NMNWSE Board of Directors President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Archives Fund Raising Newsletter Elections EYH Coordinator Membership Eastern Chapter Northern Chapter Central Chapter Southern Chapter |
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEHappy New Year! Each season brings a new perspective to me on life and the world. At the new year I see a clean slate ready for new challenges, new goals, and new activities. It's an exciting time both personally and for the Network. This year's Expanding Your Horizons conferences are just around the corner. Plans for each area's activities were presented at December's Board Meeting and are being discussed in each chapter's meetings. I am so excited to be able to attend all the conferences because this is our primary reason for existence -- to encourage young women to pursue careers in math and science. I'd like to let you know a little more about me. I've been a member of the Network for four years. For the first year I watched and learned. The second two years I was membership Chairman. Last year I accepted the three year responsibility of leadership, serving the first year as Vice-President/President-Elect, this year as President, and next year will be Past President. For the past eight years I have worked for BDM. I am currently working in the Education Technologies group. We provide technical services support to school districts that are implementing programs to use technology in both their business and instructional areas. It is rewarding work and I am pleased to have been able to make the transition from defense work to the education area. I'm looking forward to getting to know many of you better this year. When I served the Network in the capacity of Membership Chairman for two years, many names became familiar. I'm always delighted when I can meet the person that goes with the name and learn more about other women with similar goals. Best wishes to each of you in this new year and heartfelt thanks for all the work you have done to support young women throughout the state in choosing technical careers. Fondly, Libby |
December 9, 1995.
The meeting was held at the home of Lori Laplanche in Las Cruces and chaired by President Libby Haas . The following Board members were present: Mercedes Agogino, dede Collins, Adrienne Dare, Libby Haas, Yolanda Jones King, Carol LaDelfe, Ellen Overton, Debby Potter, Nancy Stages and Lynda Towers. Proxies for Kelli Livermore and Rachael Pitts. The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed, amended and unanimously approved.
The Chapter met at the home of Jerry Sue Thompson on November 15. The speaker was Randi Buck of the Regional Science Fair. She provided information on the science and mentor program, and asked for any volunteers. The next meeting will be held January 17 at the home of Rosalie Graves. Information packets for the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conference will b prepared for mailing.
The Central Chapter will be providing prizes for the Regional Science Fair. The prizes will go to the best engineering or science project in both the junior and Senior levels. The prizes will be $100.00 savings bonds. We will also seek volunteers from within the Chapter to be Science Fair judges.
Plans for Central Chapter EYH have started. Jerry Sue Thompson and Rhonda Cole are co-chairs. It will be held March 9 at University of New Mexico. The first meeting of the EYH Steering Committee will be held on December 6.
The Northern Chapter Board has met once since the Annual Meeting. This meeting was an orientation session for some of our new members. Many of them have willingly jumped into organizing our various activities. We discussed setting up a new membership status for people receiving chapter information only. This membership would be used to keep upper management personnel at LANL informed of our activities but would not give them full membership status. This issue is still under discussion. We also have organized our next membership activity which is scheduled for December 15. This will be our first annual holiday stress-busting on-site chair massage session. We have hired two masseuses (female massage experts) to come to LANL at the lunch hour and members can pay for fifteen minute massage sessions. We think it will be well attended. Our next board meeting is December 12.
The Southern Chapter elected new officers: President Mary Bochman and Vice President Vickie Reynolds. Jane Madrid and Amber Hittle agreed to continue as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Although the database has not yet been transferred, new membership forms have been received. The following membership information is taken from the hard copies that were transferred during the annual meeting.
Membership for 1995-96 have been received from 26 individuals. Eleven memberships were received before the annual meeting, and 15 at the annual meeting. The current status for each chapter is as follows.
New Renewed Nonrenewals Central 4 6 42 Eastern 3 1 3 Northern 5 2 80 Southern 0 5 14
The status of the 1995-96 memberships is shown below.
Professional Retired Student/Un- employed Central 7 0 3 Eastern 1 2 1 Northern 7 0 0 Southern 4 1 0 Total 19 3 4
The database will be transferred and updated before next board meeting.
A letter will be sent to the members who have not renewed their memberships by 1 January in early January. Those members who do not remit their dues within 30 days will be dropped.
Approximately sixty (60) fundraising letters were sent out to community science and engineering firms and local educational and charitable foundations in the middle of November. Several other companies have been gathered using NM Business Journal and similar publications. These will be sent out before mid-December.
US West Foundation was contacted to determine if they were still going to donate the $500 for EYH. They are going to cut the check on or about December 8th and put it in the mail around then including a camera ready logo to use in our brochures and/or publicity. They apologized for any confusion, but they didn't realize we needed it this soon (I guess).
The USAF Phillips Laboratory's educational outreach will most likely sponsor the folders for the EYH. Paperwork is being processed. However, still no definite word on the DOE and/or SNL covering the booklets. However, until the copyright issue is taken care of we have a moot issue. The revised copy is needed before we can go to press.
No report.
The Audit Committee conducted a Financial Audit in October for balances to 9/30/1995. Minor differences were noted between ledger balance and annual budget report. The ledger was accurate.
Ledger: $4163.63 Money Market: $5870.35 Total: $10,042.98
Four sites in New Mexico have been registered with the Math/Science Network for the fee of $200.
Site Contact Silver City Adrienne Dare\ Las Cruces Vickie Reynolds Albuquerque Jerry Sue Thompson Rhonda Cole Los Alamos National Shirley Herrera Laboratory
The organizational packet has been received from the Math/Science network. Copies have been mailed to Shirley Herrera and Jerry Sue Thompson. A packet has been hand carried to Las Cruces for Vickie Reynolds.
The Student and Adult packets should be here any day. I will distribute copies as soon as I receive them from the Math/Science network.
Karen Schultz Paige checked with dede Collins to see if there were any problem concerning the copyright protection on SURVEYING YOUR FUTURE since we have modified the document. Dede talked with the original author. There appears to be no problem.
The decision about the printing of the folders and the SURVEYING YOUR FUTURE booklets will need to be made very soon since the first of our conferences in 1996 will be at the end of February.
- The Central Chapter has EYH plans underway and presented a budget to the board.
Northern Chapter - We held an EYH kickoff meeting on December 5, at lunch. Five people attended the meeting. Since most of them had worked on the EYH conference before, we set to work assigning people to specific chair positions. Our EYH conference this year will be on Wednesday, March 20. The EYH co-chairs are Shirley Herrera (last year's EYH chair) and Joyce Guzik. The chair for EYH treasurer will be Trish Wright. The chair for registration will be Carol LaDelfe. The chair for workshop presenters will be Karen Schultz Paige. The chair for contacting schools will be Ann Mauzy. Nancy Scheer will be our liaison to AAUW who will be contacting the Santa Fe schools for us. The most pressing issues to be dealt with include contacting professional associations for career literature, brainstorming team building activities for the girls, reserving rooms and facilities needed, and recruiting presenters. We are working on all of these issues. Our next EYH meting will be in early January.
Interim Report - December 15, 1995.
Target audience is mid school age girls. Vista, Lynn, and Sierra Middle Schools were personally visited by AAUW members Janet McKimpson and Beverly Stiles. Zia, Pacacho, and White Sands Middle Range schools were visited by Ms McKimpson, Ms Stiles, and Vickie Reynolds (NMNWSE). Schools outside of the immediate Las Cruces area were contacted by letter. They are Chaparral, Community Christian, Holloman Air Force Base (Alamogordo), (Gadsden (Anthony), Capitan, Carrizozo, Chaparral, Cloudcroft, Hatch Valley, Ruidoso, Santa Teresa, and Truth or Consequences. Plans are to meet with the Las Cruces Hispano Chamber of Commerce in January 1996.
By drawing from the AAUW membership, workshop choices have been expanded beyond the traditional math, science and engineering choices this year. Since each girl will attend three workshops, they will all still get a "dose" of math, science and/or engineering.
Keynote speaker is Susanna Martinez. She is a local attorney and candidate for District Attorney in Las Cruces. Ms Martinez is an entertaining speaker and is an admirable role model, especially for the many young Hispanic girls who attend our conferences.
The Silver City EYH will be held on the Western New Mexico University campus. The BPW (Business and Professional Women) organization and PEO will be joining AAUW in helping sponsor the event. Planning is still in the early stages. Our major expenses will be lunch and T-shirts. We expect to be able to raise more money from the local community this year. I am still considering doing some sort of adult program but haven't made any definite decisions.
No news to report.
NMNWSE Members: All contributions to the newsletter are welcomed. Please send reports, articles, biographies, book (or other media) reviews, news of job promotions or moves, or your ideas for the next (April 1996) issue (email preferred) by March 15th to:
Carol LaDelfe
600 Los Pueblos
Los Alamos, NM 87544
February 10
Silver City - Adrienne Dare
April 13
Albuquerque - Libby Haas
June 8
Santa Fe - Karen Schultz Paige
August 10
Moriarty - Yolanda Jones King