New Mexico Network for
NMNWSE Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President/President-Elect
Annual Meeting
EYH Coordinator
Fund Raising
Policies and Procedures
Science Fair
Central Chapter
Eastern Chapter
Northern Chapter
Southern Chapter
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Carol La Delfe Weve made it through the initial Y2K hurdles with no drastic failures of utilities or terrorist attacks at midnight, and my computers came up with only a couple of oddities such as the one Im writing this on thinks today is tomorrow. I hope your world is at least as normal as mine. Were at work on new ways for our members to communicate. If you have an e-mail address in our membership database you have probably received a message from Kim Elam asking you if youd like to subscribe to a NMNWSE list server, and Im hoping we have a good turnout for this new asset. Im hoping to be able to use it to provide quicker updates on topics that arise, as well as to hear of issues that may need attention. We are also hoping to shorten the time between issues of the newsletter to two months, rather than three (Ill try not to be the bottleneck) so that reports of board meetings and the associated discussions can reach you more promptly. Angelique is also hoping to add some mini-biographies of our board members to the contents. We also talked of the possibility of some inter-chapter get-togethers, perhaps Northern and Central meeting occasionally in Santa Fe for dinner and a talk. Any ideas will be welcome, and well see how many of them we can implement. Happy 2000 to all of you, and heres to a great year for some, the first year of the third millennium, and others, the last year of the second millennium.
December 1999 Board Meeting![]() December 11, 1999 The meeting was held in Los Alamos at Carol La Delfes. The following board members were in attendance: Carol La Delfe, Claudia Lewis, Sarah Gottlieb, Wyona Turner, Kim Elam, Angelique Neuman, and Adrienne Dare. Call to Order:10:12 AM Approval of Minutes:The October 17 board meeting minutes were approved as read. TREASURERThe Treasurers report was accepted as submitted. Our FY00 total balance stands at about $24k. We have plenty of money to order career booklets. We received grants from Sandia and Honeywell (see fundraising for amounts). STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTSANNUAL MEETINGWe would like to schedule the next Annual Meeting in early October, but need to make sure there isnt a conflict with AAUW. ARCHIVESNo report. ELECTIONSNo report. |
Carol needs to appoint someone to fundraising. She needs to find someone to replace Margo Clark since she switched position after one year. We received a grant from Sandia to the tune of $2500 and from Honeywell for $1500 (even after they said that with their recent merger they might not be able to donate good job Kelly). Its not clear if Kelly Bitner should continue to archive funding mailings until a new fundraiser is appointed.
We have 68 current members. Wyona has sent out 43 second-notices for renewal and received three non-renewals: Lynne Johnson, Carol Burleson and Laurine La Planche. We also have 7 new members: Angela Ferrara, Carolyn Kuranz, Aimee Loewenstern, Ana Schwendt, Julie Seton, Mary Westrom, and Meghan Wingate welcome aboard.
A November newsletter was sent out that covered the October Annual Meeting as well as the October Board Meeting. Newsletters were sent out via email or snail mail, as previously requested. Angelique recently upgraded her word processing software to MS Office 2000. A handful of members had trouble opening the newsletter attachment. In these isolated cases the members in question received an old MS Office version as an attachment and a paper copy via snail mail.
The updated Policy and Procedures are on the web. Angelique was requested to send a copy of both to all the network members in the next newsletter.
Kim Elam our new publicity representative needs to contact Kelly Bitner in order to receive her binder and any other pertinent information. Kims been requested to see if we can get more Network Business cards made up for the Board members (we like using them for things like EYH or the Science Fairs).
No report.
Adrienne has registered our sites with the Math/Science Network for $200. As soon as the student and adult packets arrive she will send these on to each site coordinator. She still needs information about the conference in Albuquerque for liability insurance purposes. She needs the address and FAX number of the contact person (Nan Founds), and the number of people attending (during this board meeting she was informed that the conference will be held at UNM on March 11, 2000).
The other three sites (and information) are as follows:
Silver City Conference, contact person Adrienne Dare, held at West New Mexico University Campus, on February 26, 2000, expecting 150 students and 50 teachers/parents.
White Sands Conference, contact person Karen Saenz, held at White Sands Missile Range Community Center, on March 9, 2000, expecting 200 participants.
Los Alamos National Laboratories Conference, contact person Alexine Salazar, held at the LANL Study Center, on March 6, 2000, expecting 150 students and 30 adults. Adrienne has approximately 150 career booklets so we need to get on the ball on ordering new booklets.
Kim reported that Nan Founds will be the contact person and that the conference will be held at UNM on March 11, 2000.
No report.
No report.
The Silver City EYH Conference is scheduled for February 26, 2000 at Western New Mexico University. We are planning for 150 girls and 50 adults. There will be two separate conferences. Planning is in the beginning stages. Since this is our 8th year we have things under control. Adrienne also submitted her proposed budget for this years conference.
Seed money from NMNWSE
$ 300
Registration for girls (150 x $5)
$ 750
Registration for adults (50 x $5)
$ 250
Donations from local businesses
Lunch (200 x $7)
T-shirts (150x$6)
$ 900
$ 200 $2500
Central is thinking about having joint meetings with SWE.
No report.
No report.
No report.
By Angelique Neuman
The intent of this new section is to learn something about network members. We will start this section with board members, but all members are welcome to suggest something for this section.
For this edition I wanted to talk about something exciting that happened to me just recently. I was selected as one of the Young Leader Interns for 2000 for TMS (The Minerals Metals Materials Society). Only ten materials engineers under the age of 35 get selected each year, so it is a great honor. I was a TMS student member from 1993 to 1997, and have been a TMS junior member since October 1997. As a Young Leader Intern my travel expenses to the two yearly TMS meetings are paid for. I get to attend all the meeting activities I would like free of charge and get to meet the TMS board members. I am quite excited about the opportunity.
For the next edition we will hear from Claudia Lewis.