New Mexico Network for

PO Box 1360, Los Alamos, NM 87544


December 2003

Board of Directors

dede Collins
Santa Fe, NM
Past President
Jeanne Banks
Placitas, NM
Vice President/President-Elect
Debby Potter
Alameda, NM
Alexine Salazar
Santa Fe, NM
Yolanda Jones King
Moriarty, NM
Annual Meeting
Mary Campbell
Dixon, NM
Janie Enter
Los Alamos, NM
EYH Coordinator
Dana Roberson
Los Alamos, NM
Fund Raising
Debby Potter
Alameda, NM
Tinka Gammel
Los Alamos, NM
Catherine Hensley
Los Alamos, NM
Kim Linder
Cedar Crest, NM
Policies and Procedures
Barbara Torres
Albuquerque, NM
Science Fair
Merecedes Agogino
Portales, NM
Dana Roberson
Los Alamos, NM
Central Chapter
Kim Linder
Albuquerque, NM
Eastern Chapter
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM
Northern Chapter
Los Alamos, NM
Georgia Pedicini
Los Alamos, NM
Southern Chapter
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM

Awards and Recognition

In October Yolanda King was honored by the UNM Alumni Association with a Zia Award. According to the press release, "The Zia Awards are given to alumni living in New Mexico who have distinguished themselves in Philanthropic endeavors, public office, service to the University, community and volunteer activities, business or professional fields, or who have made a contribution to education." Along with many other responsibilities Yolanda is the NMNWSE Treasurer. See http://www.unm.edu/news/Releases/03-10-09zia.htm.


We recently received a $5000 grant for EYH from the PNM Foundation. Other grants received this year include $5000 from the McCune Foundation; $5000 from Honeywell; $2500 from the Woodward Foundation; $200 from ARA; and $1000 from the LANL Foundation.

NMNWSE Annual Meeting

This year´s meeting was held at the Explora Science Center and Children´s Museum of Albuquerque. Attendees agreed that it should have been publicized sooner and more widely, but all those who attended felt the price, $50, was reasonable.

Next year´s annual meeting is tentatively planned for Jemez Springs.

EYH Statewide

Southern Chapter (Silver City) has scheduled their EYH for March 6, 2004, at WNMU. The keynote speaker will be a graduate of one of the local high schools who now works for IBM in Tucson.

Central Chapter has scheduled their EYH for March 13 at UNM.

Northern Chapter is planning their EYH for either March 11 or March 18 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Los Alamos.

Highlights of the April 12 Board Meeting

The meeting was held at New Mexico Tech in Socorro


dede Collins, Tinka Gammel, Debby Potter, and Janie Enter; all proxy votes held by dede except for Mary Campbell´s held by Tinka.


Mary has archived a student packet for Northern´s 2003 RYH conference and letters on Debby Potter´s and Yolanda´s awards. She also archived copies of the LANL bulletin stories on this year´s EYH and Janie Enter´s and Diane Albert´s awards.


Debby´s report included a continued request for certain biosketches from board members and announcement of completion of the Network´s paperwork with the Attorney General´s Office, Registrar of Charitable Organizations. Total money raised since October is $5,500 for 2003 and an expected award of $15,000 for subsequent years. Since the last meeting, thank-you letters for donations were mailed to LANL Foundation, United International Engineering, Inc., Applied Research Associates and Office Depot.

State Science Fair – Dana Roberson/Mercedes Agogino:

The Network awarded 5 juniors and 5 seniors awards. They were:

"Faster Than a Speeding Bullet", Emily "Cate" Wisdom, Cibola High School
"The Effects of Folic Acid on the Body", Sasha C. Gonzales, Taos High School
"Down to the Last Drop: A Study of Water Availability in the San Juan River Basin", Cynthia M. Douthit, Farmington High School
"Testing Solar Cells for Space Application: Phase I", Ernestine Chaco, Navajo Preparatory School
"Guilty or Not, That is the Question", Kathleen R. Emerich, Rio Rancho High School
"A Nonlinear Bug´s Life", Ann T. Trugman, Los Alamos Middle School
"Exploring the Extended Euclidean Algorithm", Kristin R. Cordwell, Jackson Middle School
"Nitrate and Groundwater in the East Mountains of Bernallio Co., NM: Phase II", Abigail J. Gray, Roosevelt Middle School
"Jamming Susceptibility of GPS Receivers", Linday R. Riblett, Edgewood Middle School
"Modeling Complexity: Demonstrating Emergent Ant Behavior", Naina A. Panthaki, St. Mary´s Middle School


Central Chapter has raised questions about the definition of an EYH sponsor. It was noted that all cash donors (state-wide and Chapter contributions) should be listed as sponsors, plus organizations that provide materials such as folders. Some people wanted every woman´s work affiliation listed (speakers, tour leaders, planning committee, etc.) including specific Departments and branches of UNM. It seems appropriate that affiliations for women on the EYH Planning Committee are routinely listed (although they are not necessarily sponsors), but it was not recommended that the affiliation of all conference participants be listed. Discussion of the definition of EYH sponsor for consistency and Board policy was suggested. Do any employers have written agreements with the Network to receive recognition for EYH participation by their employees?

Highlights for June 7, 2003 Board Meeting

The meeting was held at dede Collins´ home in Santa Fe.

Attendance: dede Collins, Tinka Gammel, Carol La Delfe, Debby Potter, Alexine Salazar, Mary Campbell, Catherine Hensley, and Barbara Torres.

Annual Meeting

Dates were: October 11 as first choice, and October 18 as second. Suggested events and activities included Explora! and camping under dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. Sheraton Old Town was selected as the hotel location.


Mary has distributed the Articles of Incorporation to all board members and will scan and store them as a .pdf file, available on request.


Tinka is planning a party for members and potential members August 16 at her new home in Los Alamos, probably in the afternoon. A motion to have it catered was made by Tinka, seconded by Catherine. After some discussion, the motion was amended to place an upper limit of $250. The motion passed. Cater suggestions included Allied Foods and some other women-owned caterer. Tinka will send out the invitation and will also send out to the LAWIS mailing list

Fund Raising:

We have received a $5000 grant from the McCune Foundation. Debby indicated that we need more testimonials or formal reports on EYH conferences to use in grant proposals. There is $4-5K possible from the Sandia Foundation. Other possible donors suggested were Paul Newman´s Own, PNM, the Albuquerque Community Foundation, Target has a $4k grant.

Expanding Your Horizons

Silver City
The Silver City EYH conference at WNMU was held on Saturday, March 1, 2003, with about 160 5th-10th grade girls attending. There had 20 different workshops. The girls attended 2 workshops in the morning, lunch, 1 workshop and an activity in the afternoon. The only major problem was the lunch. They ate lunch at the school cafeteria which took too long due to long lines, slowness in deciding what to have for lunch, and staff shorthanded. Expenses were about $2000 and money raised was about $100 short. Adrienne also noted her new email address at dare@signalpeak.net.

Chapter Reports:

Tinka reported that there is no legal Board yet. This needs to be added as a tentative discussion for the next state Board meeting in August (at Tinka´s). Should we do away with local chapters and just keep EYH planning committees? Debby proposed we do this strategic planning at the next meeting. Contacts to help ­ Alexine can try to contact Gloria Cordova. Barbara will get together some ideas and email to Board. Dede will maintain the official summary copies.

Highlights for August 16, 2003 Board Meeting

The meeting was held at Tinka Gammel´s home in Los Alamos.

Attendance: dede Collins, Tinka Gammel, Carol La Delfe, Debby Potter, Alexine Salazar, Mary Campbell, Janie Enter, Georgia Pedicini, and Lisa Colletti.

Annual Meeting

Final dates: weekend of October 18, with conference facilities booked at Explora! Science Center and Albuquerque Children's Museum for evening October 17 and all day October 18. It was also decided that there would be about an hour of strategic planning at the annual meeting. The theme selected was Exploration: Past and Future.


It suggested that there be a poster board of our newsmakers at our annual meeting, possibly even a posthumous section.


We have a total of 71 active members, including 5 new members. A suggestion was made to have a membership list available on line with a general password to all members. Georgia will look into the mechanisms available and get back with Carol

Fund Raising:

Total EYH funds raised for 2004 are $12,500 total raised this year amount to $17,800! THANK YOU, Debby!!! Debby has set up a new officer´s notebook for the next Fundraising Chair who will be appointed by the incoming President in October. She would still like to re-create a history of past grant awards, since that information is requested on some grant applications.

Policies and Procedures:

Debby suggested specifying all EYH Chairs be network members. Also add to

97-PR05.EYH Conference coordinator or EYH Conference Chair.
Item 2. It is the responsibility of EYH Conference Coordinator to ensure all EYH Chairs are members of the Network and operate according to ETYH licensure requirements and network policies and procedures.

Expanding Your Horizons

State - Dana Roberson
Time to think about next year's order for books and bags and update the pagemaker file for the books.
Silver City
The Silver City EYH is scheduled for March 6, 2003. They advertise for 5th to 10th grade girls and will plan on 250 girls. Plans are going well. JoAnn Fischer, Della Acosta and Adrienne Dare are major coordinators.

Highlights for October 19, 2003 Board Meeting

The meeting was held in Albuquerque in the Board Room at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems.

Attendance: dede Collins, Mercedes Agogino, Jeanne Banks, Barbara Torres, Yolanda King, Catherine Hensley, Tinka Gammel and Adrienne Dare.

Treasurer's Report

Current funds are in excess of $12,000 due to Debby Potter´s very successful fundraising.

Annual Meeting

2003 – Jeanne Banks This year’s symposium/meeting should have been better publicized, and sooner, to have been better attended. All who attended deemed the price reasonable. 2004 – ???

dede will be asking Janie Enter to chair next year’s event. Janie is interested in pursuing holding the meeting in Jemez Springs. The dates agreed upon where 24-25 September 04, with the Board Meeting on 26 September 04.

Elections – dede Collins (spoke for Janie Enter)

The elections were not complete prior to the meeting, but the call for nominations was sent via email to the membership list, the LAWIS listserv and the NMNWSE listserv on August 29. A copy of the letter sent is on file. Janie was unable to complete the evaluation of the responses before some required travel sent her out of town. The election process will be completed in November.

The 2004-2005 Elections will be chaired by dede Collins.


Carol LaDelfe is passing the baton after doing such a marvelous job on the web page for so many years. Catherine and Tinka agreed to form a team to support the newsletter and the web page since they share so much information. They also agreed to help Adrienne put a web site on-line for the southern EYH.

Policies and Procedures

Barbara agreed to continue to lead this area. The only changes to the policies and procedures that were made during the past year were done in the spring and reported in the minutes at that time.

There was also some discussion about a previous change to the P&Ps that does not seem to be reflected in the current P&P document. This change involved P&P 96-POL2 concerning the $10 chapter rebate for each professional membership. The change, recalled by several at the board meeting, would provide a minimum amount for chapters with very few members but that want to remain active and rebuild as opposed to the $10 per member. Some research will be done in this area to determine if the change was indeed approved but simply lost in the documentation over time.


It suggested that there be a poster board of our newsmakers at our annual meeting, possibly even a posthumous section.


Tinka wishes to remain the Membership Chair and had some new ideas for staying in touch and providing services to the members.

Expanding Your Horizons

State - Dana Roberson
The fee to the Math/Science Network is now $500. This amount grants us the rights to hold each conference and includes the additional funds requested to send multiple copies of the materials to each site coordinator. Dana questions if this is worth it and do we know how the Math/Science Network uses the funds. Of course, the right to call the conference “Expanding Your Horizons” and use of the EYH logo are part of what we receive, plus the materials that are sent. Dana will take action to contact the Network and ask about the fee and how it is used.
Silver City - Adrienne Dare
The Silver City EYH conference is scheduled at WNMU on March 6, 2004. The format will be similar to previous conferences: opening session, two workshops, lunch, another workshop, group activity, and closing session. There will be a keynote speaker at the opening session: a woman who is a graduate of one of the local area high schools. She works for IBM in Tucson and contacted us after last year’s conference volunteering to help.
We will aim for 250 girls in grades 5-10. We’ve received a mini-grant of $100 from NM-AAUW to help provide transportation to girls from remote areas. After talking to some of the superintendents of four nearby school districts, they have agreed to provide transportation and help some with lunch expenses. One is even helping pay for t-shirts.
Budget submitted, seed money approved.
Central Chapter
EYH scheduled for March 13, 2004. They expect 400 girls. Committee chairs have been assigned. The first meeting is scheduled for October 21, 2003.
Budget submitted, seed money approved.