by Deborah Potter
Since the annual meeting I have been busy compiling a list of potential funding sources and putting together grant applications. It´s already paid off, and Intel Corporation granted $4,000! Please let me know as soon as the check arrives at the Post Office Box so I can send the acknowledgement form for receipt of donation and a thank-you letter to Intel.
We expect to hear from New Mexico Children´s Foundation in January. An application was transmitted electronically to Turner Broadcasting System, but apparently denied. I submitted an electronic pre-proposal to Westgroup Community Partnership and am waiting to hear if they will accept the full application. Other applications were prepared for later submission dates -- Paul Newman´s Own and Christensen Fund. 1,000 CD Roms were requested from Office Depot and the Southwestern Region of IBM Corporation. When corporate donation forms asked how their employees can help, I said they could transfer our career book onto the CD Roms for distribution at EYH conferences.
The following potential donors were recommend by a friend who is a full-time fund-raiser for UNM. I plan to send solicitation letters to at least some of them.