The 2006 NMNWSE Annual Meeting Planning Committee would like your help in making this a good meeting. If you might attend, or you'd like to give input for future meetings, please fill in the survey below.
This form is for: (name or email)
1) How likely are you to attend the Annual Meeting?
probably will attend 50/50 chance probably will not attend
2) Would you be willing to run for the 2007 NMNWSE board? (will be elected at the meeting)
yes might be arm-twistable no
The responses above are required. (The submit button is at the bottom of this form.) If you probably will not attend you do not need to answer the rest of the survey.
3) Are you interested in giving a paper in the technical session?
probably 50/50 chance probably not
4) If you come, what accomodations would you need for yourself and any accompanying persons? Please indicate number of beds you are likely to need. If none, indicate which meals you would likely join us for. (See note a.)
None: Saturday meals desired: (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) Single: Fri eve / Sat eve / Both willing to share room willing to share large bed with another NMNWSE member if space is limited Double: Fri eve / Sat eve / Both room with another bed OK interested in childcare interested in accompanying persons program
willing to share room willing to share large bed with another NMNWSE member if space is limited
room with another bed OK
5)  What entertainment would you like during or after meals?
Please rate in order of preference: Technical speaker Career development speaker music or other entertainment none / just network  : Would you or accompanying person be interested in providing the entertainment? no / yes (please indicate what: )
6) Which is more important? (See note b.)
good food, good entertainment, own room, etc. keeping costs down I will probably apply for a scholarship
7) Other comments or suggestions?
a) Lake Roberts is a 'family resort area', and so accomodations are geared towards families. This means the number of single beds available is limited, and often the single beds are cots in rooms with one or two double beds or a dorm-type room. Example answer to Question (4): You are coming with your spouse and will stay both nights, do not want a 'group room' which might have other people, and are interested in an activity for your spouse during the meeting. You would put a "1" by 'Both' after 'Double', check yes on the interest in an accompanying person program, and leave the rest blank.
b) We are currently targeting the meeting cost at $100-$150/person, plus your 2007 NMNWSE dues. It will include a one night stay and all meals on Saturday. There will be extra costs if you are not sharing a room, or are staying a second night (eg, for the NMNWSE board meeting on Sunday). If you will be coming for just Saturday and not needing accomodations, the cost will be roughly half. NMNWSE does not make any profit, and the final registration fee will reflect actual costs.