New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Board Meeting
21 October 2001
The meeting was held in Albuquerque at Kelly Bitners home. Board members in attendance were: Margo, Mercedes, Dana, Jeanne, Kelly, Wyona, Carol, Sara and Alexine. [Corrections amended at December 1, 2001 BOD meeting.]
Margo, Acting President, called meeting to order at 8:08 am. Alexine brought the wrong minutes. She will email everyone with the August 2001 minutes for review.
No report. However, members present did discuss the need to increase our income donations. Carol volunteered to write grant proposals. (Off-line, Alexine will send Carol programs from EYH 2000.)
This years symposium/meeting was probably expensive. Discussion and agreement centered on the need for the Annual Meeting to be a Board function and not a chapter function.
No report.
(Taken from the annual report.) Claudia noted that she sent out a call for nominations via email membership list, the LAWIS listserv and the NMNWSE listserv on August 29. A copy of the letter sent is on file. From the responses she received and compiled, a slate of candidates was "snail-mailed" and emailed around October 15 to the membership. A total of 23 ballots were cast (25% of the membership; up from 15% last year!). Three were received snail-mail, 21 via email. The results follow:
Vice President/President Elect Kelly Bitner (write-in, 1 vote) declined
Claudia Lewis (write-in, 2 votes) declined
Jeanne Banks (write-in, 1 vote) accepts
Beulah Woodfin (write-in, 1 vote) declined
Dede Collins (write-in, 1 vote) no response yet
Treasurer Yolanda King (Central) 23 votes
No write-in votes
Secretary Alexine Salazar (Northern) 23 votes
No write-in votes
Members-at-Large Kelly Bitner (Central) 23 votes
Kim Linder (Central) 23 votes
Carol LaDelfe (Northern) 23 votes
Kathy Prestridge (write-in, 1 vote) accepts
Since prior to this meeting our VP/President Elect, Angelique Neuman, resigned her position and we had no one to fill this position just prior to our annual meeting, Margo Clark agreed to continue as Acting President until the Dec. 2001 meeting. At that time Jeanne Banks has agreed to step up from VP/President Elect to Presidency. Dede Collins has agreed to become VP/President Elect at that time. Margo asked of all the board members if they would be willing to continue in their current positions through the December meeting when Jeanne Banks will appoint the new Board position. Wyona (Membership Chair) and Mercedes (Science Fair Chair) agreed, but Sara (Newsletter editor) declined because her baby is due in mid December.
No report.
Wyona noted she has had a problem in receiving membership renewals (from the Treasurer). There were 5 new members who did not receive "services" because of this. Wyona will extend their membership for 01-02. Chapters will not be reimbursed for these memberships.
Wyona, in anticipation of leaving the Board, brought a box of "membership stuff" to pass on to the next chair. She will keep until December. She noted that she cut a CD of membership information for archives. She also noted that the link on the LAWIS (Northern) web page for membership form should redirect to the NMNWSE membership form.
A double issue of the newsletter was generated in August. The newsletter was mailed (hardcopy) on August 15 to approximately 45 members and emailed to 75 (members and non-members) on August 22. This newsletter included an announcement about the Annual Meeting, results from the NM State Science Fair, and a call for nominations for Board positions as well as the minutes from the April and June 2001 Board meetings.
The email list needs to be updated. Angelique had been keeping the list of members who preferred to receive the e-newsletter but it has not been updated with the current membership list. List members are removed upon request only. Sara recommends that the membership chair maintain a field in the database indicating whether the member prefers hardcopy or email, and the membership form should include a way for new members and renewals to indicate this preference. The next newsletter will be generated as soon as the minutes form the August 2001 board meeting are approved and provided to the editor.
No report.
No additional report. Mercedes requested more magnets. Also, the checks have not been sent out yet. Claudia is preparing them. Mercedes recommended we only give our 10 awards. Logistically, 20 are much harder to do. She discussed the need to have bookmarks and magnets or pencils and pens with our logo and web page address. We also need a new brochure. Margo appointed Mercedes, Carol, and Kim to come up with a plan as how to address this problem.
It is time again to pay our agency fee to the Math & Science Network. The registration fee for 2-5 sites is $200. So we need a check for $200 (or more Š see below).
Note the following: "An agency site receives a single copy of EYH organizational and conference materials mailed to the agency address. The agency is responsible for the distributing the materials to the sites. If the agency wishes for all or some of the individual sites to receive EYH materials directly, there is an additional fee of $30 per site. Individual sites within the agency may also obtain the EYH materials directly by sending the $30 fee to the Network."
So, if you choose, as we did last year, then IÕll need an additional $30 for each additional site.
When we register the sites, the following information for each site is requested: EYH Site Name/City, Conference Date, Site Contact-Name, email, address, phone, City, State, Zip. Please send the check and the contact information as soon as possible so that I can send it on to Math/Science Network.
The LAWIS EYH is scheduled for March 13, 2002 at the Study Center. However, under current conditions, only badge-holders are allowed in the Study Center. Meetings will start in November. Dana has be archiving all EYH-related documents onto CD.
Their EYH is scheduled at WNMU on March 2, 2002. The planning committee has been meeting since just after last yearÕs conference. I have some new enthusiastic members on the committee. We will aim for 150 girls and will follow the same general program as in the past: three workshops, lunch, and a group activity. This is our 10th anniversary. We are currently recruiting presenters and funds for this next yearÕs conference. Here is my budget: (submitted to request the $300 seed money). Make check payable to Grant County AAUW and send to me. Income-seed money $300, donations $1250, totaling $1550. Expenses- T-shirts (150*6) $900, advertising $200, lunch $350, misc. $100, totaling $1550.
EYH scheduled for March 9, 2002. They expect 400 girls. Presenters are being sought. Kelly wants to change their bulk mail permit to a non-profit bulk mail permit. The question is if we are covered under the federal 501.3c status. We need to check archives and with Yolanda regarding this issue. Dana will also try and contact Mary Lou Westrom.
No report.
Need to also include the problem filling the slate for Board members, as well. Discussion centered on what we need to provide to the chapters. What is important to each chapter? We should focus on centralized fundraising so chapters dont have to worry about this. This will generate monies for tote bags, Career books, and other promotional. Kelly volunteered to pull our charter from the mission statement (in by laws), reword, and bring to the December meeting.
December 1 Rio Rancho at Jeanne Banks home
February 2 Albuquerque at Kelly Bitners home
April 13 Socorro (Science Fair)
June 1 Los Alamos at Carol LaDelfes home
August 10
October Annual Meeting
December 7
Meeting was adjourned (motioned by Jeanne; seconded by Carol) at 10:35 am.