New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

Board Meeting

2 February 2002

Corrections amended and approved during 1 June 2002 BOD Meeting.

The meeting was held at Kelly Bitner's house in Albuquerque. Board members in attendance were: Jeanne, Tinka, dede, Kelly, Margo, Kim, Alexine, Carol, Barbara, Yolanda, Dana, Beulah, and Mary.

Jeanne called the meeting to order at 10:10 am.

SECRETARY'S REPORT - Alexine Salazar

The minutes for the 1 December 2001 meeting were distributed and read by members present. Motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Yolanda, seconded by Kim; motion was passed.
Alexine submitted a reimbursement request (on file) to cover mailings for $10.73.

TREASURER'S REPORT - Yolanda Jones King

Yolanda reported she is still missing some bank statements. Tinka mentioned she has several, which she will forward to Yolanda. A balance of $509.57 is probably incorrect; a balance of $2,200.00 is the balance received when requested from the bank. This is without Adrienne's checks. Yolanda will be checking with the bank regarding those checks.

Yolanda reported she is sending a letter to Dwayne Sowenson to change signatures on the money market account. Kelly has the address and information and will mail to Yolanda.

Regarding Career Booklets, $700+ is owed Tinka. The question of "Where is the master copy?" came up. Ann Mauzy has it on ZIP and Tinka has it on CD. . A check for $43.09 was paid to Alpha Graphics for writing the CD. After all EYH conferences, we will have about 400 Career Booklets left.

Alexine has been sending membership checks with copy of form to Yolanda and the original form forwarded on to Carol. Alexine should also write the check number on Carols form.

A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by dede, seconded by Kelly, and passed.


  1. The 2001 Final Report was given by Kelly. She is concerned about the process to transfer $1000 from the Professional Development line item from our annual budget into the annual meeting line item amount. The total cost of the conference was $4,138.01, with a loss of $800.
  2. Archives - Mary S. Campbell
    Mary has nothing to report. Alexine gave here copies of all 2000 minutes for filing.
  3. Web Page - Carol LaDelfe
    There have several updates to the web page. The newsletter now includes network family news. Included was news on Kelly, Sara's baby, and Carol is a new grandmother (her daughter Catherine is a member).
  4. Membership - Carol LaDelfe
    We have a total of 76 professional members (44 Northern, 25 Central, 6 Southern, 1 Easter). Carol will email a report to Jeanne and Alexine. Both Carol and Wyona sent out renewal notices. Since December there have been 8 Northern, 6 Central and 1 Southern renewal.
  5. Fund Raising - Beulah Woodfin
    Beulah has volunteered to chair the fund raising position. We have received $1,000 from Honeywell for EYH ($500 to Northern and $500 to Central). United International Engineering also donated $100.
    We need to acknowledge these and future donations via brochures, signs at EYH, and adding to the web page.
    Beulah has requested contacts for donors. Jeanne will try to contact Mary Lou Westron (past chair) for her notebook. Sponsorship letter request should include some "level" of sponsorship or full sponsorship.
    Alexine will send letterhead to the Board. Kelly has extra envelopes with the old address but we could make labels to cover these with the new address.
  6. Newsletter - dede Collins and Kelly Bitner
    Carol has requested a copy of the newsletter for the web page in PDF format. Kim has offered to convert the Word document to PDF.
  7. Policies and Procedures - Barbara Torres
    Barbara has volunteer to chair this position. There was a motion to reactivate this position by Mary, seconded by Margo, and approved.
  8. Publicity - Kim Linder
    The Governor's Award is coming up. This can also be used within the fundraising letter
    Also the YWCA Women on the Move Award is coming up. Adrienne was nominated. Announcement will be made in February. Adrienne needs to be reimbursed the $100 nomination fee.
    We need to discuss the need to be included in the Albuquerque Women's Directory. Decision was tabled while more information on its need is researched.
  9. Science Fair - Mercedes Agogino and Dana Roberson
    Dana reported the fair is scheduled for April 13 with the Board meeting following from 2-4. We still need more judges. Volunteered were Kelly, Buelah, Carol, Margo, and Jeanne. Jeanne will contact Wyona regarding whom to contact to reserve the meeting room. Beulah recommended judges stay overnight at the school for about $10 in the cabins they have for rent.


  1. State EYH - Adrienne Dare (proxy)
    Per email, Adrienne reported she has registered our sites with the Math and Science Network for the upcoming EYH conferences. She needs to be reimbursed for $260 (in addition to the $100 from above). Also, she is requesting the $300 EYH seed money, made payable to Grant County Branch AAUW. The Central and Northern Chapters should have received the EYH packets directly.
  2. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) - Dana Roberson
    The conference is schedule for March 13. She submitted a budget to Yolanda to obtain the seed money. The conference has been moved to the Motorola Research Park and is limited to 120 girls. No registrations have been received as of yet but are expected.
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kelly Bitner
    EYH is schedule for March 9. A budget has been submitted to Yolanda. They are expecting about 400 girls and have a separate adult program.
  4. Southern Chapter (Silver City) - Adrienne Dare (proxy)
    EYH is set for March 2 at WNMU. We are planning for 150 girls.


  1. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) -
    They published a Pregnancy Booklet but are currently seeking to get necessary paperwork to formally publish within the Lab. They are currently working on a Sexual Harassment booklet.
  2. Eastern Chapter (Portales) -
    No report.
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kelly Bitner
    Four awards will be given at the Regional Science Fair on March 16 at UNM. On February 11, Kim will be a guest speaker on FM 107.9 to talk about EYH. Also, if they help with their fundraising, they can get a spot on KUNM or KNME to advertise the EYH conference.
  4. Southern Chapter (Silver City) -
    The Board discussed whether we should have this chapter since, other than EYH, is inactive. Carol will get the membership information. Barbara is willing to talk with the President of NewTech (February 13). Beulah will contact some people at White Sands or on the base.


  1. Charter - Jeanne Banks
    Refer to the handout. She put in the Technical Symposium, made changes per December meeting, and pulled wording off the By Laws. Board needs to review.


  1. Governor's Award
    There is a February 22 deadline. A motion to recommend Kelly was made by dede, seconded by Margo, and approved. A $10 donation will be needed. Dinner is scheduled for May 4 at the Hyatt Regency.
  2. Albuquerque Women in Business Directory
    There is a $125 fee to be listed. You can also buy an advertisement. A motion to add our name was made by Beulah, seconded by dede; approved.
  3. Meetings
December 1 at Jeanne's
February 2 Albuquerque at Kelly's
April 13 Socorro (Science Fair)
June 1 Los Alamos at Carol's
August 10 Jeanne's cabin
October Annual Meeting
December 7

Meeting was adjourned (motioned by Jeanne; seconded by Carol) at 12:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Alexine Salazar
NMNWSE Secretary
NMNWSE Board Meeting Minutes
2 February 2002