New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

Board Meeting
June 2, 2001

The June NMNWSE Board meeting was held at Kelly Bitner’s house, June 2, 2001. J. Margo Clark called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM. The Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were not received, as they were absent. Mary Campbell agreed to take the minutes at the meeting. Board members present: Kelly Bitner, Mary Campbell, J. Margo Clark, Adrienne Dare, Sara Gottlieb, Carol La Delfe, Dana Roberson, Karen Saenz, Wyona Turner

Standing Committee Reports

Annual Meeting — Kelly Bitner
Kelly presented the 2001 Annual meeting Budget for approval. The meeting is planned for October 19-21 at the Uptown Sheraton at Menaul and Lousiana. She separated the costs for the annual meeting from that of the Workshop to be held on Friday. Costs for the annual meeting including dinner was $2124 and for the workshop including snacks but no meal was $790. If 30 people come the annual meeting, $70 is proposed charge with $20 for extra dinner guests. Charge for workshop is $30. She suggested that the Board Meeting on Sunday be held at her home instead of at the hotel. The Board was happy with the proposed arrangements and approved the budget. Suggestion of more publicity and e-mail reminders were made with up to 7 reminders. A suggestion was made to have an agenda at the workshop from 9 am to 3 pm followed by networking time until 5:30 pm. With lunch and dinner the charge for the workshop would be about $100.
Archives — Mary Campbell
Please send any news of members or Network or EYH activities to archives. At the next Board meeting, Mary will bring a camera for Board member pictures. Please try to attend. Also bring a paragraph about you, your work, and other activities.
Elections — Claudia Lewis
Claudia is in Spain doing a research project. She will return in July to do the elections slate. I am sure she would like suggestions and volunteers at that time.
Fund Raising — Mary Lou Westrom
No report.
Membership — Wyona Turner
Wyona found 50 addresses were not current when she sent out the membership survey.
Newsletter — Angelique Neuman / Sara Gottlieb
The newsletter will be sent out in July. Sara wants information to go into it to be sent to her as soon as possible
Policies and Procedures — Sara Gottlieb
Not active.
Publicity — Kim Linder
Kelly reported that Kim, who was not there, was working on a brochure for the annual meeting. Dana volunteered the use of here trifold machine if the brochure was to be folded in that manner.
Science Fair — Mercedes Agogino / Dana Roberson
Dana will get the names of the first and second place winners from Mercedes and send the information to Tinka and to Sara for the newsletter. Also, please send the information to Mary for Archives.

Expanding Your Horizons

State — Adrienne Dare
Adrienne reported that the evaluation forms from the Silver City and Los Alamos EYH conferences were sent to the Math/Science Network. Adrienne has retired from Western NM University and has e-mail address dare@gilanet.com
Albuquerque — Kelly Bitner
No report.
Los Alamos — Dana Roberson
Next EYH will be in March. Room is reserved for each Wednesday in March. The decision of which date depends on the spring break schedule of the schools involved.
Silver City — Adrienne Dare
The 10th anniversary of the Silver City EYH conference at WNMU will be held on March 2, 2002. The planning committee has met several times and will be meeting more this summer to be sure we get a good start and a good turnout.
Southern — Karen Saenz
Southern Chapter does not have a planning committee for EYH.

Chapter Reports

Central — Kelly Bitner
Bicycle trip to the Albuquerque constructed wetlands and wildlife center was planned for 1:30 June 2 following the board meeting.
Eastern — Mercedes Agogino
No report
Northern — Angelique Neuman
Mary reported that the LAWIS would have a table to give information to the students during the LANL student picnic.
Southern — Karen Saenz
No activity

Old Business

June Seminar
Planning for the Seminar in June was cancelled because no one was able to spend time for the planning in February. Most people’s efforts were toward the EYH conferences. Ideas for the June seminar will be used to extend the annual meeting to include a workshop on networking.
Member Survey
Good response to the survey. 25 bags were distributed to those who answered the survey. The results of the survey will be e-mailed to the Board.
Action Item: select 5 suggestions from the survey on which the Board could concentrate to improve the organization. Make suggestions on how to do these actions. E-mail your suggestions to Karen Saenz.
Post office box
New Post office box in Los Alamos: NMNWSE, P.O. Box 1360, Los Alamos, NM 87544

New Business

Resignation of Ann Mauzy
Ann was a member at large and was not able to come to meetings. We accepted her resignation.
August Meeting:
August 4 in Santa Fe (J. Margo Clark's house)


Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.