New Mexico Network for
January 2001
NMNWSE Board of Directors
J. Margo Clark
Santa Fe, NM
Past President
Carol La Delfe
Los Alamos, NM
Vice President/President-Elect
Angelique Neuman
Espanola, NM
Alexine Salazar
Santa Fe, NM
Tinka Gammel
Los Alamos, NM
Annual Meeting
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM
Mary Campbell
Los Alamos, NM
Claudia Lewis
Los Alamos, NM
EYH Coordinator
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM
Fund Raising
Mary Lou Westrom
Cedar Crest, NM
Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX
Angelique Neuman
Espanola, NM
Sarah Gottlieb
Albuquerque, NM
Kim Linder
Cedar Crest, NM
Policies and Procedures
Sarah Gottlieb
Albuquerque, NM
Science Fair
Merecedes Agogino
Portales, NM
Dana Roberson
Los Alamos, NM
Central Chapter
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM
Eastern Chapter
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM
Northern Chapter
Mary Campbell
Los Alamos, NM
Southern Chapter
Professional Development
Seminar Committee
Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM
Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX
Editors note Angelique Neuman
I would like to apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter. My only excuse is that not all the articles came in on time. In addition I was swamped. OK so I seem to be tardy a lot lately
Ill work on that. I hope you all enjoy this edition of the newsletter.
I think a record attendance for NMNWSE Board meeting occurred at the meeting on Dec. 2, 2000 at Kim Linder's house in Cedar Crest (near Albuquerque). What was so encouraging was the enthusiasm expressed by the attendees. There was so much enthusiasm and topics that the meeting lasted about one hour longer than our usual noon ending time.
We are especially enthused about the upcoming professional development seminar that we will be sponsoring in July of this year. An organizational meeting will be held following our NMNWSE Board meeting on Feb. 3, which is at Kelly Bitner's house in Albuquerque. Arrangements for this will need to be completed very soon in March so that it can be advertised by radio stations and professional journals. Workshop topics and speakers must be selected before this March deadline.
The "brown paper" free advertisement (insert) in the Albuquerque Journal for the Central Chapter EYH and the NMNWSE successfully yielded five women who are interested in joining either the Central Chapter or NMNWSE. This should help bring new blood to the Central Chapter. Thanks to Kim Linder and Brenda Davies for designing this "brown paper" advertisement!
We are hoping to obtain better attendance at our NMNWSE Board meeting by holding the meetings either in Albuquerque or Santa Fe, which should be rather centrally located. This centrally located meeting certainly worked for our Dec. 2 meeting attendance. We hope to see as many attendees at our Feb. 3, 2001 meeting. See you there!
January 2001
I've started writing this chat corner a number of times, and seem to just find myself rambling. So I am going to do a Ramble Corner. I'll start with my basic stats. Born and raised in Albuquerque, now live in Cedar Crest. I tried living out of state, but was drawn back to the Not-as-crowded-as-other-states Mountains in NM. I decided the location I was going to live takes precedence over my job. I got lucky and stumbled upon my job at Honeywell FM&T - a diverse job, entailing rapid prototyping, hardware and software development, and creative data analysis development. And I actually like the people I work with! (okay, *most* of them). When there's snow in the mountains, I volunteer as a member of the National Ski Patrol. When there's no snow, I enjoy trail running. During all this, I'm trying to find how to spend as much time as possible with my 18-month-old daughter. What a blast! I like getting involved in various organizations because of the diverse group of people you meet —and the different outlooks of life you are exposed to. For me, as long as there is snow in the mountains this winter, I'll be happy!
Announcements corner
Dear NMNWSE members,
On October 23, 2000 we awarded two honorary NMNWSE memberships to Anita Reiser and Nanette Founds for all their hard work on EYH and more. On December 6, 200 we awarded an honorary membership to Brenda Davis for all her hard work on making the new network logo and her design of the newspaper cover.
Congratulations ladies and keep up the good work.
I'm presently a student member of WISE and have begun a graduate program at Duke University. There is a chapter of WISE on-campus and I will be getting involved with them while I am here in Durham for my studies.
Please keep me on the list for announcements regarding the NM chapter. I am studying environmental management in a graduate program and am looking forward to returning to NM for a career. If any of the members have information regarding scholarships and internships, I would appreciate a short note.
Thanks for your assistance.
Karen E. Browne
December 2000 Board Meeting

December 2, 2000
The meeting was held at Kim Linders house in Cedar Crest. Board members in attendance were: Margo Clark, Claudia Lewis, Carol La Delfe, Karen Saenz, Wyona Turner, Angelique Neuman, Mary Campbell, Mary Lou Westrom, Dana Roberson, Tinka Gammel, Kim Linder, and Sara Gottlieb.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Margo Clark at 10:05 a.m.
Approval of Minutes:Minutes were reviewed, and a correction to Elections was the following: Due to an error on the ballot, Claudia Lewis was on the ballot as President-elect. She had declined this position before the election because she will be out of the country this year. Angelique Neuman had accepted the nomination for this position before the election, but the ballot went out without showing this change. Mary Lou Westrom also felt that she had not been consulted before her name was placed on the ballot. Discussion continued on how to ensure that the ballot was correct before it was sent out. Mary Campbell suggested a short Bio for each candidate would help us know more about the candidates and ensure that they knew they were on the ballot. Claudia will be doing elections next year, and she agreed that a more accurate ballot would be done and more interest needed to be generated to get a better return of the ballots. She will incorporate these suggestions. Wyona made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction (above in italics). Carol seconded it, and it was approved.
Claudia Lewis and Tinka Gammel
Claudia presented the Treasurers report and will hand the books over to Tinka. Major activity this month was deposit of check from FEMA for $5683.59 for the career booklets destroyed in the Cerro Grande fire. Claudia had the nonprofit corporate report for the officers to sign, which is filed every year for the IRS. She received two tax-exempt magnetic cards from Office Depot and gave one to Wyona and one to Tinka. Claudia received a donation from Honeywell for $1000 for EYH for Central and Northern conferences. She received $865 for 22 professional memberships and a few students and retired memberships. Angelique moved to accept the Treasurers report, Carol seconded it, and it was passed.
Karen Saenz
The meeting was held at Ruidoso October 20-22, 2000. Nineteen people attended and seven interesting papers were presented. The group enjoyed dinner at the Casa Blanca and entertainment by John and Jonni. The Chapter broke even financially. Report filed in Archive notebook.
Mary S. Campbell
Mary talked to dede Collins, and dede will bring the boxes of the Archives to her. Mary printed the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures from the Web site and thanked Carol for updating the web site. Karen wrote that she was locating the current Bylaws and Procedures to put on the Web site.
Claudia Lewis
Claudia promised a good slate of officers and hoped to find more candidates than one for each office to engender interest in the election. Also, she will ask for short bios and provide better ballots. If possible we will investigate web-based elections. In the last election, write-in candidates including Tinka, Ann, and Dana have joined the board in active roles.
Mary Lou Westrom
Mary Lou asked the officers for bios for use in fund raising. Her address is P.O. Box 1007, Cedar Crest, NM 87008. She also has a FAX 242-7355. She will find out if she can have an e-mail address on her office computer. When she gets an e-mail address, it will be reported to the group. Information needed for the Honeywell grant included bios, audit report on the Treasury and budget for the year, but the deadline passed because of problems communicating with each officer. Dana said she would get a grant application from the RGK Foundations. Donation checks are sent to the P.O. Box and Judith Mead picks up the mail and sends it to the Treasurer or other officer indicated. We will check our lines of communication for efficiency.
Wyona Turner
Wyona reported about 40 renewals; however, more were coming into the P.O. Box.
Angelique Neuman and Sara Gottlieb
Angelique agreed to continue as newsletter editor for the November newsletter, which was now planned for December. It was not sent out in November to include the survey for the June workshop. Sara agreed to co-chair. The newsletter will come out about every other month to present the board meeting summary. Angelique also reported two honorary memberships were approved for Nanette Founds and Anita Reiser from the Central Chapter. She wanted to encourage more members to get the e-mail version. Only a few get the hard copy version now.
Sara Gottlieb
There was no change in Policies and Procedures this time. Carol made a motion to abolish the Policies and Procedures chair until we need it. Mary Lou seconded and the motion passed.
Kim Linder
Kim and Brenda Davies are designing a brown wrapper that will go into the Albuquerque Journal with information about the Central Chapter EYH and the organization. Brenda will do the graphic art. Brenda has recently redesigned the logo and it was passed around the group and approved to be our official logo. The brown wrapper will have information on the purpose of the group, the web site, the annual meeting, professional development seminar, sponsors, and donors. Kim did not know when it would be in the paper because paid advertisement wrappers have precedence over our free one. Free publicity from KUNM and KNME needs a 3-month lead-time. Publicity for the professional development seminar needs to be decided by early March to send out to the radio stations and professional journals. Brenda will send the new logo to Carol to put on the web and for letterhead for stationery that can be downloaded from the web. Carol will prepare the letterhead. [Think about how to made the down load of the stationery only available to someone with a password, (MSC)]
Mercedes Agogino and Dana Roberson
Dana needs help in organizing the science fair judges. Mercedes will get the information from the State Science Fair, and Claudia will help get the judges. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with Mercedes. Margo will continue attempting to talk to her. Two certificates were passed around that had been designed for the Los Alamos Science fair by Jody Shepard. The one that the Northern Chapter did not pick could be used for the State Science Fair. A committee was formed that includes Dana, Claudia, and Angelique to decide on the criteria for the science fair awards. A discussion followed about mixed gender teams. In the case of a team, the young women on the team must be strong presenters.
Karen moved that the 1st prize would be $50 to 5 categories in Jr. and Sr. divisions. The subjects of the categories will be selected by the expertise of the judges present. The 2nd place prize will be a new-logo canvas bag with a career booklet. Cards of excellence will be presented to any contestant the judges feel have an excellent entry. A mixed gender team could win if the girl is a strong presenter. If a team wins first prize, each member will get the same prize. A male team can win if the purpose of their project is to promote gender equity. Claudia seconded the motion. The motion was amended by Tinka to give the first place winners a canvas bag and career booklet, also. Carol seconded the motion. On voting, the amendment was passed, and then the motion was passed.
Expanding Your Horizons
Adrienne Dare
In the absence of Adrienne, Karen reported that she had applied for the workshop insurance with her agent. Adrienne emailed to Karen the location and date of each conference.
Albuquerque EYH
Linda McCormick, chair
Date: March 3 at UNM.
Los Alamos EYH
Dana Roberson, chair
Date: March 28 at the LANL.
Las Cruces EYH
No other Southern EYH this year
Silver City
Adrienne Dare
Date: February 24 at Western.
Chapter Reports
Karen Saenz
Karen Saenz and Wyona Turner are organizing the professional development seminar to be held in Albuquerque in late June. They are also compiling an Annual Meeting Notebook to be used by each years sponsors.
Old Business
Career books were ordered by Ann Mauzy.
Tinka showed the progress on her new house. Although it will not be finished for a while, she will be able to house the newly printed booklets where she is living.
Surveys Claudia Lewis
The group discussed the Membership Survey, and several changes will be made by Claudia and sent to Angelique for the newsletter. The survey will be pasted to the bottom of the e-mail to each member.
The group then discussed the Professional Development Seminar Survey. It was decided that it was more time critical and only it would go out with the December newsletter with request for return by December 22. A magnet with the new logo printed by an ink jet printer would be given to the respondents. A committee of Karen, Wyona, Angelique, Claudia, Mary Lou, and Ann Lee would meet Jan. 20 in Cedar Crest at Dana Robersons home from 10 to 12 am. They would take the input from the survey and plan the Seminar.
Recruiting Chair question was tabled by Karen.
New Business
Honorary membership for Brenda Davies and Linda McCormick was suggested for the Central Chapter to act upon.
A Web Communications chair was suggested by Carol to keep the web up to date.
That would require a change in the policy and procedure, which chair we abolished earlier in the meeting. Carol will write up the procedure for this chair and it will be decided next meeting.
Can a chapter be one person? This is a question because of the low number of participants in some parts of this state.
Claudia will see that the bags with the new logo are ordered for the science fair. The bags will also be given to the first 25 that reply to the membership survey.
Mary Lou requested any scientific journals or textbooks that could be used by high school students to be sent to her school by book rate mail:
San Felipe Deneri
2000 Lomas Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Phone 242-2411
Margo adjourned meeting at 12:45.