New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Board Meeting
February 3, 2001
The meeting was held at Kelly Bitners house in Albuquerque. Board members in attendance were: Margo Clark, Carol La Delfe, Karen Saenz, Wyona Turner, Angelique Neuman, Mary Campbell, Dana Roberson, Mercedes Agogino, and Sara Gottlieb.
J. Margo Clark called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
- Minutes: were reviewed and a spelling correction was noted.
- Wyona made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction. Carol seconded it, and it was approved.
- Treasurers Report — Tinka Gammel
- Tinka was unable to attend because of a conflict with the Los Alamos science fair. She sent a report to everyone by e-mail. Angelique moved to accept the Treasurers report, Carol seconded it, and it was passed.
Standing Committee Reports
- Archives — Mary S. Campbell
- Mary printed the current bylaws and policies and procedures from the Web site on December 10. Karen found that they were current. The IRS tax-exempt letter has been found and is now in the archives 1981 notebook. A list of board members is being compiled from information in the archives. A copy of the list was given to Mercedes in case she had more information on members of Boards in the late 80s that were not found yet.
- Elections — Claudia Lewis
- No report;
- Fund Raising — Mary Lou Westrom
- No report. Her address is P.O. Box 1007, Cedar Crest, NM 87008. She also has a FAX 242-7355.
- Membership — Wyona Turner
- Wyona reported about 65 members; however, more were coming into the P.O. Box. There were 6 requests for membership information. Two old members have moved out of state. The 3rd renewal notice was sent. She sent 7 old directories and expects the new directory to be ready in February. Northern chapter has given honorary memberships to Jody Shepard, Kathleen Ramsay, and Colleen Olinger. Central Chapter gave an honorary membership to Brenda Davies. Carol moved that the report be accepted and Kelly seconded.
- Newsletter — Angelique and Sara Gottlieb
- Angelique and Sara sent out the November newsletter on December 6 with the survey for the professional meeting. The e-mail version of the January newsletter including the report from the Dec. board meeting was sent out January 31. ;
- Policies and Procedures — Sara Gottlieb
- Karen reported that 1 member can be a chapter. Also she found that a chair can be abolished when not needed.
- Publicity — Kim Linder
- The brown wrapper was in the Albuquerque Journal January 20. Kim will obtain a copy for the archives.
- Science Fair — Mercedes Agogino and Dana Roberson
- Mercedes has the information from the State Science Fair. It is on April 7 at NM Tech in Socorro. She asked for the names of our judges to send to the organizers. They will receive packets of information. Mercedes said 5 x $50 for senior prizes and 5 x $25 for Junior prizes. Last meeting we said both senior and junior would receive $50 plus a bag and careers booklet. Did we change the prizes?
Expanding Your Horizons
- State - Adrienne Dare
- In the absence of Adrienne, Karen reported that she had applied for the workshop insurance with her agent. Adrienne emailed to Karen the location and date of each conference.
- Albuquerque — Linda McCormick chair
- Date: March 3 at UNM
- Kelly expects 300 students, but she needs 450 career booklets. Kelly will contact Wendee about bags. The plan for fabric bags with EYH logo on one side and NMNWSE logo on the other side. Tinka paid the bulk mail permit thinking it was for the whole network. However, it was for the Central Chapters EYH. They will reimburse the State Networks treasury. ;
- Los Alamos — Dana Roberson, chair
- Date: March 28 at the LANL
- The fliers are ready to go out to the schools and the Chairs for each event are filled. The budget was sent for the minutes internal LANL funding is $13,000 outside funding is $813.39 for items not allowable like fabric bags and prizes. Proposed external expenditures are $2625 and proposed internal expenditures are $8,831.25 including $1400 for lodging, transportation, and honorarium for keynote speaker, $2400 for lunch and refreshments and $1080 for Protocol assistance.
- Silver City — Adrienne Dare
- Date: February 24
- No other Southern EYH this year
Chapter Reports:
- Northern Chapter — Cathy Cleland, President.
- This quarter has been a busy one for us. We have already judged and passed out awards at two science fairs and are planning to do so for at least 3 more before spring is here! We received many thank you notes from the schools and the awardees stating that the awards (cash and award certificate) have encouraged them even more to do well in science (see this months Newsletter).
- The EYH season is in full swing! The Northern chapter EYH is March 28 and Dana Roberson has gotten most of it ready to go! We have received funding from internal sources and are preparing to talk with external donors. Tinka Gammel has found a wonderful idea for one of the giveaways: magnets with the NMNWSE and LAWIS logos.
- Our LunchTime talk series is going strong this year . Joanne Wendelbergers talk on evaluating factors affecting student performance was well attended and well received. It was quite informative. Upcoming talks include two on Career Development and one on balancing career and home life. If you havent been to any this year, I encourage you to attend!
- We have set up a networking listserv address and the beginning of a website. The networking site will serve as a tool for women to consult women concerning careers and anything else pertaining to networking. The listserv address is: lawis_nw@lanl.gov. Anyone is welcome to send email through the listserv. The website contains sites for job search engines and information on preparing resumes. Please make suggestions on content or design to Cathy Cleland, buzzer@lanl.gov. The current URL: http://www.t12.lanl.gov/home/lawis/NETWORKING/index.html.
- So far this year we have 45 members that have renewed and 5 new members. Lori Merrill has sent reminders to 2 past members. We think getting more involved with the women at LANL through networking and other membership functions will bring attention to LAWIS and NMNWSE as a positive and supportive group in which to belong.
- We are looking forward as well to the State sponsored career day in June 2001! ;
- Central Chapter — Kelly Bitner has the checkbook. She will have a meeting to decide what form of meeting would attract the Albuquerque group to a meeting.
- Southern Chapter
- Karen Saenz will head the professional seminar in late June.
- Southern Chapter donated in Mary Bochmans name to Handprints Therapeutic Horsemanship, 2325 Desert Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001 Marys husbands name is Chris McDonald, 433 Salopek Blvd, Las Cruces, NM 88001
Old Business:
Career books are being printed and they will be housed by Dana or Tinka.
Carol presented the new policy and procedure for the web master.
- "Duties and Responsibilities"
- Web Communications Chair
- Is a member of the Board of Directors and attends B of D meetings;
- Manages and maintains the Network web site according to procedure PRO(x)
- Contributes to furthering the work of the B of D and the Network.
- 01-PRO 9 (?) Web Site
- The Network web site is maintained on an "as-needed" basis, with pertinent news, announcements, resource links, and any other information as desired by members or suggested by the web chair (web master).
- Content may be placed on the site at the discretion of the webmaster. Questions of appropriate content will be decided by the Board of Directors.
- The domain name, NMNWSE.ORG, was registered originally in November 1998. Registration is $35 per year, paid 2 years at a time, to Network Solutions, Inc.";
- Magnets for science fair, fund raising, and publicity.
- Karen moved that we use the thicker magnetic material with printed new generic logo and have the state treasury pay for them to be professionally done. Kelly second and it was approved by the Board.
New Business
Ann Mauzy reported that the Native American Science and Engineering Fair would be March 9-10 in Albuquerque.
The next board meeting would be after the Science Fair judging at NM Tech April 7 at 2 PM. Wyona will bring refreshments.
Meeting was adjourned by Margo at 12:15.
Respectively submitted
Mary Campbell, Archives and substitute Secretary.