New Mexico Network for
NMNWSE Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President/President-Elect
Annual Meeting
EYH Coordinator
Fund Raising
Policies and Procedures
Science Fair
Central Chapter
Eastern Chapter
Northern Chapter
Southern Chapter
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Carol La Delfe May 2000 Los Alamos has just recently sustained significant losses that have dominated our thoughts for over two weeks--The Cerro Grande Wildfire sideswiped our community and workplace, leaving many of our members stunned, and at least one of us without a home. I am one of the fortunate, since my home is in a quadrant of the community that was essentially unscathed. I didn't even have to empty my refrigerator because our electricity was only off for short periods, if at all. Still, my thoughts do not stray far from those who lost everything and getting "back to normal" is not as easy as I thought it might be. Old friends and new are struggling with the confusion, anguish, and anger that suddenly being homeless must bring. Some may not choose to stay, so we'll run the risk of losing touch. Others will stay and go through the energy-draining fight to rebuild. This has become a very expensive place to live, and insurance on old government-built homes may not come close to paying for a replacement. Work at the Laboratory has been not only interrupted but, for some of us, is going to undergo some major changes at least for the rest of this fiscal year. At the moment, some parts of the Laboratory still have not resumed operations and others have not restarted programmatic work. New safety issues need to be addressed as the fire is not "out", just "contained" and frequent puffs of smoke erupt from spots that were thought to be quelled. A thunderstorm yesterday even stirred flames through the line of containment once again, although not near homes or Laboratory. What this experience has done for us is to remind us of the value of friends and colleagues. We greet each other with hugs, and sometimes tears, whether we meet in the grocery store or in church. We even had a moving reunion as many of us stood in line to pick up mail at the Pojoaque High School gymnasium during our 5-day evacuation. It doesn't take much for many of us to get emotional when we realize that lines of communication are not what we're used to, and that we're unsure of the safety of our friends, family members, and of our homes. I would like to see us work harder at communicating within our entire organization. Our NETWORK is very important to us and I hope we can think of ways to get together MORE than once a year to learn from each other and to mentor those who need support and encouragement. I welcome any ideas, volunteers who will host picnics or hikes or bike rides or whatever we can come up with to bring even a few of us together informally. Any ideas out there? Carol La Delfe |
Carol's Trip to Costa Rica
In March of this year I visited Costa Rica with my husband and mother. We met our group of fellow adventurers at the Hotel Europa in San José. San José is the capital of Costa Rica with about 885,000 inhabitants in the greater San José area.
While in San José we visited the University for Peace (in nearby Colón) which was founded through the United Nations. We each planted a tree on the campus in a symbolic gesture signifying support for the countrys efforts at reforestation.
The National Theatre in San José is a beautiful and oddly adaptable cultural center--The floor in the auditorium can have all seats removed, the floor raised at the front until it is level with the stage and the back of the hall, whereupon it becomes a ballroom. This was built around the time of our Civil War! San Josés Childrens museum was originally a PRISON! With great creativity they have put together a very colorful and interesting set of displays ranging from health, national resources, culture and history, and all with interactive displays, talking figures and a great neon light show at the entrance
On our trip north we hiked up to get a great view into Poas Volcano crater. We stayed at Selva Verde, a rustic rain-forest lodge (no, not THAT rustic) and awoke the next morning to the unearthly sound of the howler monkeys--they are only a couple of feet tall, but sound like they must be as big as gorillas as their "roar" fills the jungle. Our boat trip on the Rio Sarapiquí left from a tiny port that used to be the only Costa Rican port accessing the Caribbean. We saw herons (blue and green), anhingas, cormorants, ibis, egrets, kingfishers, and more.
From Sarapiquí we headed for Arenál Volcano, to stay at the Arenál Vista Lodge after a visit to the Tabacón Hot Springs Spa at the northern foot of the volcano. Peter and I hiked up the trail from the hot springs and watched as huge boulders of hot lava bounced down the side of the volcano, leaving puffs of dust (ash) every time they bounced several hundred yards at a leap near the lower reaches of the volcano. Arenál has been in an active phase since 1968
At the Dundee Ranch in Orotina near the Pacific coast we were delighted to find a beautiful swimming pool because this is the "dry" side of Costa Rica and the temperatures were noticeably higher than we had experienced elsewhere. In a nearby a nature reserve we saw many scarlet macaws in the height of their mating "dances", 3-foot iguanas around every bend in the trail, and many plant species. On a boat trip on a nearby river we saw numerous birds including lots of roseate spoonbills, storks, a galinule, herons of several varieties, cormorants, anhingas, and more that I cant remember names of. But the height of that boat trip was the crocodiles--our boatman had brought some fresh meat to feed them, which he did by wading into the river and slapping the meat on the waters surface until a croc appeared, at which point he held the meat at shoulder high and the croc lept up to take it. Im not sure it wasnt really trained, but it was entertaining.
Costa Rica is a destination we hope to return to as there is much of the country wed like to explore further.
April 15, 2000
The meeting was held at NMIMT, Cramer Bldg., Room 120 in Socorro after the Science Fair. The following board members were in attendance: Carol La Delfe, Nancy Weinbrenner, Wyona Turner, Claudia Lewis, Mary Lou Westrom, Angelique Neuman, Margo Clark, and Alexine Salazar.
2:07 PM
The February board meeting minutes were approved as read.
The Treasurers report was approved as submitted. Activities included Chapter (membership) rebates, Career book printing, and EYH seed money to chapters. Claudia discussed the possibility of opening a CD with the money currently in the checking account. Upcoming expenses are minimal so Claudia felt we didnt need to keep so much money in the checking account. The money in the money-market account are liquid assets, which are accessible if need should arise. We will add this to the agenda for the June meeting. Also, Claudia has Centrals rebate check but doesnt know who to send it to. After brief discussion, it was decided that she would hold on to it for now.
Nancy and Wyona reported in Karens absence. The annual meeting is scheduled for October 20-22, 2000 at the Swiss Chalet in Ruidoso. Theyre currently working on the food and entertainment portions. A theme has been selected: Science in the New Millennium: Women Leading the Way. A call for papers will be made (at least 9 needed based on their agenda). Tentative agenda includes a reception social on Friday evening; Saturday will be the presentations, ending early for dinner; and a Board meeting is scheduled for Sunday. The State will provide $250 seed money. Carol also mentioned the $320 budgeted for scholarships.
No report. Carol announced a replacement would be needed for Angela Ferrara. Angela tendered her resignation as she has taken a job in Tucson, AZ.
Angelique will announce a call for nominations in the May newsletter. Nominees will be announced in the July newsletter. Positions open include: President Elect (3-year term), and four Members-at-Large (2 year term) positions to replace Adrienne Dare, Wyona Turner, Mary Lou Westrom, and Angelique Neuman.
A new mailing list is being created. Last years letters to donors (dated August) will be used as a basis. A report from the Science Fair (recipients) and EYH, including printing of Career books will be sent. Nancy will contact chapters for a list of their donors. A copy of the 98-99 audit (dated Oct.99) will also be needed.
Wyona submitted an activity report. Total state membership is 92 (72 professional). Chapters are: Central 24; Eastern 1; Northern 54; and Southern 13. Welcome letters and directories were sent to 3 new members. Wyona also printed some very nice congratulation cards for the women entrants to the State Science Fair.
Wyona had copies of the new draft version of our brochure she designed available for comment. Shell wait to get a more formal printing pending the new logo, and quotes from EYH attendees and notable women scientists. In the interim, Wyona will incorporate a date (to track versions) and will make color copies.
The March newsletter was sent a little late. The next newsletter will be in May. Carol is scheduled for the "Chat Corner". A suggestion for Julys "Chat Corner" is Diane Albert, who recently received the Governors Award for Outstanding Women. Claudia did an excellent job in the March edition. A suggestion was made to have the "Presidents Message" and the "Chat Corner" both begin on the first page. Both are important enough to get "equal" billing on the front page.
No report. Angelique brought a list of 4 mistakes I the states by-laws per Nancy Sheers review. Mary Lou will give them to Sarah. Sarah did an excellent job putting together the listserver.
No report. Kim Linder has been appointed to replace Kim Elam for this position. Kim had a previously scheduled event and could not attend this meeting.
Claudia and Angelique reported in Mercedes absence. The forms used by the Science Fair judges were not available for special judges, so Claudia made similar forms with ratings from 1-10. Claudia will collate the statistics of number of girls in each category. Mostly, they covered the physical sciences heavily. Next year, Claudia and Angelique recommended we cover more of the biological/life sciences. More judges will be needed. Also, it would be a good idea to offer 2 prizes in both categories. That is, $50 for first place and $25 for second place, in both senior and junior levels.
The issue regarding judging (gender) mixed teams came up again. Previously mixed teams have not been considered for prizes and, thus, not been judged. However, mixed teams are increasing so we need to decide whether or not we will begin judging them in the future. Discussion centered on concerns of the boy dominating the project. Point of fact, Angelique had a tie at this years fair between a mixed team (boy-girl) and a two-girl team. The all girl team came in just below the mixed team. In interviewing the mixed team, the boy did not dominate the interview and the girl had just as much knowledge about the project and also interviewed well. Discussion pointed out that we need to focus on our reason for acknowledging girls at the fair, by-law wording of our participation of the science fair, and the fact that in the real world, women have to work with men. Discussion was tabled for continuance at the annual meeting. However, as to the question of what amount to give the two teams that tied, a motion was passed agreeing on $50 for each team.
Here is a list of the winner for this years science fair:
All statewide EYH conferences are complete. Adrienne wants to remind chapters to submit the Math & Science Network evaluations along with 10 copies of the program/brochure.
Carol passed around digital pictures from Kim Linder taken at the EYH conference in Albuquerque. There was no report received from the EYH committee.
Alexine submitted a written final report to the board. Northern Chapters EYH was held March 6th at LANL. Highlights mentioned are summarized. The biggest issue for this years planning were changes in the Labs view and approach to safety and security. Due to construction I the general vicinity from where the conference is held, parking was a major concern. As always, several workshops were held off-site, but transportation has now become a problem, as GSA vans no longer allow anyone under the age of 18 to be transported in their vehicles (unless youre an employee). We used local bus service, but not without problems. Problems also occurred with the caterer (food was late, cold, and not enough), additional concerns and paperwork required for security reasons. In spite of obstacles this conference was a success. A success because of record-breaking attendance (148 of the 159 registered) and participation by presenters (18 workshops and 27 presenters). And, of course, overall evaluation by the girls was the most important measure of success. Complete details and demographics are on file within the report and available upon request. Math & Science Network evaluation are included in the report for Adrienne along with 10 programs.
The Southern Chapters EYH was held on March 23 at White Sands Missile Range with a total of 180 students and 25 adults. We kept the same format as last years which allowed each student to attend 4 workshops. The EYH was successful. About $1000 in registration is still outstanding although all invoices have been submitted to the schools. Of note, Southerns EYH get the schools to pay for the conference. Special thanks go to Kathrine Graham for sending our Thank-You letters and to Ann Mauzy for her extra effort in getting the career booklets to us. The final budget was an income of $1886.00 and expenses of $1574.76.
The Silver City EYH Conference was held on February 26 at WNMU. In spite of low attendance (40 girls registered when 150 were expected), the conference was a great success. Because of the high number of girls expected 14 workshops were provided. The schedule was adjusted which allowed the presenters to do just one presentation instead of three. And the girls were allowed to attend 3 workshops. Lunch worked out well, using tickets for lunch at the schools cafereria. This way we were charged only for what they ate. The $5 registration fees more than covered the $4.50 for lunch. A total of 200 t-shirts had been ordered in anticipation of the 150 participants. Locally, $950 was raised, this plus the $300 seed money coverd the $1200 expense for the t-shirts. The final group activity in the gym was a great success. Pictures of this were printed in the local newspapers.
No meetings yet planned. Carol has not heard from Kelly Bitner or Debby Potter. Claudia is waiting to send Centrals membership rebate because she received email dated April 11, 2000 from Debby Brinkerhoff stating she has the checkbook, but there is no Central Chapter.
No report.
No report.
The chapter was inactive throughout the year and no meetings are planned. The Chapter again sponsored a Girl State Delegate. A working committee (Angela Ferrara, Nancy Weinbrenner, Wyona Turner, and Karen Saenz) has started planning the Annual Meeting in October.
Posted to the web on 5 July 2000