New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Board Meeting
April 7, 2001
Meeting was held in Socorro at NM Tech after the State Science Fair. Board members in attendance were: J. Margo Clark, Carol LaDelfe, Wyona Turner, Dana Roberson, Alexine Salazar, Sara Gottlieb, Mercedes Agogino, Kelly Bitner, and Adrienne Dare.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
Adrienne moved and Sara seconded to approve the minutes of February 3. Motion passed.
TREASURER'S REPORT - Tinka Gammel (proxy)
Dana read Tinka's written report. The amounts of $560 (membership) and $250 (donations) were deposited. Expenses included $350 for EYH insurance, $300 Northern (seed money), $1300 Central (seed money plus Honeywell EYH donation), $5470 for EYH logo bags, $53.36 membership expenses, $35.88 newsletter and travel expenses, $36.15 additional newsletter expenses, and $6000 Career to Tinka. This left a balance of $1949.46. Still outstanding (approximations) include $702.80 to Tinka for Career Books, $176 magnet expenses, $166 travel for Margo, and $250 to Northern Chapter (a Honeywell donation), plus any new expenses from this meeting.
In addition, Tinka has over 1000 EHY book bags and Career books in her office.
- Annual Meeting Kelly Bitner
- Kelly is chairing the Annual Meeting for October 19, 2001. The tentative location is the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown (2600 Louisiana). If we have more than 25 rooms taken at the hotel, the meeting room is free. With less than 25 rooms, the meeting room costs $100/day. Room rates are $65/night. I believe an urban Albuquerque location is one way to get more involvement from women who would like to hear some of the talks, but do not want to commit a whole weekend. I have had suggestions that the Sevilleta LTER be used again., and I am anxious to get feedback from the Board on this. I have been thinking about a theme and tried to emphasize the "network" portion of our organization. Tentatively, I have "Networks that Work" as a theme.
- Archives Mary Campbell
- No Report
- Elections Claudia Lewis
- No Report
- Fund Raising Mary Lou Westrom
- No report.
- Membership Wyona Turner
- Brenda Davis was very helpful in getting a high quality electronic log for use on the new directory and the recognition cards for female participants in the State Science Fair. Wyona reported about a $300 expenditure for the new directory and $10 in cards for the Science Fair. We have 3 new members plus 2 additional per email from Tinka. Total membership is 71 Professional and 10 students for a total of 87 members.
- Newsletter Angelique Neuman / Sara Gottlieb
- A paper version of the January newsletter was sent to 45 members on February 3 with the electronic version sent to remaining members on February 2. The January 2001 edition included the Professional Development Seminary Survey. The March 2001 edition is complete and will be sent after today's meeting. Sara still needs a volunteer for the Chat Corner, maybe Dana can accommodate. Also, we need to revive the notion of setting up a list server.
- Policies and Procedures Sara Gottlieb
- Not active.
- Publicity Kim Linder
- No report. The brown (newspaper) wrapper advertising EYH was used. It was in the Albuquerque Journal for January 19 or 29.
One question which came up was whether Kim would assume the (maintenance of) the brochure. The general consensus was yes.
- Science Fair Mercedes Agogino / Dana Roberson
- Awards have been turned in as follows: ten first place awards of $50 each and individual certificates, five to Junior young women exhibitors, five to Senior young women exhibitors in categories to be selected by the judges, with tote bags going to second place winners.
Tote bags, cards, and magnets were brought down by Dana. Mercedes will supply individualized certificates later for mailing with checks.
Names of judges turned in by Mercedes: Karen and Mercedes Agogino, Victoria Dery (to be replaced by Elizabeth Marietta), Carol Ladelfe, Dana and Gary Roberson, and Ann Mauzy. Others may have turned in their names independently as judges and others planning to be present in Socorro have volunteered to help if needed.
Career books were also given out. The official list will be available in about a week and will be sent to Tinka (treasurer) to mail checks. Ideally, we need about 10 judges, 2 for each category.
Thank you to all who helped.
- State Adrienne Dare
- All three EYH conferences have been held. Eastern Chapter (Silver City) held theirs on February 24, Central Chapter (Albuquerque) was held March 3, and the Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) held theirs on March 28. Extra copies of packets were sent to all chapters directly from the Math and Science Network. Registration for the sites was $200 with an additional $60 to mail directly to Los Alamos and Albuquerque. Adrienne reminded all sites to send in their Evaluation Forms plus 10 copies of their brochures to her.
- Albuquerque Kelly Bitner
- Albuquerque's EYH was held March 3 at UNM. A total of 79 adults and 447 students registered. There were 18% no shows so only 368 attended. Three (3) scholarships were available. There were about 25 workshops available for students plus a separate adult program. Good comments were received.
- Los Alamos Dana Roberson
- Publicity was great, especially putting the information on the web. A total of 146 attended (162 registered). The only problem was local schools were on spring break. The teacher conference portion had 16 attend. Fourteen workshops with 23 presenters were held.
- Silver City Adrienne Dare
- The Silver City EYH was held on February 24 at WNMU. Thirteen workshops were presented. Recruiting is always a problem. However, 80 students attended with 40 no shows. This year did have a planning committee with new people, which was good.
Having new members in the planning committee brought new ideas. Throughout the day we held drawings for prizes donated by local merchants.
Their EYH must use campus services for lunch. However, this year they were able to let the Biology Club, a campus organization, to provide lunch as a fundraiser for their organization. Two dollars was charged for their lunch.
Local fund raising was successful. There is some seed money left over. Next year's planning is already underway. This will be our 10th annual EYH.
- Southern Karen Saenz
- Southern Chapter does not have a planning committee for EYH.
- Central Kelly Bitner
- A meeting was held last Sunday afternoon. About 18 people attended. There is a concurrence to have bi-monthly meetings. Next meeting is scheduled for June 1 with a bike ride with a presentation on the constructed wetlands.
- Eastern Mercedes Agogino
- No progress other than working on a fall meeting.
- Northern Dana Roberson
- Dana reported the monthly noontime talks are still successful. Of course, Los Alamos held its EYH in March. The organization will be putting their brochures as "table tents" at the Lab's cafeteria. And, new employee folders will also include a brochure.
- Southern Karen Saenz
- No report. They are not trying to organize. They did, however, receive phone calls inquiring about EYH. Karen did mention that she is submitting paperwork at White Sands to keep the organization viable within the base.
- Professional Seminar Karen Saenz
- The seminar has been cancelled due to lack of interest. It was decided to expand the Friday afternoon activities for the annual meeting. Kelly and Dana are working on the annual meeting.
Dana and Wyona will be sending out bags to those members who responded to the questionnaire.
- Member Survey
- The new survey has not been sent out. The consensus is to send it out but the latest (revised) version needs to be the one sent. Karen will locate that version. Wyona and Karen will work at sending out this version.
- Web Communication
- We need to vote on Policies & Procedures for a webmaster. This would be a chair position. Refer to February 3 meeting. If acceptable, Karen will get into P&P. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Dana to include a Webmaster Chair. Motion passed.
- Logo Magnets Dana Roberson
- It was decided the heavy magnet with our logo would be more useful to produce. Tinka has the stock for this.
- Brown Wrapper Ads
- No report. These were EYH-focused. There is no guarantee what date the Journal will send this wrapper thus we cannot submit dated material. It is probably best to put this out in early October, given the dates for our EYH conferences.
- Science Fair Mercedes Agogino
- Mercedes recommended we produce something small and inexpensive to give to all female participants at all Science Fairs. Maybe a bookmark with our logo and web site, similar to the cards given at the State Science Fair.
- Post Office
- Mail is still being forwarded incorrectly. Currently, our mail is sent to Kirkland AFB, being picked up by Judy Mead. Margo will look into getting a box in Santa Fe, Dana will check in Los Alamos
Next meeting is June 2 at Kelly's home from 10-12.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.