New Mexico Network for

PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185


November 2000

NMNWSE Board of Directors

J. Margo Clark
Santa Fe, NM

Past President
Carol La Delfe
Los Alamos, NM

Vice President/President-Elect
Angelique Neuman
Espanola, NM

Alexine Salazar
Santa Fe, NM

Tinka Gammel
Los Alamos, NM

Annual Meeting
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM

Mary Campbell
Los Alamos, NM

Claudia Lewis

Los Alamos, NM

EYH Coordinator
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM

Fund Raising
Mary Lou Westrom
Cedar Crest, NM

Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX

Angelique Neuman
Espanola, NM
Sarah Gottlieb
Albuquerque, NM

Kim Linder
Cedar Crest, NM

Policies and Procedures
Sarah Gottlieb
Albuquerque, NM

Science Fair
Merecedes Agogino
Portales, NM

Dana Roberson
Los Alamos, NM

Central Chapter
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM

Eastern Chapter
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM

Northern Chapter
Janie Enter

Los Alamos, NM

Southern Chapter

Professional Development
Seminar Committee
Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM
Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX

Editor’s note

I would like to apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter. My only excuse is that not all the articles came in on time. In addition the newsletter editor position wasn’t filled until the December board meeting. Sara Gottlieb and I will co-chair this position for the next year.

Please note that this newsletter is a double header. It includes minutes from the annual meeting and the board meeting (both held in Ruidoso in October).

One more change was made to this newsletter this calendar year (besides the addition of the Chat Corner and the Announcements Corner from the last few newsletters)…a new logo. The new logo was designed by Brenda Davies. We appreciate all the work you have put into the new logo design…THANKS.

I also wanted to mention that the announcements corner article on Claudia Lewis was written by Kay Roybal for the LANL Newsbulletin published on 12/4/200.

Angelique Neuman


by J. Margo Clark

November, 2000

It’s the time of year again for transitions in NMNWSE. We had a great kick-off meeting on Oct. 22, 2000 in Ruidoso, NM, following the annual meeting of NMNWSE. A major topic of discussion was the need to survey our present, past, and future members of NMNWSE to determine member’s current level of involvement and what direction they would like to see the organization heading. The survey would include a canvas of the types of activities in which each member has participated during the last year and how we might change the activities to increase the participation and enjoyment of the activity. We are also asking the question, "to what degree has our organization promoted the interaction with women of similar or complementary interests, career paths, age, etc.?"

One exciting new path of opportunity for our group is being planned for the summer of 2001. This will consist of a Professional Development Seminar that could include the following seminar topics:

  1. Pursuing Advanced Degrees,
  2. Exploring Management
  3. Preparing and Giving Professional talks and Poster Presentations,
  4. Personal Financial Management,
  5. Technical Talks for a Broad Audience,
  6. Working Women–How to Find the Balance
  7. Working Mothers–balancing family, career, parenting issues,
  8. Stress Management
  9. Women’s Health Issues–breast cancer, weight control, exercise, menopause
  10. Poster Session by Winners of NMNWSE Awards and the NM State Science Fair
  11. Search for Funding

Probably the most significant yearly activity of NMNWSE chapters and members is to host the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conferences held in the spring of each year. The conferences are a part of the Math/Science Network that celebrates now a half million young women attending it’s EYH Conferences. The yearly conferences are held for high school women to foster possible interest in entering careers in science, math, or engineering. Various science related workshops are held for the students, and in some NM chapters, workshops are also held for the teachers. The upcoming schedules for EYH conferences in NM are:

Silver City:February 24, 2001
Central Chapter:March 3, 2001 (plans for about 400 students)
Northern Chapter:March 28, 2001 (plans for about 150 students)
Southern Chapter:None Planned
Eastern Chapter:None Planned


I have had real struggles in my life trying to balance family and career. During my career I learned that it was nearly impossible to locate my husband and myself, both highly specialized scientists, in one community. We also saw funding for the "hard sciences" shrink through the years compared to the situation we saw when we were selecting our specialties in graduate school. As a result, I found it necessary in my career to switch from a "hard science" career to a more applied science career, which was in health physics/radiation protection. As a result, I tend to encourage young women or men in science to select careers that will allow them to be more flexible in terms of where they can be employed. In my experience, it seems that the more plentiful jobs are in your chosen field and the more flexible you can be in terms of location of employment, the easier it is to coordinate your career with your partner’s. This permits a better balance between career and family. The bottom line, however, is to pursue what makes you happy–if your circumstances permit.


My training and experience summarized are as follows. My Ph.D. degree is in Medical Physiology and Biophysics from Washington University, St. Louis. Throughout my career I have had considerable experience in research and teaching of medical students, nursing students, dental students, and finally LANL’s Radiation Workers. In addition, I conducted research using positron emitting radionuclides to measure regional blood flow and oxygen consumption in the heart. I function at LANL in the area of radiation protection/health physics and am in charge of Fetal Radiation Protection for pregnant workers at LANL for the last 8 years.


February 3, 2001 at Kelly Bitner’s in Albuquerque
April 7, 2001:at State Science Fair in Socorro
June ?, 2001 at Professional Development Seminar in Albuquerque
August 4, 2001 at J. Margo Clark’s in Santa Fe
October 19-21, 2001 at NMNWSE Annual Meeting in Albuquerque

Let’s all work together for an exciting and productive year!

See you in February.


Announcements corner

Taken from the LANL Newsbulletin on 12/4/200

Claudia Lewis (current NMNWSE elections chair and former treasurer, sic) awarded Fulbright grant for study in Spain

Claudia Lewis, a technical staff member in the Geology and Geochemistry (EES-1) group has been awarded a second Fulbright grant to continue her study of the structural geology and tectonics of a particular area of the Spanish Pyrenees.

The study will be done in collaboration with colleagues at Desert Research Institute and the Universidad de Zaragoza.

Lewis received a Fulbright Student Grant to study tectonic processes in the Pyrenees at the Universidad de Barcelona in 1994 -1995. The current project is an extension of that earlier project, addressing fundamental questions about how mountainous topography evolves following plate-tectonic and continental collisions. She is also studying how river systems respond to post-tectonic processes.

Claudia lewis

"The Spanish Pyrenees and the adjacent Ebro Basin comprise an outstanding locality for isolating processes that drive rock-uplift in mountain ranges created by plate tectonic collisions where active compression and crustal thickening have ceased," Lewis said. "The results of this project will form a foundation for many future studies of landscape evolution, soil forming processes, archaeology, and impacts of tectonics and climate change on the continents. The results will also be applicable to questions of landscape stability and potential contaminant transport at existing and proposed hazardous waste repositories, both in Spain and in the United States."

Lewis, who received her doctorate in geology from Harvard University, joined the Laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow in 1996. In addition to her ongoing work in Spain, she participates in the Laboratory's Seismic Hazards Program and various 3-D geological modeling efforts in the Española Basin and as far away as the Tibetan plateau. She also serves on the Laboratory's Women's Diversity Working Group and served this past year on the Fellows Selection Committee.

A strong proponent of women in science, Lewis herself was discouraged from pursuing a major in Geology as an undergraduate. She opted instead for American Studies.

"It wasn't until after college, when I was working at a small, independent wood energy research lab in Santa Fe that I discovered I could do science," she said. "I took evening courses in college algebra, calculus, physical geology and chemistry at Santa Fe Community College and UNM-Los Alamos. After that, I knew I was ready to get the geology degree I always wanted."

Lewis, who is fluent in Spanish, will spend two months next spring and again in 2002 doing research at the Universidad de Zaragoza as a Fulbright Senior Scholar.


October 21, 2000

The meeting was called to order by Carol at 9:20 a.m. The meeting was held in Ruidoso at the Swiss Chalet. Members and non-members in attendance introduced themselves and included: Claudia Lewis, Karen Saenz, Kelley Bitner, Mary Bochmann, Georgia Pedicini, Wyonna Turner, Nancy Stages Weinbrenner, J. Margo Clark, Ruth Trench, Mary Campbell, Nora Christianson, Carol LaDelfe, and Alexine Salazar.

October 1999 Minutes were reviewed and approved with one change: Add Claudia as a continuing Board member. Minutes were approved as corrected.


End-of-Year Budget Report. Claudia presented the FY99-2000 Financial Report. Ending balance as of 10/17/00 was $7,631.17 in checking and $7,571.91 in the Money Market account. Claudia also compiled a summary of donors. This year didn’t see a donation for Intel ($5,000 in 1998-99). Donor requirements require more detailed information on how monies are to be spent. Claudia pointed out that these connections with donors have been established and we need to continue those ties.

Kelley reported that Sandia Foundation contacted her because of the EYH advertisement in the Albuquerque Journal. She has written a proposal to receive monies for EYH.

Alexine gave Claudia a check for $5,683.59 from FEMA. Ann Mauzy submitted a reimbursement to FEMA for replacement cost of Career books and book bags lost in the Cerro Grande fire. Claudia will send Northern Chapter a check for the book bags. The Board and those present wish to thank Ann for her efforts in recovering these losses. A big hand of applause went out to Ann.

The treasurer’s books were audited by the following committee members: Georgia, Kelley and Wyonna.

Claudia indicated a correction to the Fundraising total of $4,500 should have been $4,000. With verbal correction by Claudia, the committee signed off on the audit. The final treasurer’s report was approved by members present.

Budget Proposal. Claudia submitted the 00-01 Budget Proposal for comment and approval. She noted the few overruns, in particular, changing the Science Fair from $750 to $500. There were numerous underruns. Those modified (increased) included changing EYH T-Shirts to Promotions from $500 to $2750, EYH Printing from $0 to $1500, Membership Mailing from $100 to $175, and adding Professional Development Seminar at $1500. A motion to accept the proposed budget as revised was passed.



Karen will present her final report on this year’s annual meeting at the October 21st Board meeting. The next annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 19-20, 2001 in Albuquerque. Mary Ann Jones of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce is providing (free) convention/meeting planner services. Refer to June 2000 minutes for more details.


Position open. Carol asked if Mary Campbell would fill this position and she agreed!


Write-in candidates for Treasurer were Tinka Gammel; for VP/President-Elect was Angelique Neuman; and for Members-at-Large were Dana Roberson and Ann Mauzy. All four accepted the nomination and postion. Re-elected were Wyonna Turner and Mary Lou Westrom.


We are down by 9 members from the same time last year. There are currently 77 professional members, 8 retiree members, and 12 student members for a total of 97 members. In addition to maintaining the membership database and publishing the annual membership directory, the brochure was revised to include a new logo and congratulatory cards were printed for the NMNWSE state science fair judges to use for women entrants.


During FY 2000 a total of 5 Newsletters were issued. Two new added features included the Chat Corner and the Announcement’s Corner.


No report from Mercedes. However, as a judge, Claudia gave a brief report. It was difficult to get judges. The few judges they did have covered the Physical Sciences. The Biological/Health Science coverage was poor. Claudia encouraged our supporting this more next year.



There were four successful EYH conferences this past year: Los Alamos, Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Silver City. The final evaluations for the Los Alamos, Las Cruces and Silver City conferences were sent to the Math & Science Network.

Los Alamos EYH

A written report is on file for Los Alamos’ EYH. Next year’s EYH is scheduled for March 28, 2001.

Las Cruces EYH

The Chapter EYH was held 23 March 2000 at White Sands Missile Range with a total of 180 students and 25 adults. We kept the same format as in the years past with each student attending 4 workshops. We had the EYH in conjunction with Women’s History Month here at WSMR. Again, the EYH was very successful.

Silver City

We’re working on a better recruitment. We planned for more kids than showed up at this year’s EYH.



Angelique submitted a proxy report from Chapter President Janie Enter, Janie’s Recollection of Highlight of the 2000 Steering Committee. Main points included judging local Science Fairs, highlighting their monthly Lunchtime Talks, participation in AAUW’s Careers and Curiosity, and, of course, their successful EYH.

Las Cruces

The chapter was inactive throughout the year except to again sponsor a Girl State Delegate. No plans have been made to sponsor an EYH for next spring. No volunteers have come forward to hold the offices, though Karen Saenz continues to be the point-of-contact for all chapter business.



Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.


October 22, 2000

The meeting was held at the Swiss Chalet in Ruidoso the day after the Annual Meeting. Board members in attendance were: J. Margo Clark, Claudia Lewis, Alexine Salazar, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Saenz, Wyonna Turner, and Angelique Neuman.

CALL TO ORDER: 8:14 a.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The September board meeting minutes were approved as corrected.


Claudia reported at outgoing Treasurer in Tinka’s absence, using the last quarter of the annual report for her report. There was very little activity, mostly travel reimbursement for the Board. The final modified budget will be used once Claudia submits.



No final statement on cost for this meeting. A final report will be presented at our December meeting. The Central Chapter (Kelly Bitner) will be hosting our next annual meeting, tentatively scheduled for October 19-20, 2001 in Albuquerque. Mary Ann Jones of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce will be our conference planner.

There was some discussion regarding the planning of this year’s annual meeting. It was difficult getting people to help with the preparations. In particular, it was difficult getting restaurants to respond or return phone inquiries. Better publicity was obviously needed based on the low attendance of membership. It was suggested to put together a notebook on the Annual Meeting Conference. Karen and Wyonna volunteered to put one together by the December meeting. They will get feedback from previous annual meeting chairs. This will hopefully result in better communication between all planners and the Board.


Mary Campbell was appointed on 10/21 to complete the term (one more year) for Angela Ferrara. Mary attended the annual meeting but was unable to attend this board meeting.


Claudia filled position as Nancy has gone off the Board. An elections report was submitted for Nancy by Claudia with the results of the FY2001 Elections. A total of 15 ballots from the membership were received. Members Nancy Stages Weinbrenner and Karen J. Saenz counted the results. Write-in votes were received for Treasurer and Member-at-Large. The following positions have been filled by election of the membership:

Vice President/President Elect  Claudia Lewis*
Treasurer  J. Tinka Gammel
Member-at Large  Mary Lou Westrom
Member-at Large  Wyonna Turner
Member-at Large  Dana Roberson
Member-at Large  Ann Mauzy

*Due to an error on the ballots Claudia was mistakenly included as Vice President/President Elect. She can’t accept the position since she will be out of the country for part of the year. Angelique Neuman has graciously accepted this position.


Mary Lou will continue in this position for another 2-year term. Margo will contact her to determine if she can get an email account for better communication with the rest of the Board. This will help with reporting requirements as well. Carol (past President) received a letter from Mary Lou requesting bios from Board for a letter to Honeywell. She needed this information by October 15 but Carol received the letter too late to respond.


Margo appointed Wyonna who agreed for a one-year term. Wyonna will spend next year setting up documentation (a user’s manual of sorts) for the membership database she has developed.


Angelique reported as outgoing Newsletter chair. No Newsletter was issued in September because she was unable to obtain a copy of the meeting minutes on time. She didn’t attend the August meeting, so without the minutes and lack of a Chat Corner Candidate she decided (with Carol’s concurrence) not to issue a September Newsletter.

Suggestions for this open position include Ann Mauzy. Margo will contact her. Angelique offered to do the November newsletter. Margo will submit for the Chat Corner plus a letter from the President. It was suggested to just include a summary of the (Board Meeting) minutes rather than the entire minutes.


A few minor changes have been noted.


Kim Linder needs to be informed of the new logo changes which include Founded 1979 (Margo will call dede to confirm this date) and switch the purple atom with the yellow atom. Once modified, she can distribute electronically to all membership.


Margo will contact Mercedes to determine if she is still willing to be in this position. All members-at-large must attend 50% of all meetings to remain on the Board. Personal circumstances may have deterred Mercedes so Margo will inquire as to her willingness to continue. Margo will also ask Dana Roberson to chair (or possibly even co-chair depending on Mercedes response) this position. In which case, Mercedes would still continue as the Eastern Chapter representative, if she chooses.



It is time to pay our agency fee to the Math/Science Network. The registration fee for 2-5 sites is $200. Claudia and/or Tinka will submit. This fee will get our NMNWSE agency one set of EYH organizational and conference material. If each of our sites wants their own set of material sent, an additional $30 per site is required. The following information is required to register each site: EYH Site Name/City, Conference Date, Site Contact Name, email address, mailing address, phone, city, state, zip code. As soon as we get this information to the Math/Science Network they will post it on their web site.

Karen has volunteered to set up the EYH insurance and will contact each chapter chair for required information.

Albuquerque EYH

Linda McCormick is chairing this year’s EYH planning committee, although she is not a network member. Angelique offered to contact Kelly to ask if Central Chapter could pay for an honorary membership to the network for Linda.

Los Alamos EYH

Dana Roberson is this year’s chair. We’re still looking for a co-chair.

Las Cruces EYH

No EYH is currently being planned.

Silver City

We are planning for an EYH conference in Silver City in 2001. The date hasn’t been set. However, I imagine it will be the last Saturday in February or the first Saturday in March. A planning committee will be getting together shortly. No additional details available as of yet.



Angelique submitted the Northern Chapter’s minutes of 10/5. She noted that a new representative from the Northern Chapter needs to be assigned by Northern. A suggestion of Mary Campbell was made.



  1. Mail Karen has been receiving all the mail at the PO Box set up at Kirtland for the network. Judith Mead forwards the mail out to the appropriate person. Claudia will contact Judith to request all mail for Karen or Carol now be forwarded to Margo and all Treasurer mail be sent to Tinka (including membership stuff).
  2. Recruiting Chair Claudia suggested we consider setting up a recruiting chair, especially to attract students. She suggested surveying the entire membership on what they want from their member and their organization. Claudia volunteered to set up the survey and will get one of her students, Ann Lee, to assist here. A draft will be sent out to the Board for review.
    The network basically does their EYH conferences in the spring, our new Professional Development Seminar in the summer, and our Annual Meeting in the fall. A suggestion was made to invite Science Fair winners to our Professional Development Seminar to give a poster session and attend the seminar.
  3. Professional Development Seminar
    • Invite Science Fair winners to set up a poster session
    • Set up a Tutorial on "How to" session
    • Seminar suggested speaker is Kim Thomas
    • Exploring Management
    Claudia will check with Ann Lee to do the recruiting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:03 a.m.