treasurer. 24 years USAF civilian in R&D management, primarily in directed energy and space technologies. First woman to chair NATO panel on Sensors and Electronics Technologies.
Statement: My main interest in the network is to encourage young girls to enter nontraditional careers.
At Large
Barbara Torres
Central Chapter. Field: Physics. NMNWSE member since 1985.
2005 President of NMNWSE. Named one of the 2006 top ten Business Women by the American Business Women's Association. Currently Division Director for Ethics and Business Conduct, providing awareness of, and ensuring compliance with, company policy, laws, and regulations.
Statement: I am a longstanding member of NMNWSE, Central and just completed a 3-year term on the Board. I would like to continue serving NMNWSE.
Claudia Barreto
Central Chapter. Field: Biology. NMNWSE member since 2006.
Science Education specialist. Professor at UNM-Valencia Campus, previously at U. Wisc. (1994-2005). University of Wisconsin System Women and Science Program (UWSW&SP) Advisory Board (1996-2005). Committee on Institutional Cooperation Women in Science and Engineering (CIC WISE) Advisory Panel Representative for U Wisconsin Milwaukee (1997-2002). Helped NMNWSE board in the past with Science Fair judging.
Statement: I found my participation in the UWSW&SP & CIC WISE to be productive and rewarding and would like to continue to contribute to efforts to promote the recruitment and retention of women in the science, technology, engineering & mathematics.
Dana Roberson
Northern Chapter. Field: Computer Science/Software Quality. NMNWSE member since 2000.
2005-6 NMNWSE EYH and Membership Chair. LAWIS EYH Chair/Co-Chair 2001-2004. Working in the Office of the CIO to increase software engineering core competency at LANL.
Statement: I have been active in NMNWSE as EYH local and/or state Chair for 6 years, and would like to continue as state EYH chair.
Emily Schultz
Northern Chapter. Field: Geosciences. NMNWSE member since 2006.
Structural geologist with emphasis on paleoearthquakes and tectonic geomorphology. Member of EES Division's Committee on Diversity and Competitive Advantage (CDCA) promoting the role of women scientists at LANL.
Statement: I would like to be a Member-at Large to gainfully contribute to women's issues in the sciences throughout New Mexico while learning more about pertinent issues affecting women in science.
Mary Stinecipher Campbell
Northern Chapter. Field: Chemistry/Retired. NMNWSE member since 1984.
Current NMNWSE Archives chair. 1987 NMNWSE President. Active in the EYH career conferences and co-chaired the 2006 LAWIS EYH teacher and adults program. Orchardist in Dixon raising organic fruit: cherries, pears, and apples. Part-time chemistry teacher at UNM-LA.
Statement: If re-elected, my plan for Archives is reorganizing and moving towards storage on electronic media.
Meghan Norvell
Northern Chapter. Field: Biology/Molecular and Structural. NMNWSE member since 2006.
Currently finishing a LANL postdoc in structure based drug and vaccine design. Past experience in organizing research symposia and have acted as a representative of graduate students and postdocs in my experience at LANL and in academia.
Statement: I recently had a baby and the experience of negotiating maternity and postpartum issues at work really made me want to get involved with issues for women in science on a bigger scale. I just joined NMNWSE this year and would be honored to be able to participate on its board in an at-large position.
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