New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering

Board Meeting

10 August 2002

The meeting was held in Santa Fe at Margo's home. Board members in attendance were: Alexine Salazar, Barbara Torres, Tinka Gammel, Jeanne Banks, J. Margo Clark, and Mary Campbell.

Jeanne called the meeting to order at 10:15 am.

SECRETARY'S REPORT - Alexine Salazar

Motion to accept the minutes for 1 June 2002 as submitted was made by Margo, seconded by ?; motion was passed and approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT - Yolanda Jones King (proxy)

Yolanda forwarded a copy of her report. She will prepare for the annual audit.


  1. Annual Meeting -
  2. Archives - Mary S. Campbell
    Mary reported she has received some reports. She reminded us to forward copies of everything to her for archiving.
  3. Web Page - Carol LaDelfe
    Carol indicated she will update the web page after she returns in mid September.
  4. Membership - Carol LaDelfe
    No report. However, Kathy Prestridge has requested the Board discuss her request to modify the membership form (or just have it for the Northern Chapter). LAWIS is concerned about not receiving their membership forms/information on a timely fashion so they were considering having a separate form. Jeanne will contact Kathy. Carol will coordinate with the LAWIS membership chair.
  5. Fund Raising - Beulah Woodfin
    Beulah met with Jeanne to discuss grant proposals. Please send Beulah suggestions and/or contacts.
  6. Newsletter - dede Collins and Kelly Bitner
    Jeanne will contact dede and Kelly and provide input for the newsletter.
  7. Policies and Procedures - Barbara Torres
    Barbara is reviewing the By-Laws and Policies and Procedures. Some changes needed are grammatical, syntax, voice, etc. All are minor changes. By-Laws Section 4.4 she suggested removing "techniques". We discussed changes and clarifications. No motion is required to change any of the wording. Changes were made without motioning.
    Barbara will start reviewing P&P for changes.
  8. Publicity - Kim Linder
  9. Science Fair - Mercedes Agogino and Dana Roberson
    No report.


  1. Dana submitted an article to the Math & Science Network.
    Tinka mentioned she has 100-400 Career Booklets available. There is a PageMaker version on CD as well as a PDF and HTML version on the web. Jeanne will check with Cottonwood (TRW's contract for printing) to get an estimate on printing copies. Also, she can check on getting paper from someone else which would be ~20% less than buying from Cottonwood. Tinka will send 2 booklets (and a bag) to Jeanne to show the printer.
    We only have about 20 bags so those need to be ordered.
  2. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) - Dana Roberson
    No report.
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kelly Bitner
    No report.
  4. Southern Chapter (Silver City) - Adrienne Dare
    No report.


  1. Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) - Tinka Gamme
    The noontime presentations have restarted.
  2. Eastern Chapter () - Mercedes Agogino
    No report.
  3. Central Chapter (Albuquerque) - Kelly Bitner
    No report.
  4. Southern Chapter (Silver City) -
    No report; disbanding.


  1. 2002 Annual Meeting
    We need to check with Yolanda regarding the availability of Sevilleta for September 27-29 or October 4-6. Yolanda volunteered to initiate the Call for Papers. We discussed whether we should have any panel discussions, speakers during lunch, and what to do for dinner Friday night. Jeanne will send out an agenda. Margo will call Glorieta and Ft. Marcy Complex to check on availability for these 2 dates. Jeanne will contact the Sheraton Uptown in Albuquerque.
  2. Association for Women in Science
    Kim (by proxy) brought up the discussion of our affiliation with AWSE. Should we consider joining this organization? Jeanne will contact Kim and request she do further research on joining.


  1. Awards
  2. The New Mexico Commission for the Status of Women notified us that Kelly Bitner has been nominated for the Trailblazer Estrella Award. Notifications will be made on August 16 with awards given September 20 at a luncheon.
  3. The University of Washington Women in Girls in Technology Initiative (WGIT)
  4. has contacted us requesting to register our organization with this initiative. In doing so, we would become a WGIT Agency. A motion to register with them was made by Mary, seconded by Tinka. After additional discussion, the motion was amended to allow Jeanne to decide to register us only after she further investigates the organization. This motion as amended carried.
  5. Meetings
October Annual Meeting
December 7Where
Meeting was adjourned (motioned by Margo, seconded by Alexine; passed) at 12:00-ish.

Respectfully submitted by:
Alexine Salazar
NMNWSE Secretary
NMNWSE Board Meeting Minutes
10 August 2002