New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Board Meeting
1 December 2001
The meeting was held in Placitas at Jeannes home. Board members in attendance were: Adrienne, Margo, Carol, Kim, Sara, Mary, Jeanne, dede, Tinka, and Alexine.
Margo called meeting to order at 10:08 am.
Minutes were approved as amended (motioned by Carol; seconded by Kim).
Minutes were approved as amended (motioned by dede; seconded by Carol).
Minutes not approved but comments and corrections made while meeting was still fresh in everyones mind.
TREASURERS REPORT Yolanda King (proxy)
Margo will forward a copy of Yolandas report to me.
Paperwork explained. Yolanda indicated this was sufficient to obtain a non-profit mail permit.
Reference was made to an email from Claudia, which indicated "they" did not want their rebates since they were not active at the time.
Yolanda needs papers. Alexine had but needed signature from Jeanne. She will mail out to Yolanda.
Yolanda doesnt have any recent paperwork.
Need to send with names of our current members. Alexine will submit a letter with the information.
Needs Tinkas address.
Claudia reported $7000 but this should be $6000.
Yolanda has no bank statements and probably doesnt have the treasurers book. We need to change all address information for BofA, Dean Witter, and USPS (forward our mail). Alexine will submit formal requests.
No report.
Mary brought digital pictures she took at one of our board meetings. Mary is keeping books up to date but everyone needs to send her email. Dede commented that, per our by laws, we are only required to keep the minutes from the previous year and current minutes with the Secretary. Alexine needs to reflect in the minutes the date they were approved.
Claudia gave Margo her notebook to leave with Jeanne.
Tinka will be sending Yolanda some information on fundraising.
Wyona has the membership box to give to Jeanne. She will be in Albuquerque on December 21. Jeanne will contact her. Tinka recalls (when she was treasurer) that a member paid twice, Tracy McFarland, maybe. We need to reimburse her money. Carol volunteered to be membership chair.
No report since there hasnt been a newsletter. Use of the listserve and future needs have to be discussed.
The brown wrapper information was submitted to the Albuquerque Journal. It should be coming out in Dec-Jan-Feb. Also, the GE Working Woman Award is in January
The Science Fair is scheduled for April 13.
Adrienne requested $200 + $60 for Math & Science Network. She will send email to Yolanda with that request. She needs information from each site, along with POC. Included should be location, FAX number, date, etc.
Are there enough book bags for this year? Per Tinka, we have enough (about 1500). We will need to do some fundraising this year to order more bags for next year.
There is some confusion regarding the $200 check paid out to MSN. This was never received. A check for $260 was sent to MSN in February 2001. Yolanda will need to check bank statements.
Also, the insurance was paid late last year.
Chapter reports were skipped. Skip to Old Business.
Kelly submitted via email to the Board for review. After some discussion, Jeanne offered to reword based on suggestions from our discussion. This does require membership approval (i.e., members do need to vote to adopt or not).
February 2 Albuquerque at Kellys
April 13 Socorro (Science Fair)
June 1 Los Alamos at Carols
August 10
October Annual Meeting
December 7
The YWCA of the Upper Rio Grande Women on the Move Award is due January 11. There is a $100 fee and requires a 500 word summary. Motion to allocate $100 from the general fund for this made by Carol, seconded by Alexine; approved.
Also, Kim motioned to nominate Adrienne, seconded by dede; approved.
What about the Governors Award? To be discussed later.
Tinka member at large
Adrienne member at large, Southern Chapter rep.
Check the by laws regarding rotating between chapters. BOD thinks it is now appropriate that this become a BOD function.
Tinka announced she has magnets available for events (EYH, science fairs, etc). Also, she announced that LAWIS (Northern Chapter) is considering purchasing a mug press.
Margo thanked the BOD for the support given this past year. The "virtual gavel" was passed on the Jeanne.
Meeting was adjourned (motioned by dede; seconded by Carol) at 12:40 pm.