New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

Board Meeting

22 October 2000

The meeting was held at the Swiss Chalet in Ruidoso the day after the Annual Meeting. Board members in attendance were: J. Margo Clark, Claudia Lewis, Alexine Salazar, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Saenz, Wyonna Turner, and Angelique Neuman.

The meeting was called to order by J. Margo Clark at 8:14 a.m. October 22, 2000 Minutes were reviewed and approved as corrected.


Claudia reported at outgoing Treasurer in Tinka’s absence, using the last quarter of the annual report for her report. There was very little activity, mostly travel reimbursement for the Board. The final modified budget will be used once Claudia submits.


  1. Annual Meeting — Karen Saenz
  2. No final statement on cost for this meeting. A final report will be presented at our December meeting. The Central Chapter (Kelly Bitner) will be hosting our next annual meeting, tentatively scheduled for October 19-20, 2001 in Albuquerque. Mary Ann Jones of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce (HCC) will be our conference planner.

    There was some discussion regarding the planning of this year’s annual meeting. It was difficult getting people to help with the preparations (HCC could have definitely been used). In particular, it was difficult getting restaurants to respond or return phone inquiries. Better publicity was obviously needed based on the low attendance of membership. It was suggested to put together a notebook on the Annual Meeting Conference. Karen and Wyonna volunteered to put one together by the December meeting. They will get feedback from previous annual meeting chairs. This will hopefully result in better communication between all planners and the Board.

  3. Archives — Mary S. Campbell
  4. Mary Campbell was appointed on 10/21 to complete the term (one more year) for Angela Ferrara. Mary attended the annual meeting but was unable to attend this board meeting.

  5. Elections — Claudia Lewis
  6. Claudia filled position as Nancy has gone off the Board. An elections report was submitted for Nancy by Claudia with the results of the FY2001 Elections. A total of 15 ballots from the membership were received. Members Nancy Stages Weinbrenner and Karen J. Saenz counted the results. Write-in votes were received for Treasurer and Member-at-Large. The following positions have been filled by election of the membership:

    Vice President/President Elect Claudia Lewis*

    Treasurer J. Tinka Gammel

    Member-at Large Mary Lou Westrom

    Member-at Large Wyonna Turner

    Member-at Large Dana Roberson

    Member-at Large Ann Mauzy

    *Claudia has since learned she will be out of the country. Therefore, Angelique Neuman has graciously accepted this position.

    All terms are 2 years, except Vice President/President Elect, which is a one year term. Candidates for Vice President/President Elect rotate among chapters. Resigned positions are filled by appointment by the President for the remainder of the term.

  7. Fund Raising — Mary Lou Westrom
  8. Mary Lou will continue in this position for another 2 year term. Margo will contact her to determine if she can get an email account for better communication with the rest of the Board. This will help with reporting requirements as well. Carol (past President) received a letter from Mary Lou requesting bios from Board for a letter to Honeywell. She needed this information by October 15 but Carol received the letter too late to respond.

  9. Membership — Wyona Turner
  10. Margo appointed Wyona who agreed for a one year term. Wyonna will spend next year setting up documentation (a user’s manual of sorts) for the membership database she has developed.

  11. Newsletter — (open position)
  12. Angelique reported as outgoing Newsletter chair. No Newsletter was issued in September because she was unable to obtain a copy of the meeting minutes on time. She didn’t attend the August meeting, so without the minutes and lack of a Chat Corner Candidate she decided (with Carol’s concurrence) not to issue a September Newsletter.

    Suggestions for this open position include Ann Mauzy. Margo will contact her. Angelique offered to do the Aug-Sept/Oct-Nov newsletter. Margo will submit for the Chat Corner plus a letter from the President. It was suggested to just include a summary of the (Board Meeting) minutes rather than the entire minutes.

  13. Policies and Procedures — Sara Gottlieb
  14. A few minor changes have been noted.

  15. Publicity — Kim Linder
  16. No report. Kim needs to be informed of the new logo changes which include Founded 1979 (Margo will call dede to confirm this date) and switch the purple atom with the yellow atom. Once modified, she can distribute electronically to all membership.

  17. Science Fair — Mercedes Agogino

Margo will contact Mercedes to determine if she is still willing to be in this position. All members-at-large must attend 50% of all meetings to remain on the Board. Personal circumstances may have deterred Mercedes so Margo will inquire as to her willingness to continue. Margo will also ask Dana Roberson to chair (or possibly even co-chair depending on Mercedes response) this position. In which case, Mercedes would still continue as the Eastern Chapter representative, if she chooses.


  1. State EYH — Adrienne Dare (proxy)
  2. It is time to pay our agency fee to the Math/Science Network. The registration fee for 2-5 sites is $200. Claudia and/or Tinka will submit. This fee will get our NMNWSE agency one set of EYH organizational and conference material. If each of our sites wants their own set of material sent, an additional $30 per site is required. The following information is required to register each site: EYH Site Name/City, Conference Date, Site Contact Name, email address, mailing address, phone, city, state, zip code. As soon as we get this information to the Math/Science Network they will post it on their web site.

    Karen has volunteered to set up the EYH insurance and will contact each chapter chair for required information.

  3. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) — Angelique Neuman
  4. Dana Roberson is this year’s chair. We’re still looking for a co-chair.

  5. Eastern Chapter (Silver City) — Adreinne Dare (proxy)
  6. We are planning for an EYH conference in Silver City in 2001. The date hasn’t been set. However, I imagine it will be the last Saturday in February or the first Saturday in March. A planning committee will be getting together shortly. No additional details available as of yet.

  7. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) — Kelly Bitner
  8. Linda McCormick is chairing this year’s EYH planning committee, although she is not a network member. Angelique offered to contact Kelly to ask if Central Chapter could pay for an honorary membership to the network for Linda.

  9. Southern Chapter (Las Cruces) — Karen Saenz

No EYH is currently being planned.


  1. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) — Angelique Neuman
  2. Angelique submitted the Northern Chapter’s minutes of 10/5. She noted that a new representative from the Northern Chapter needs to be assigned by Northern. A suggestion of Mary Campbell was made.

  3. Eastern Chapter (Silver City) — Mercedes Agogino
  4. No report.

  5. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) — Kelly Bitner
  6. No report other than working on ideas to increase membership.

  7. Southern Chapter (Las Cruces) — Karen Saenz

The chapter is inactive.



  1. Career Books
  2. Claudia will contact Ann Mauzy to order books. A total of $1,500 + $5,000 (approx.) is available.

    Again, major kudos to Ann for her quick and steadfast response in obtaining our reimbursement for lost career books in the fire. APPLAUSE!!!

  3. Hosts for FY2001 Meetings

Dec. 2 Kim Linder — Cedar Crest

Feb. 3 Kelly Bitner - Albuquerque

Apr 14 (?) at State Science Fair in Socorro

June ? at Professional Development Seminar in Albuquerque

Aug. 4 J. Margo Clark — Santa Fe

Oct ? at Annual Meeting



  1. Mail
  2. Karen has been receiving all the mail at the PO Box set up at Kirtland for the network. Judith Mead forwards the mail out to the appropriate person. Claudia will contact Judith to request all mail for Karen or Carol now be forwarded to Margo and all Treasurer mail be sent to Tinka (including membership stuff).

  3. Recruiting Chair
  4. Claudia suggested we consider setting up a recruiting chair, especially to attract students. She suggested surveying the entire membership on what they want from their member and their organization. Claudia volunteered to set up the survey and will get one of her students, Ann Lee, to assist here. A draft will be sent out to the Board for review.

    The network basically does their EYH conferences in the spring, our new Professional Development Seminar in the summer, and our Annual Meeting in the fall. A suggestion was made to invite Science Fair winners to our Professional Development Seminar to give a poster session and attend the seminar.

  5. Professional Development Seminar

Claudia will check with Ann Lee to do the recruiting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:03 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Alexine Salazar

Secretary, NMNWSE
