Greetings and salutations to all you wonderful members! I am so excited about the growth of the Network this year! We are 160 strong and growing!! This growth can be attributed to the hard work that everyone has contributed, especially the Board of Directors. Even though we are nearly three quarters of the way through the year, it doesn't seem like it at all! Elections will be here before you know it, so be thinking about whether you might like to jump in and contribute. We have a lot of fun and get to know each other pretty well by the end of the two-year term. I have served on the Board previous to being President and found it very rewarding. With staggered two-year terms, there is a lot of continuity and that makes everyone's job easier.
I'm sure that you all have received the Call for Papers for the Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting in October. As some of you know, I gave a presentation of Self-care for Working Women last year. It was a very rewarding experience and fun too!. This is truly a SAFE environment to test out a presentation. I would encourage all of you to come this year because we will be in the midst of nature and will have a great opportunity to get to know each other better also!
I would like to personally thank Lynda Towers, Libby Haas, Debby Potter, Vlctor1a Dery, and Karen Agoglno for taking time out of their busy schedules and traveling to Socorro to judge and select winners from the science fair projects. And a special THANK YOU to Mercedes Agogino for taking charge every year and making these awards possible! We have already received several thank you notes from recipients of our awards. Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
At the last Board meeting on June 17, 1995 it was suggested that we might consider affiliating with a national organization. If you have any comments in regards to this just give me a call. Otherwise I hop~ to see you all at the Annual Meeting in October.
Nancy Stages
Rosalie Graves announced that the Coalition to Increase Minority Degrees distributed applications for funding fall 1995 projects, which are due July 7 1995. "The CIMD is an alliance of over 75 institutions of higher education, national laboratories, professional organizations, corporations, and organizations throughout Arizona and New Mexico and Western Texas, Colorado and Utah. The ClMD's goal is to increase the number of under-represented minority students who receive baccalaureate and doctorate degrees in mathematics, the sciences (excluding the social sciences), and engineering by funding a variety of academic projects. The CIMD received a $5 million five-year cooperative agreement, effective November 1, 1991, from the National Science Foundation." There are guidelines for faculty-directed undergraduate research projects, undergraduate peer study groups, and AMP-NET: The Electronic Peer Study Network.
For further information including eligibility requirements contact the CIMD c/o Hispanic Research Center, Box 872702, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2702 or 602/965-0840.
We are pleased to welcome the following members to NMNWSE:
Bobbie Baca of USDA Forest Service Engineering, Albuquerque;
Elizbieta Kaleta, Albuquerque;
Jan Curtis, Albuquerque;
Henrietta Gatto, Albuquerque;
Marci Partow, Albuquerque;
Dyan Foss, Albuquerque;
Diana J. Griffin, Albuquerque;
Cecilia Sadler , Albuquerque;
Jerry Sue Thompson, Albuquerque;
Anna M. Richards, Santa Fe; and
Valerie K. Rogers, Ridgecrest, CA.
It's that time of year again: Time to renew and recharge the NMNWSE's heart. In other words, it's time for our annual election. This year the positions which need to be filled are:
* Vice President/President Elect. This position means a commitment of three years on the Board. This individual is President Elect for membership year October 1995 through September 1996. Then she becomes President of the state network for membership year October 1996-September 1997. Then she serves on the Board for third year as pastpresident. Because we rotate this position from area to area, we particularly need a volunteer from the northern chapter for this position. If you have questions about the position, I'm sure dede Collins, who is finishing her year as past president, or Nancy Stages, who is finishing her year as president, will be happy to tell you about it. It's a great opportunity, a lot of fun, and a chance to make a difference. Go for it!
* Member-at-Large. This position is a two-year commitment. Each member-at-large is assigned a specific committee or duty for a specific membership year. For example, I have been a member-at-large for three years; I am in my second term. For each of those three years my assignment has been elections. Debby Potter, the person who has finished her last two-year term and whose position we are filling, has been working on the newsletter for the last two years (and what a fine job she's done, too!). The decision as to who does what is made at the annual meeting when the new Board meets for the first time. This person should be from either the northern chapter or from the central chapter to keep balance on the Board.
In addition to the position, we will be asking you to vote on an amendment to the by-laws. The Board has become aware that, to continue maintaining balance and accomplish all tasks, we need to add to the size of the Board. To do that we need you to approve a change in the by-laws.
The ballots will be sent in August. Therefore, I need these two individuals to volunteer by the end of July. You could also let me know of someone to contact if she'd be good. Also, please be on the alert for the ballots, and please participate in the election. The by-laws amendment is particularly important, and your feedback is necessary for us to know what to do.
Rosalie Graves did a masterful job of judging the student essay contest It's the Year 2005 and l'm a Scientist Now! This contest was part of a KNME-TV comrnunity outreach program for promoting the television series "Discovering Women" produced by WGBH Boston. There were 18 excellent entries from cities throughout NM. The winners are:
FIRST--Amy Brinkerhoff, $500
SECOND--Celeste Biemer, $150
THIRD--Stacy Graham, Smithsonian magazine
(Battelle Memorial Institute)
THIRD--Sydney Henning, $50 gift certificate
(Computer Corner)
HONORABLE MENTION--Sarah Ruth Gonzales,
There will be an awards ceremony at the KNME-TV station on Wednesday lune 28, and UNM Provost Mary Sue Coleman will distribute the prizes. Congratulations to all of the contestants for their thoughtful submissions!
June 17, 1995 Notes are in preparation, but the following reports were received at the meeting.
Standing Committee Reports.
Membership (Lynda Towers). We have a total active membership of 160 members in NMNWSE. We have 11 new members whose names are listed above. We have seven members who have renewed, and about ten corrections to the membership data base. The directories have been mailed, but not yet to the new members who have joined since the mailing.
Newsletter (Dehby Potter). The next issue of the newsletter will be the responsibility of the new Board member following elections and the annual meeting. Debby says she has enjoyed the job, but is looking forward to a one year reprieve from all Boards while finishing her dissertation research.
Annual Meeting (Debby Potter). The Call for Papers was mailed to each network member and additional copies are available. Judy Meyer, Ph.D., President of the Ecological Society of Arnerica, had to decline the invitation to give a keynote presentation. Also, American Airlines was unable to honor the request to donate her round-trip ticket from Atlanta, although the University of New Mexico would have helped pay her expenses. We discussed an alternate speaker: the current Director of the Bureau of Mines in Washington, D.C., Rhea Graham, a resident of NM.
Yolanda has drafted the meeting agenda, which incorporates concurrent sessions, if necessary. We invited (and have a commitment from) Coleen McNurney, biologist from the Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge, to coordinate the tour of the refuge on Saturday afternoon. Rosalie Graves is coordinating the ententainment, and Beulah Woodfin is making the food arrangements. Photos of the facility are available and show the meeting rooms, library, houses (interior and exterior photos), grounds, etc. Debby has drafted the registration form.
EYH and Chapter reports were heard, and are included elsewhere in the newsletter.
Old Business. (see Discovering Women update)
The next meeting will be on August 12 in Moriarty at the home of Yolanda Jones King.
State budget report of June 12, 1995:
Opening Balance (OCT-NOV) $10,526.13 Income (YTD) $ 4,713.99 (Memberships, Fund-raising, Interest) Total Expenses (YTD) $ 4,070.58 (EYH, Newsletter, POB, travel, etc.) Ending Balance (APR-MAY) $11,314.94
This budget reflects the actual cash flow as recorded in the check book, not dates when checks were cashed.
On April 8, 1995, at the Forty-Third Annual New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair held at Socorro, NM, NMNWSE gave ten deserving young women awards for their science fair projects. The four senior awardees will receive $100 each and the six junior awardees will receive $50. Each one will also receive a certificate personalized with her name and winning category.
Many thanks to our SLS judges: NMNWSE members Mercedes Agogino, Lynda Towers, Libby Haas, and Deborah Potter, plus enviromnental engineers Victoria Dery and Vicki Fry. Below are the ten winners:
Senior Earth and Space Science. Marisa A. Garcia-Thompson. Taos Junior High School. Blood from Stone.
Senior Environmental Science. Diane F. Yaros, Farmington High School. The Effects of W Light on t~te Chlorop~yll and MAAs of Isochrysis galbana: Phase 111.
Senior Physics. Edie Mr. Murdock, Grants High School. The Ultimate Flyer.
Junior Behavioral and Social Sciences. Kristin D. Blaich, Pathway Primary School (Albuquerque). Red Could Mean Dead.
Junior Computer Science. Kathleen M. Gorman, Los Alamos Middle School. I've Got a Secret.
Junior Computer Science. Krystal F. Wood, Chaparral Junior High School, Alamogordo. Internet--Road to Research.
Junior Earttl and Space Science. Angela M. Ames, Madison Middle School, Albuquerque. How do Different Kinds of Rocks React to Water Erosion ?
Junior Environmental Science. Katherine T. Royer, Our Lady of Annunciation School, Albuquerque. Do You Know What's In Your Dnnking Water? Part II.
Junior Physics. Angela L. Thomas, Linsey Middle School, Portales. Shape and Viscosity.
Senior Behavior and Social Sciences. Ann C. Seiferie-Valenci. Farmington High School. Too Many People: Did Over "population of Chaco Canyon Cause the Decline of Anasazi Civilization ?
We received the following letter addressed to Nancy Stages. "Thank you for recognizing my science fair project entitled The Effects of UV Light on the Chlorophyll and MAAs of Isochrysis galbana: Phase III at the New Mexico State Science and Engineering Fair. I appreciate the effort the NM Network for Women in Science and Engineering puts into judging and awarding projects. The award check for $100 and certificate motivates me to continue on my science fair project. Sincerely, Diane Yaros.
Central (Debby Potter) -- There was a Chapter meeting on April 19 where Kelli Livermore and Kathy Kensing from Hawkwatch International were the guest speakers.
Kelli presented Kree, a Swainson's Hawk/educational
bird, and a slide show about raptors. The next meeting is on June 21 at the home of Ellen Evans, and we are
inviting the essay contest and local State Science Fair winners to give presentations. The last Chapter meeting this year will be on September 20 at the home of Debby Potter.
Rachael has asked for relief from mailbox duty, and Debby Potter currently holds the key and has emptied the box twice. It will probably only be checked at most once per month, until we find someone on Kirtland AFB or at Sandia Lab to assume this responsibility. It was quite an ordeal to update the records at the Post Office, which were ten years old. We were asked to please fill out a new form each time the key is turned over to a new person. Iudy Mead volunteered to take on this important job.
Southern (Vickie Reynolds) -- The Southern Chapter held meetings in April and June at the Hacienda in Las Cruces. At the lune meeting the members discussed the potential for closing the only emergency response rape crisis center in Las Cruces. It seems that La Pinon Sexual Trauma Recovery and Crisis Center may have to close its doors due to the loss of a grant from United Way. They have planned some fund raisers in an attempt to continue providing as many of their services as possible. The Southem Chapter will make a donation to the Center.
The Chapter also sponsored Take Your Daughter to Work Day at White Sands Missile Range on April 27, 1995. We started the day with an opening session at the post theater to welcome the parents and their daughters. Mr. George A. Orlicki, Technical Director of the White Sands Missile Range, spoke to the participants. We distributed some materials, including the career planning book, and presented door prizes donated by the White Sands Missile Range Museum to all of the children. Approximately 40 children and their parents attended the session. Public Affairs provided media coverage to include the local newspaper, photographers, and video. We appreciate the help provided by the WSMR Public Affairs and EEO offices in publicizing the event and encouraging participation.
The next meeting of the Southern Chapter will be held at WSMR on July 11, 1996.
Central (Debby Potter & Yolanda King)-- We would like to hold the EYH conference next year at UNM, but during spring break in March when middle and high schools are in session. We are still searching for a volunteer for the 1996 Chair.
Southern (Vickie Reynolds) The chanter is planning the 1996 EYH conference. We are working with a representative of the local AAUW, Janet McKimpson, who has agreed to co-sponsor next year's conference. Discussions have covered a tentative program, facility requirements, budget, workshop presenters, speakers, and support from the local business community. Jane has contacted the Doña Ana Community College and they have offered the use of their facilities, which will be well suited for the conference, at no cost.
The date for the conference is set for Saturday February 24, 1996. We plan to have a keynote speaker and have several possibilities in mind. The program will consist of an opening session with the keynote speaker, workshops, a group activity and lunch. We are hoping that with the addition of AAUW resources we can offer a wide variety of high quality workshops and get support from the local business community, perhaps in the form of donations. We are excited about having the support of AAUW and hope to make next year's conference a truly outstanding event.
Silver City (Adnenne Dare)-- No actual date has been set for the Silver City conference but we will aim for the end of March so as not to conflict with the Business and Professional Women's conference at the beginning of the month. The PBW women as well as the AAUW women want to help with the EYH conference.