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by Libby Haas
SPRING! Another truly magnificent time of the year. I wander through my yard almost every day just to see what new plants are poking their tiny green leaves up through the dirt and mulch, and which spring flowering trees and shrubs are bursting forth in their glorious displays. The bulbs started early and are going strong -- as one fades, another takes its place. And I've seen lots of robins, so I know that spring is truly here. Now, if only the weather will cooperate so we don't lose fruit again like we did last year.
The seasons come and go, each with exciting things to see and do, and likewise in the Network, as one activity time passes by, another comes along to take its place. The Expanding Your Horizons throughout the state were wonderful! Congratulations to each chapter for another successful year and thanks to each and every one of you who contributed your talents to these efforts. It is heartwarming to talk to those involved and hear stories of how much the conferences mean to students. At the Silver City conference, one of the presenters had attended an EYH conference in Las Cruces when she was a student!
And now it is time to move on to planning the Annual Meeting -- can it possibly be that time again? A lot of work goes into an annual meeting and Northern Chapter is busy with their planning. I can't wait to see what exciting things are in store for us in the Santa Fe Old Town area!
It is also time to begin planning for the next elections. If you would be willing to serve on the State Board of Directors, please let Kelli Livermore know so that she can include you I her planning. It is great to have a mix of long time members and new members on the Board so that we can share both in continuity and in new ideas. Please give it some serious thought, and I'll look forward to working with you on next year's board.
February 10, 1996.
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. at the home of Adrienne Dare in Silver City by President Libby Haas with the following Board Members present: Kelli Bitner, Mary Bochmann, Adrienne Dare, Libby Haas, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Schultz Paige and Wyona Turner. Proxies were held for Mercedes Agogino, dede Collins, and Yolanda Jones King. The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and approved as was the Treasurer's report. Reports were heard from Standing Committees and chapters. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
The Chapter met at the home of Rosalie Graves on January 17. Information packets for the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conference were prepared for mailing to all Albuquerque Public Schools, private schools in Albuquerque, and public schools in surrounding areas such as Grants, Los Lunas, Moriarty, and Bernalillo. The next meeting will be held on April 17 at the home of Beulah Woodfin.
The Board for the Northern Chapter had one meeting in January and then decided to postpone further Board meetings until April, after the EYH conference. In April, Ginger Young will coordinate a speaker on geology and fossils with a field trip for members.
At the January meeting, we found out that Board member Rosalie Multari received a job offer from Intel in Albuquerque and will be quitting the Board (and possibly transferring her membership to Central). Board member Kay Strong also agreed to step down from the Board. Rosalie's replacement for the 18 month term will be Diane Albert, who is on the Women's Diversity Group at LANL. Rosalie's position as Liaison to the State Board is being taken by Deborah Kubicek, who is also the 1996 NMNWSE Annual Meeting chair. Kay's replacement for the 6 month term will be Libby Jones. We look forward to working with our new Board members.
Northern Chapter again participated in the Los Alamos Science Fair, held Feb. 10. Three gift certificates from a local book store were awarded as prizes to the best female entries. Judges were Wendee Brunish, Ginger Young, and Deborah Kubicek.
Southern Chapter has been meeting every month and has had a number of committee meetings (face-to-face, telephonically and email) reference the 96 EYH.
No report.
The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
The Northern Chapter is organizing the 1996 NMNWSE Annual Meeting and Symposium. We plan to make this the best conference ever. We have already met twice and have accomplished a lot. Deborah Kubicek is the Committee Chair and Ann Mauzy is head of accommodations and facilities.
Other members on the committee include Wendee Brunish, dede Collins, Alexine Salazar, Nancy Scheer, Nina Thayer, Lynda Towers, and Ginger Young.
The 1996 NMNWSE Annual Meeting will be held Friday October 18th through Sunday October 20th. It will be located at the Fort Marcy Compound Hotel Suites in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The State Representative Liz Stefanics has already agreed to be our keynote speaker for Friday afternoon. This year's conference theme is "Women as the Leaders--from Traditions to the Future".
Memberships have been received on a regular basis from Rachel. A closer examination of memberships shows that the Network had 150 members from the 1994-95 year. To date 19 new members have been added to our membership roster. Because renewal letters have not yet been sent, only 22 memberships have been renewed.
Current membership information is listed below by region.
New Renewed Nonrenewals Central 7 9 38 Eastern 7 1 3 Northern 5 3 77 Southern 0 9 10 Total 19 22 128
Professional Retired Student/Un-emp loyed Central 12 0 3 Eastern 1 1 6 Northern 8 0 0 Southern 7 2 0 Total 28 3 9
Professional Retired Student/Un-emp loyed Central 4 0 3 Eastern 1 0 6 Northern 5 0 0 Southern 0 0 0 Total 10 0 9
I have received a membership list from Deborah Kubicek from the Northern chapter. That list shows 46 members. I have only received notification for five of those members. Thirty-one of the remaining members are listed in the 1994-95 Membership Directory, but there is no record for another five members listed. (An unknown code accounted for the remaining five names.) I will send her the three names that were not on her list (2 renewals and 1 new) and ask for information about the others. Question: What is the status of those memberships that I do not receive from Rachel?
The membership database is in the process of being transferred and renewal letters will be sent next week.
Newsletters went out in January. NMNWSE now has a World Wide Web page ( and recent back issues of the News are available there. We have pages available for each EYH conference and for the Annual Meeting. There are also links to several other organizations that might be of interest to our members.
Vickie Reynolds (NMNWSE) and a representative from AAUW did a presentation on the EYH on the public TV station (Que Pasa on KRWG in Las Cruces and Silver City). It should be on February 10 and 11 at 6:30 p.m.
NMNWSE is sponsoring a member of Girl's State (summer of 1996) - an American Legion Auxiliary project.
Goals include:
1. Meet with secretary to discuss publicity actions
2. Website (see Newsletter report)
3. Science Fair Awards (joint action with Science Fair chair)
4. Network with other orgainzations (joint action with Membership)
5. Contact Universities (joint action with Membership)
Contact NMSU Ms Bochmann UNM Dr. Woodfin? WNMU Dr. Dare? ENMU Dr. Agogino?
Application has been made for a grant from the Albuquerque Com. council. Donations have been received (or promised) by Ethicon ($200) and Intel ($750)
1993 & 94 1995 1996 $4550 $2300 $1800
State Science Fair is on April 13 in Socorro. Judges are needed.
The Student and Adult packets from the Math/Science Network have been distributed to the EYH sites.
Yolanda King has had the folders printed. These should be available to be distributed at the February board meeting, thanks to Libby.
A lot of work has been put into revising the "Surveying Your Future" booklet. Thanks to dede Collins and Kelli Livermore and anyone else who worked so hard on this project. However, there still seems to be a lot of outdated inforemation. Sometimes old references were dropped but the text remained unchanged. The project was much more complicated and involved than eany of us had anticipated.
I also had a conversation with the original editor of the document, Mary Ann Sweeney. She wasn't comfortable with our changes. She didn't think we should be changing text that someone else wrote. Anyway, she is interested in being involved in a project to revise the booklet if we wish to continue this effort. dede Collins has suggested that if we do get the booklet revised we offer it to the Math/Science Network. We should decide if we wish to continue the effort to revise the booklet.
The Central chapter has indicated to me that they may wish to use any left over booklets at their conference. I don't have any left but some of the other sites may still have some.
I do have an alternative to offer. Betty Levitin from Math/Science Network has sent me a copy of a 16 page Women in Science Newsletter which she clams has been recently revised. If we decide we want to order it at $0.75 each we can order them on 2/12/96 so that they will arrive before the Las Cruces conference on Feb 24. Betty claims that we should receive the newsletters in a week (7 days).
Central Chapter: The Steering Committee for the EYH has been very busy, under the direction of the co-chairs, Jerry Sue Thompson and Rhonda Cole. Information packets for Central Chapter's Albuquerque EYH have been prepared and mailed. As of February 7, there were 17 volunteers for workshops and 17 volunteers for career panels. Forty nine students and four adults have registered. It will be held March 9 at University of New Mexico, with registration in the Biology Building. The workshops and panels will be in different buildings, depending on space and equipment needs.
Northern Chapter: We held an EYH kickoff meeting on December 5, at lunch. Five people attended the meeting. Since most of them had worked on the EYH conference before, we set to work assigning people to specific chair positions. Our EYH conference this year will be on Wednesday, March 20. The EYH co-chairs are Shirley Herrera (last year's EYH chair) and Joyce Guzik. The chair for EYH treasurer will be Trish Wright. The chair for registration will be Carol LaDelfe. The chair for workshop presenters will be Karen Schultz Paige. The chair for contacting schools will be Ann Mauzy. Nancy Scheer will be our liaison to AAUW who will be contacting the Santa Fe schools for us. The most pressing issues to be dealt with include contacting professional associations for career literature, brainstorming team building activities for the girls, reserving rooms and facilities needed, and recruiting presenters. We are working on all of these issues. Our next EYH meeting will be in early January.
Southern Chapter:
El Paso EYH Report submitted. EYH conference was held in January.
Las Cruces. Southern chapter has targeted sixth graders in Las Cruces and mid-school in the surrounding area. Schools in the area have been contacted in person or though letters. About 110 students have registered, with a maximum anticipated as 150. Keynote speaker is Susanna Martinez, local attorney and candidate for District Attorney in Las Cruces. Libby Haas, Mary Berry, Mary Bochmann, and Carol Ann Council have been invited to welcome students. Publicity has been provided on public TV. Some coordination problems have been experienced between the network and the AAUW point of contact. Pending items include food, T-shirts, and AV support.
Silver City: The conference will be held on the Western New Mexico University Campus. The BPW (Business and Professional Women) organization and PEO will be joining AAUW in helping sponsor the event.
We hope to have 15 presenters. Next week we will finalize the details about the presenters so that we can print up our brochures. After registration from 9:00 - 9:30 there will be welcoming remarks. If Libby will be attending our conference we would be delighted for her to make a few comments in the morning. There will be two morning workshops. Then lunch. Fortunately we do not have to use the food service on campus. Western New Mexico has classes in Food Services - for students preparing to be professional chefs. Joyce Solvesky, the instructor, and her students do a fantastic job. And the price will be better than food services. After lunch there will be a third workshop. Then from 2:00 to 3:00 the entire group will meet in the Gym for some group activities which encourage team work and cooperation.
Organizing the conference is often frustrating but I do have a lot of volunteers helping. For the most part everything seems to be going along fine.
EDITOR'S MESSAGE All contributions to the newsletter or Web pages are
welcome. Carol LaDelfe THANK YOU! |
April 20
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