New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Board Meeting
4 August 2001
The meeting was held at Margos home in Santa Fe. Board members in attendance were: J. Margo Clark, Adrienne Dare, Wyona Turner, Kim Linder, Karen Saenz, Mary Campbell, Sara Gottlieb, Tinka Gammel, and Alexine Salazar. Visiting was Irene Aguilar. Corrections amended at December 1, 2001 BOD meeting.
Margo called meeting to order at 10:22 a.m.
Minor changes were made to the April minutes and put on the web for review. Changes were approved as changed.
June minutes were also available with changes on the web. Motion to approve as listed was passed.
Tinka still hasnt reimbursed herself for the Career books (about $700) because there isnt enough to cover it. (Recall that additional monies were put in CD or money market account.) Tinka will send out a treasurers report. Any changes or comments should be sent to Tinka.
The annual meeting is scheduled for October 19-21 in Albuquerque at the Sheraton Uptown. Margo read Kellys report. For the Professional Seminar, Kelly is in contact with Susan Gapton for a workshop on leadership and management skills, scheduled (tentatively) for the morning. Kelly is looking into an afternoon workshop on networking skills. Possible keynote speakers are Betty Chow (?sp) or Bess Sellers who is a DOE manager at the Kansas City Plant. Dinner is scheduled to be at the aquarium in front of the shark tank at $30/person (not covered in registration fee) for 30 people. For publicity, Kelly needs contacts for other newsletters (e.g., Sandia and LANL). Kelly roughly estimated the cost to both the Professional Development Seminar and Annual Conference to be about $100 per person. Budget and costs were based on the $250 budgeted for the annual meeting and planning on registration for 30 people. Since the Board had allocated $1500 for the Professional Seminar, a motion was made and passed to reallocate those monies toward the annual meeting (with Professional Seminar), especially to help cover cost for publicity and speaker fees and to help reduce the cost to membership. Based on this, the Board asked Margo to let Kelly know of the additional money and rework her budget. Also suggested was to charge students _ the cost of registration. The Board also requested clarification of the dinner is it Friday evening or Saturday evening? If it is Saturday, she might look into setting up a Friday evening dinner in a more casual setting with possibly a speaker. Agencies or businesses will tend to cover the cost of the meal if a speaker is scheduled. Many suggestions were mentioned for publicity contacts. Included were: state web server; LAWIS server; LANLs Womens Diversity Working Group; UNM (Lobo, women scientists/profs); AAUW (contact: Adrienne Dare is on the state board) with deadline of August 10 for their newsletter; SWE (contact: Anita Riser at Sandia); tents at LANL cafeteria, Hispano Chamber of Commerce (contact is Mary Ann Jones 842-9003); NMCSW (contact: Yolanda Roybal 841-8920); State Dept. of Ed.;UNM-LA (contact Rebecca Laff); Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos (contact Pat Rogers); LANL graduate and post-doc students (contact Carol Rutten); ad in Albuq. Journal or Tribune (there is money in our budget available for advertising); and SAGE in Journal. A question was asked if the call for papers had been placed yet. Margo will check the status on this and on the (tentative) agenda with Kelly.
Mary reported she has downloaded the information off the website and is getting pictures of current Board members. Margo requested that all reports for network business should be sent to Mary.
Carol will be taking over for Claudia. Karen will provide Carol with a list of members going off the Board. By laws require call for nomination for elections be sent after 1 week of this meeting. A motion by Tinka and seconded by Kim to delay this process by 2 weeks was made and passed.
No report.
Wyona reported there are 92 members total. Tinka has one additional. Sara asked Wyona for labels. Wyona gave her a copy to share with Kelly.
Sara reported there was no mailing in July but will be mailed in August so as to include information on the annual meeting. She still needs the Presidents report and information on the elections might also be added.
Brenda Davies is working on publicity brochure. Kim will put in request for newspaper brown wrapper ad to include EYH contacts for Northern (Dana), Silver City (Adrienne) and Central (Kelly).
Kim also mentioned we have a great need to "advertise" our membership by nominating them for awards including the Governors Award and the "Women Helping Women" GE Award. The deadline is September 17, does anyone wish to nominate a member? The Board agreed on nominating Janie Enter. It was also suggested to have another organization nominate this same person. Suggested was the Women Diversity Working Group (contact Georgia Pedicini at Other awards include YWCA "Women on the Move" Award.
No report.
The evaluation forms for all EYH conferences have been sent to the Math & Science Network.
Mary reported Dana has reserved all Wednesdays in March as possible EYH date pending school spring break schedule.
Silver City EYH is scheduled for March 2, 2002.
Their EYH is scheduled for March 9, 2002
Mary reported their annual picnic was held but not well attended because it had not been well advertised in advance. LAWIS was present at the Labs student picnic and handed out magnets.
No report.
No report.
To summarize, membership has other priorities, they want to continue EYH, they want to recruit or increase membership and events, and they want to expand the annual meeting. However, no one volunteered to implement these things.
Who is picking up the mail? Margo will inquire. Our address is NMNWSE, P.O. Box 1360, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Need to change from the old address.
Kim is expecting a baby October 17 and Sara on December 18. Congratulations!!
Motion to adjourn by Karen, seconded by Tinka passed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Alexine Salazar
NMNWSE Secretary