New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

Board Meeting

1 June 2002

The meeting was held in Los Alamos at Carol LaDelfe's home. Board members in attendance were: Carol, Yolanda, Tinka, and Alexine.

NOTE: Margo gave us her proxy vote prior to the meeting; the five votes gave us a simple majority which allowed us to motion and approved items.

In the absence of Jeanne, Carol called the meeting to order at 10:40am.

SECRETARY'S REPORT - Alexine Salazar

Minutes for the February 2 BOD meeting were amended as follows: Tinka corrected the amount owed her to $700+ from $3700+; AlphaGraphics doesn't owe us a CD; we don't owe AlphaGraphics any money; and the $43.09 paid to AlphaGraphics was for them to save it to CD (although they did not convert to HTML as they were supposed to).
Motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Yolanda, seconded by Carol; motion was passed.
Alexine picked up the mail a few days prior to this meeting. She gave Yolanda a statement for the PO box (fee due). She also gave Carol returned membership mailings to update her membership database.
Alexine submitted a reimbursement for postage totaling $4.23.

TREASURER'S REPORT - Yolanda Jones King

Yolanda provided two reports, one for the April meeting, which was cancelled. The second for this meeting. At the end of May, our checking balance was $4,255.05 and money market was $7,011.77. Only $30 was received for dues and $500 was paid out for Science Fair winners. Ending balance is $3,755.05 for checking; money market remained the same.
A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by Alexine, seconded by Yolanda; motion was passed.
A $10 fee to cover the nomination of Kelly Bitner for the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women Estrella Award: Celebrating the Shining Stars of New Mexico was discussed. Since Kelly was nominated for the Governor's Award, her name was automatically entered for this award to be presented in the fall. Specifically, Kelly was nominated for the Trialblazer Award. A motion to approve paying the $10 was made by Tinka and seconded by Yolanda; approved.


  1. Annual Meeting -
  2. Archives - Mary S. Campbell
    No report.
  3. Web Page - Carol LaDelfe
    No major updates to the web page have been made. Carol is waiting for final copies (approved) minutes from Alexine to include. Alexine will provide missing minutes.
  4. Membership - Carol LaDelfe
    There have been some new members. Carol distributed a preliminary copy of the membership listing. She will try to publish the list within the next couple of weeks.
    A suggestion to add an additional item to the membership form was made to give permission by members to transmit this membership list via email. Carol will look into this possibility, as we as investigating secure web site concerns.
  5. Fund Raising - Beulah Woodfin
    No report.
  6. Newsletter - dede Collins and Kelly Bitner
    No report.
  7. Policies and Procedures - Barbara Torres
    No report.
  8. Publicity - Kim Linder
    Kim sent Carol photos from the Central EYH to include on the web site.
  9. Science Fair - Mercedes Agogino and Dana Roberson (proxy)
    The main issued was recruiting judges and keeping them! At least 10 judges are needed. Dana provided a list of items (can be a checklist) to provide all judges prior to and on the day of the Fair.


  1. State EYH - Adrienne Dare (proxy)
    This year there were three EYH conferences in New Mexico: Silver City on March 2, contact person was Adrienne Dare, Albuquerque on March 9, contact person was Linda McCormick, and Los Alamos on March 13, contact person was Dana Roberson.
    EYH evaluations for the Silver City and Albuquerque conferences have been sent to the Math/Science network. Adrienne was not sure if Los Alamos sent in their report.
  2. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) - Dana Roberson (proxy)
    Dana provided a written report (on file).
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kim Linder (proxy)
    (NOTE: Proxy report submitted for April 13 BOD meeting which was canceled).
    The EYH in Albuquerque was held March 9 at UNM. The keynote speaker was Dr. Kathy Haaland, a neurologist. There were about 26 workshops for the expected 400 girls. There was also an adult program, which featured financial aide, how to keep your daughter interested in math and science, and a tour of some UNM labs.
  4. Southern Chapter (Silver City) - Adrienne Dare (proxy)
    The Silver City EYH conference at WNMU was held on March 2, 2002. There were 16 role models for our workshops. We had approximately 175 girls attend. This is the largest number ever. Around 240 had registered. Since our brochures were out very late, these registrations were gathered in just one week before the conference.
    At registration in the morning at 9:00 the girls picked up their packets and picked out a t-shirt. Throughout the day there were drawings for prizes. After gathering for registration, the girls then attended two workshops, one before lunch and one after lunch. The Biology Club cooked and served a hot dog lunch for the girls and the helpers. After the third workshop, the girls participated in a group activity in the gym. After the group activity we had the final drawing for more prizes followed by the girls filling out their evaluations. The conference ended at 3:00 pm.
    We felt the conference was a great success in spite of the fact that a lot of the work got done at the last minute due to family emergencies in the lives of a couple of the organizers. Since our local fundraising was late in getting going, we raised a lot less than anticipated but with the excess from previous years it looks like we'll break even this year. The total in the account was about $1600 and the expenses are about $1600.


  1. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) - Kathy Prestridge
    No report.
  2. Eastern Chapter () -
    No report.
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kim Linder (proxy)
    (NOTE: Proxy report submitted for April 13 BOD meeting which was canceled).
    The Central Chapter gave 4 awards at the Regional Science Fair. Awards of $100 savings bonds were given to seniors with projects in the Environmental and Earth Science categories and awards of $50 savings bonds were given to juniors in the Engineering and Computer Science categories.
  4. Southern Chapter () -
    No report.


  1. Draft Charter for NMNWSE
    No discussion.
  2. Albuquerque Women in Business Directory Listing
    We voted at February meeting to pay $125 for this listing but a check has not been made. Need to check with Beulah.


  1. 2002 Annual Meeting
    After some discussion, we decided to hold the conference in Sevielleta. Two dates of September 27-29 or October 4-6 were selected. Yolanda will contact Debbie Potter to reserve the location.
  2. Meetings
December 1 at Jeanne's
February 2 Albuquerque at Kelly's
April 13 Socorro (Science Fair)
June 1 Los Alamos at Carol's
August 10 Jeanne's cabin
October Annual Meeting
December 7

A motion to adjourn without objections was made by Carol at 12:05pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Alexine Salazar
NMNWSE Secretary
NMNWSE Board Meeting Minutes
1 June 2002