New Mexico Network for
NMNWSE Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President/President-Elect
Annual Meeting
EYH Coordinator
Fund Raising
Policies and Procedures
Science Fair
Central Chapter
Eastern Chapter
Northern Chapter
Southern Chapter
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Carol La Delfe July 2000 Upcoming elections have posed a problem for us again this year. We should be looking to the Central chapter for a candidate for Vice President-President elect, but without an active chapter in the Albuquerque area, we have had a problem in identifying a candidate. Nancy Weinbrenner tells me that she has not been able to find a candidate from the Southern chapter either, so it looks like we'll go to the Northern chapter for the third year in a row. I would really like to have some input from our members who live in the Albuquerque area and from those who live in eastern and southern New Mexico concerning the viability of the organization in those areas, and how we can better meet your needs. For many of us in the north, the organization supports our members first and EYH second. As I have observed, we do have a rather unique situation here at Los Alamos, but we will entertain any suggestions for reinvigorating chapters across the state. Are there other organizations that already provide the support that this organization once did? What would you like to see as the future of our organization? Please give this some thought and provide some feedback. Thanks. Carol La Delfe CHAT CORNERBy Diane Albert Taken from LANL Newsbulletin Monday, April 24, 2000 Lab employee to receive Governor's Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women Diane Albert of Materials Technology: Metallurgy (MST-6) has been named a recipient of a 2000 Governor's Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women. Albert was one of 30 New Mexico women honored in the 15th annual competition, sponsored by the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women and the Governor's Office. The Commission on the Status of Women annually honors women from around the state who are actively involved in their communities, are leaders in their profession or occupation and have worked to implement positive change in their community. Albert will be recognized at the Governor's Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women banquet May 6 in Albuquerque. The banquet begins at 6 p.m. at the Albuquerque Crowne Plaza Pyramid. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased by calling the Commission on the Status of Women at (800) 432-9168. Albert is a previous recipient of a Governor's Outstanding Award for Women, having won in 1996. Other Lab employees have been recognized in the past as well. Albert was nominated by Juanita Salazar of the Science and Technology Base (STB) Program Office. Salazar said she brought her daughter Monica, then an Española Valley High School student, to the Lab for a "Take Our Children to Work Day" in 1996. Albert met Monica Salazar and has mentored her for four years. "Diane just took her by the hand and was instrumental in getting her a job here as a summer student," said Juanita Salazar. |
"Ever since then I've had a great respect for her knowing that she's helped my daughter. She will always be there to help others, not only females, but any student who wants to start a career in math or science," Salazar said, adding that her daughter is now a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania where Albert tutors Monica Salazar in calculus using electronic mail.
"I've had a really long history of mentoring, tutoring and working with young girls and encouraging them to go on to higher education," said Albert. "I want them to have the opportunity to talk to women about careers in science. That's why I got nominated and that's why I won. And that's what's important to me."
Of the 30 women recognized annually, two are selected for induction to the New Mexico Women's Hall of Fame in September.
A materials scientist in MST-6, Albert is active in the Los Alamos League of Women Voters. She also serves on the Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce Leadership Council and the Advisory Board of the Tri-Area Association for Economic Development (TRADE) to provide an expansion of employment opportunities and appropriate economic development in Northern New Mexico.
Albert recently was awarded a $5,000 grant from The Materials Society Foundation to work with Susan Sussman, a fifth grade teacher in Los Alamos, to develop materials science experiments for elementary school students.
Albert donates her grant-proposal writing skills to the Pojoaque Girls Soccer Boosters and the New Beginnings program at University of New Mexico, Los Alamos. She also volunteers at the Los Alamos Family YMCA as a personal trainer, fitness specialist and indoor cycle instructor.
Albert is vice chairperson of the Los Alamos County Transportation Board and also chairs its Bicycle Subcommittee. She serves on the Board of Trustees of the Friends of Bandelier National Monument and the National Council of the National Parks and Conservation Association.
"I am very active in the areas of mentoring and education, protecting the environment and empowerment through political activism and economic self-sufficiency," said Albert.
Albert has a bachelor's degree in metallurgical engineering from Ohio State University and a doctoral degree in metallurgical engineering and materials science from Carnegie Mellon University. Albert has worked at the Lab since 1993.
June 3, 2000
The meeting was held at Margo Clarks house in Santa Fe. The following board members were in attendance: Carol La Delfe, Wyona Turner, Angelique Neuman, Margo Clark, Kim Linder, and Alexine Salazar. Guest: Mary Ann Jones
10:13 AM
The April board meeting minutes were approved as read.
No report.
No report. It was suggested that a call for papers be sent to non-members, the Newsbulletin, LAWIS listserver (which includes non-members), colleges and to Mary Ann Jones of the Hispano Chamber of Commerce (HCC) which has 1600 members. Mary Ann is an event planner and wants to help Central with plans for next years annual meeting. She needed an event date, so we set it for October 19-21, 2001.
No report.
Angelique Neuman read the call for nominations as it appeared on last weeks newsletter.
All the "Thank You" letters have been written. Final reports are still needed for donors. Mary Lou needs a state EYH summary for the reports.
Wyona submitted an activity report. Total state membership is 96 (76 professional). Chapters are: Central 26; Eastern 1; Northern 56; and Southern 13. Welcome letters and directories were sent to 3 new members. Wyona also printed some very nice congratulation cards for the women entrants to the State Science Fair.
The May newsletter was emailed to the members with email 5/31/2000. The hard copy versions was sent on Monday, 6/5/2000.
No report.
No report. Kim Linder just received the notebook. Kim will be the focal point for the new logo.
Two of our Science Fair winners were also recipients of Los Alamos Foundation scholarships:
No report.
No report. There were 400+ attendees.
The 2001 Los Alamos EYH will be on March 28th, 2001.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Posted to the web on 5 July 2000