NMNWSE Board of
Directors President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Archives Elections EYH Coordinator Fund Raising Membership Newsletter Publicity Central Chapter Eastern Chapter Northern Chapter Southern Chapter by Lynda
Towers Greetings to all you wonderful
members! First, I like to thank the North
Chapter Annual Meeting Committee for an inspiring and
successful Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium in Santa
Fe. Special thanks to Deborah, Ann, and their committee for
organizing and making this meeting a wonderful experience.
Hope all you whom attended had a great time. The theme of
the meeting "Women as the Leader - from Traditions to the
Future" is a goal we should all set for
ourselves. In a summer USA Today
article headlines stated: "Women missing good jobs in a
key growth industry. At a time when women make up 44%
of U.S. labor force, a USA Today survey of technology
companies finds most reporting 10% to 30% of their
programmers, engineers, and managers are women. Of the top
five officers of the company, most said one or none is a
women. Meanwhile, women are missing out on some of the best
career paths. Through 2005, the number of computer engineers
and systems analysts is expected to grow more than 90%, and
increase of 621,576 jobs. Other tech jobs are growing nearly
as quickly. College graduates in computer engineering are
getting four or more job offers, often starting at $40,000
to $50,000 a year. In the end, say analyst, the
economy suffers. Technology is the
fastest-growing U. S. industry, and it dominates world
markets. If the lack of women keeps a leash on the
industry's growth, it holds back the nation's economy in
general." These numbers do tell the story,
then what is keeping women out of technology at this
critical time? And what can be done about it? These questions are food for
thought, but I do know through the NMNWSE and EYH that we
are making a difference! Keep up the good work; our country
needs us! Looking forward to a successful
year and getting to know each of you better. Lynda K.
Lynda Towers
Los Alamos, NM
Libby Haas
Albuquerque, NM
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM
Jennifer Siders
Los Alamos, NM
Deborah Kubicek
Los Alamos, NM
dede Collins
Santa Fe, NM
Debby Potter
Albuquerque, NM
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM
Yolanda Jones King
Moriarty, NM
Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX
Carol La Delfe
Los Alamos, NM
Mary Bochmann
Las Cruces, NM
Albuquerque, NM
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM
Karen Schultz Page
Nambé, NM
Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM
Forty-five Enjoy Annual Conference in Santa Fe
The Northern Chapter of New Mexico Network of Women in Science and Engineering put on a highly successful Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting at the Ft. Marcy Compound in Santa Fe October 18, and 19. This year's conference was dedicated to long-time, enthusiastic NMNWSE supporter Georgia Fritz, who died in a hiking accident this summer. Forty women registered before the conference, and five more registered after the conference started. Two participants attended on scholarships.
Winding up fine technical presentations on Friday afternoon, the first invited speaker, Charisse Sydoriak, Bandelier National Monument Resources Manager, gave us the first-ever public briefing on the consequences of the Dome Fire to cultural resources in the Monument. Sydoriak showed color slides; some gave heartbreaking glimpses of beautiful areas turned into a desert of stumps and ash. Other slides were shocking as they showed just how close the fire crept to the well-known caves close to the Monument Headquarters.
On Saturday, amid more excellent presentations and following the Annual Meeting, Keynote Speaker State Senator Liz Stefanics gave us her "take" on women in politics (makes the guys clean up their act!) and urged us and our women friends to become active in the political process. As she talked, we enjoyed the first of our delicious catered meals.
Following the afternoon session, participants and guests were treated to a fine dinner and the final invited speaker, Pearl Sunrise, a Navajo storyteller. Sunrise likened the different phases of her life to the houses she lived in, from her girlhood in a traditional hogan, to her room at boarding school, to her lecture halls at UNM, to her home in Albuquerque, where she and her husband raised their children. She also sang and answered questions from her audience. Watch for Sunrise as she tours around the state with "Knaa Kahidi Theater," an Alaskan/Native New Mexican group, sometime in the next four months.
The following people gave technical presentations: Diane Albert, "Supervising a Metallography and Microscopy Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Challenges and Rewards"; Kelly Bitner, "Application of Data Quality Objectives to Los Alamos National Laboratory Groundwater Protection"; Wendee Brunish, "Monitoring a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty"; Kieran Cloud, "Protein Transport into the Nucleus"; Kay P. Coddens, "Women Helping Women"; Sandra J. Fletcher, Small Satellite Operations as Experienced by the ALEXIS Team"; Dawn Hipsh, "Proposal Mining and Marketing on the World Wide Web"; Roberta Day Idzorek, "Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future"; Yolanda Jones King, "Congressional Experiences from My LEGIS Fellowship"; Lauren McCain, "Addressing Social Implications of Genetic Science and Technology: Women Take On the Challenge"; Amy E. McNeil, "Searching for EUV Counterparts to Gamma Ray Bursts with ALEXIS"; Angelique Neuman, "Fabrication and Properties of Erbium Oxide"; Jennifer L. W. Siders, "The Physics GRE and the Consequences of its Misuse"; Mary Ann Sweeney, "How to Manage without Being a Manager"; and Xin Miao Zhao, Lightning Control and Diversion with High Peak Power Laser Beams."
The volunteer committee for the 1996 NMNWSE Annual Meeting included Wendee Brunish, dede Collins, Deborah Kubicek (chair), Ann Mauzy, Alexine Salazar, Nancy Scheer, Nina Thayer, Lynda Towers, and Ginger Young.
October 19, 1996.
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. at the Fort Marcy Compound by President Libby Haas The following members and guests were present: Mercedes Agogino, Diane Albert, Kari Bernard, Mary Bochmann, Debby Brinkerholf, Wendee Brunish, Margo Clark, dede Collins, Adrienne Dare, J. Tinka Gammel, Rosalie Graves, Gina Gurule-Norris, Libby Haas, Deborah Kubicek, Roberta Day Idzorek, Yolanda Jones King, Carol LaDelfe, Ann Mauzy, Ellen Overton, Debbie Potter, Karen Saenz, Jennifer Siders, Nancy Stages, Barbara Torres, Lynda Towers, Wyona Turner, and Julie Valdez. The minutes from the 1995 meeting were reviewed and accepted with minor corrections.
Deborah Kubicek reported in the absence of last years treasurer Rachel Pitts. The report was reviewed and accepted. There was one discrepancy in the fund-raising line item. Deborah and
Yolanda King will review this and report back to the board at the next meeting. The audit committee found no problems. Deborah also presented next years budget. Seven items were changed on the proposed budget. Nancy Stages moved to accept the budget as amended. Debbie Potter seconded. The motion passed.
Nancy Stages asked that we take note that our budget is greater than our income so we must be mindful of this in the future. We cant continue to operate in this mode. The board took this under advisement.
Barbara Torres reported that the NMNWSE money market account is actually in a mutual fund that is doing quite well. This account was originally set up to use the interest for a scholarship or something similar. The board might look into doing this with the interest and have the scholarship be in Georgia Fritzs name. Georgia Fritz was a founding member of NMNWSE who died in a hiking accident this year. Barbara pointed out that only she and Rosalie Graves are able to sign on this account.
Checking |
Money Market |
Total |
Income |
Payback |
$276.99 |
$200.00 |
Memberships |
$3,000.00 |
$2,635.00 |
$3,000.00 |
Fund Raising |
$1,800.00 |
$1,800.00 |
$1,800.00 |
Interest |
- Checking |
$70.00 |
$58.42 |
$60.00 |
- Money Market |
$140.00 |
$223.51 |
$200.00 |
Total |
$5,010.00 |
$4,993.92 |
$5,260.00 |
Expenses |
Annual Meeting |
$250.00 |
$200.00 |
$250.00 |
Annual Mtg Scholarships |
$500.00 |
Archives |
$30.00 |
$0.00 |
$30.00 |
Chapter Rebates |
$1,100.00 |
$1,620.00 |
$1,000.00 |
Elections |
$95.00 |
$0.00 |
$95.00 |
EYH Conferences |
Albuquerque |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
Los Alamos |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
Las Cruces |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
Silver City |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
Statewide |
$350.00 |
$200.00 |
$350.00 |
EYH Printing |
$3,000.00 |
$1,395.50 |
$0.00 |
Fund Raising |
$50.00 |
$19.20 |
$50.00 |
Membership Booklet |
$300.00 |
$290.44 |
$300.00 |
Membership Mailings |
$55.00 |
$0.00 |
$55.00 |
Newsletter |
$250.00 |
$60.21 |
$250.00 |
Officers' Exp. |
$300.00 |
$210.32 |
$300.00 |
PO Box |
$50.00 |
$58.00 |
$60.00 |
Public Relations |
$300.00 |
$41.44 |
$300.00 |
Science Fair |
$400.00 |
$400.00 |
$400.00 |
Travel - Board |
$350.00 |
$311.89 |
$350.00 |
Travel - President |
$500.00 |
$636.55 |
$600.00 |
Memorium |
$100.00 |
Misc. |
$100.00 |
$26.17 |
$100.00 |
Total |
$8,680.00 |
$6,669.72 |
$6,290.00 |
Ending Balance |
9/30/96 |
Checking |
$2,264.32 |
M. Market |
$6,102.86 |
Total |
$8,367.18 |
Installation of new officers and board members was held. The 1997 board is as follows:
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
dede Collins reported that she collected 11 boxes of NMNWSE and Northern Chapter stuff from Georgia Fritzs family. She is going through what is there and will see if Zimmerman Library is interested in keeping it.
Debby Potter reported for Kelli Livermore. This year, we received 41 ballots. Carol Skinner, NMNWSE member and past president, helped with the count. The members unanimously voted for the candidates presented. No write-in votes were received. Therefore, the following positions have been filled by the election of the following individuals.
Vice President/President-Elect |
Kelly Bitner |
Treasurer |
Deborah Kubicek |
Member-at-Large |
Debby Potter |
Member-at-Large |
Adrienne Dare |
Member-at-Large |
Wyona Turner |
Member-at-Large |
Karen Schultz Paige |
Of note regarding this election are the following facts:
Each position, with the exception of Vice President/President-Elect, is a two-year position.
This year, the Vice President/President-Elect candidate was to be selected from the Southern New Mexico Chapter. However, no individual stepped forward to accept the candidacy from that Chapter. Therefore, the Board opened the candidacy to any of the other Chapters. Kelly Bitner then decided to become a candidate for that position.
Fund Raising
Yolanda King reported that as of 10/1/96 the following companies had pledged/donated as follows:
1995 |
1996 |
Advanced Sciences, Inc. |
American Chemical Society |
$200 |
BDM International |
$300 |
EG&G management Systems |
Ethicon |
$250 |
IBM Corporation (in-kind) |
Intel Corporation |
$1,000 |
Los Alamos National Laboratory (in-kind) |
Yes |
Yes |
Sandia National Laboratories (Martin Marietta) |
$500 |
Sandia National Laboratories/DOE (in-kind) |
Yes |
Yes |
Orion International Technologies |
Phelps Dodge |
$250 |
Public Service Company of New Mexico |
$250 |
Sunwest Bank (in-kind) |
Yes |
Yes |
$300 |
$300 |
University of New Mexico (in-kind) |
Yes |
Yes |
US West Foundation |
$500 |
USAF Phillips Laboratory (in-kind) |
Yes |
Yes |
$2,300 |
$2,300 |
Membership Report
Professional |
Retired |
Student/ |
Total |
Central |
33 |
2 |
6 |
41 |
Eastern |
1 |
1 |
6 |
8 |
Northern |
51 |
1 |
5 |
57 |
Southern |
16 |
2 |
0 |
18 |
Total |
101 |
6 |
17 |
124 |
Membership renewal notices were sent out to current members in mid-September. The notices included a renewal form with all the database information preprinted on the form. Copies of preprinted forms were prepared for conference registration.
Renewal Notices:
Copying |
$ 7.70 |
Postage |
43.80 |
Envelopes |
2.00 |
$53.50 |
Amy Deacon
1050 Triviz #8
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Michelle Cash
P.O. Box 1663, MS K498 ESH-19
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Nancy Green
P.O. Box 1663, ESH-IAO, MS K491
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Continue work on automating the preparation of the membership renewal form with preprinted member information.
Newsletters went out in November, January, April and August. Be sure to check out NMNWSEs World Wide Web page:
Recent back issues of the News are available there. There are links to recent local and national news items and to several other organizations that might be of interest to our members.
Policies & Procedures
dede Collins reported that she would be giving out new revised versions of the Policies and Procedures and by-laws at the next Board Meeting.
Mary Bochmann reported that she developed publicity material (four one-page flyers) and distributed them in hard copy to Libby Haas, President of NMNWSE; Kelly Bittner, President of Central Chapter NMNWSE; Mercedes Agogino, President of Eastern Chapter of NMNWSE; and Karen Schultz-Paige, President of Northern Chapter of NMNWSE. If anyone wants to use this for their chapter, it is available on disk. She developed a calendar for the Publicity Chair and a Web page WSE pointer.
Mary developed publicity material for the Southern Chapter. If any of the other chapters would like this information they should contact her.
Science Fair
Mercedes Agogino reported that awards were given out as reported in the Newsletter. Anyone interested in helping should give her a call.
Expanding Your Horizons
Adrienne Dare reported that the Surveying the Future booklets are still not revised and will not be for the 1997 conferences. She will order the news sheet from the Math/Science Network for the 1997 conferences. Deborah Kubicek is working on this with Adrienne and will try to get the Math/Science Network, our parent organization, to help finance it. New EYH folders were designed, produced and distributed. They are very nice.
Our EYH Conference was held on March 9, 1996, at UNM. Jerry Sue Thompson and Rhonda Cole led us through the preparations and post-conference evaluation as Co-Chairs, with excellent assistance on facilities by Dr. Diane Marshall of the Biology Department and a student of the Engineering Department. Our keynote speaker was Cheryl Willman, M.D., Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at the UNM Cancer Center. Dr. Willman's address, entitled The Human Genome Project and the Genetic Susceptibility to Disease, was a tribute to all Women in Science, but especially to women physicians. About 175 students (from midschool and high school) and adults attended the conference. It featured many excellent hands-on workshops, and the great results can be attributed to a successful training session for all presenters (by Judy Hendricks?) and aggressive recruitment by Diane Marshall. We thank all of our sponsors, including Albuquerque Public Schools, Sandia National Labs, USAF Phillips Laboratory, UNM, and U.S. Department of Energy, and Sun West Bank. The Chapter hopes two volunteers will step forward to Co-Chair EYH next year -- namely, Rhonda Cole and Nan Founds.
El Paso
Wyona Turner reported that El Pasos EYH Conference was a success with about 300 attendees. There was a nice mix of presenters.
Los Alamos
An EYH report for the Los Alamos Chapter was not prepared but Deborah Kubicek, Carol LaDelfe, and Karen Schultz-Paige reported that it was successful with about 90 attendees. Shirley Herrera and Joyce Guzik were the Co-Chairs. Six girls from the School for the Deaf attended. LANL furnished a American Sign Language interpreter for them. Dr. Kathleen Ramsey, D.V.M., was the closing speaker along with her wildlife helpers. Tower building was the beginning ice-breaker project. Joyce will chair the 1997 Conference.
Las Cruces
Mary Bochmann reported that the Las Cruces EYH Conference was held at Zia Middle School on February 24, 1996. The Conference was jointly sponsored with the Las Cruces Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Keynote speaker was Suzanna Martinez, a local attorney and candidate for District Attorney. Approximately 150 girls attended (50% of usual participation). Although girls throughout Southern New Mexico were invited, only those from the Las Cruces school district attended. Mary attributes both the decreased attendance and the lack of participation from schools other than those in the Las Cruces school district to the fact that the conference was on Saturday. Conference focus was on careers and higher education and drifted away from engineering, science and math.
Silver City
Adrienne Dare reported that the Silver City EYH Conference was successful with about 120 attendees.
Central Chapter
The chapter met five Wednesday evenings last fiscal year, i.e,. on November 15th at Jerry Sue Thompson's, June 19th at Ellen Evans', April 17th at Beulah Woodfin's, January 17th at Rosalie Graves', and September 18th at Debby Potter's. Program Chair Jerry Sue Thompson did a terrific job! Speakers included Randi Buck of the Regional Science Fair, Ellen Louderbough, Ph.D., who discussed a water quality case (City of Albuquerque v. EPA); science fair winners Karen Lovato and Jennifer Wall; and network member Debby Potter presented her Ph.D. dissertation results. EYH preparations occupied the January meeting. Thanks to past Program Chair Jerry Sue Thompson and Program Committee member Rosalie Graves for sending announcements and helping to arrange catering! Planned dates for next year are November 20, January 15, April 16, June 18, and September 17.
Central Chapter carried a healthy balance in the checking account that exceeded S1,000. This should leave us well prepared for the new year. Continuing officers are Secretary Rosalie Graves and Treasurer Debby Brinkerhoff. We still need a President and representative to the Board. Programs were assigned to individuals who will each coordinate the speaker for one meeting. Thanks to the brave continuing officers, and if you're listening from the Central Chapter, please don't be shy about offering to fill the void left by Past President Kelli Bitner!
Eastern Chapter
Kari Bernard reported that ENMU Women in Science and Math met bimonthly to discuss ways in which we can pool our educational and occupational resources and also ways in which we can serve as scientific and mathematics resources ourselves. Last year WSM sponsored a WWW workshop for ENMU students. This year we will most likely sponsor another WWW Workshop, and we will also explore the possibility of sponsoring an Eastern Chapter EYH.
Northern Chapter
Karen Schultz-Paige reported that the Northern Chapter had a successful year. Among other things the we had a membership picnic where we gained some new members and renewed some old ones. The chapter voted to start a Georgia Fritz Scholarship to UNMLA. We will try to make this an annual scholarship.
Southern Chapter
Mary Bochman reported that the Southern Chapter met every month in fiscal year 1996. We purchased The Scientist Within You, Volumes I and II, from the Womens History Project. The books contain biographies and experiments, using common household materials, which are related to each womans discipline. We held a joint meeting/potluck with the Las Cruces Girls in Science, Math and Technology Club. Most of the girls are from 10 to 12 years old and are home schoolers. We did a panel presentation on our careers and education. The panelists were Dr. Adrienne Dare, Ruth French, Dr. Leigh Murray and Mary Sparks. We sponsored a delegate to Girls State. Girls State is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. We started a membership drive in September and sent a letter on day-glo paper to every woman at White Sands Missile Range. Briefly it covered what NMNWSE is about, the EYH, points of contact, and gave the date and place for the September meeting. Response rate could have been better, but we did see some new faces at both the September and October meetings! Karen Saenz has volunteered to serve as Chapter President for fiscal year 1997. We are canvassing the membership for candidates for the offices.
October 20, 1996.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Fort Marcy Compound by President Lynda Towers with the following Board Members present: Mercedes Agogino, Kelli Bitner, Mary Bochmann, dede Collins, Adrienne Dare, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Schultz Paige, Jennifer Siders, and Wyona Turner. The minutes from the 1995 meeting were reviewed and approved. The Treasurers report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Installation of new officers and board members was held. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Debby Potter received a fantastic Elections notebook, with a schedule of responsibilities, from Kelli Livermore. We will aggressively recruit a President-elect from the Southern Chapter for the elections next year. If you're from the Southern Chapter and willing to serve on the Board, please call Debby at 505/897-8621 (home). We need your help to keep the Board geographically balanced, and promise you'll have some fun.
State, Adrienne Dare
It is time to register our sites for the 1997 EYH conferences. The fee is $200. 1 will need the dates of the various conferences and the names and addresses of the contact person for each site.
Central Chapter, Debby Potter
We anticipate a March EYH conference at UNM and Rhonda Cole is the contact person. The Chapter is delighted Yolanda Jones King has returned from the Legis Fellows Program, because we always need her help and expertise with EYH!
Silver City, Adrienne Dare
The conference is scheduled for Saturday, Feburary 22, 1997 at Western New Mexcio University. We have begun the planning for the conference. We plan to have an adult program as well as the conference for the girls.
Southern Chapter, by Mary Bochman
Status of 1997 conference: We are organizing the 1997 conference and have established committees.
Proposed Budget will be submitted for approval at the December 1996 Board meeting, in accordance with the State Bylaws.
Conference format will be:
- Breakfast (Juice, coffee, muffins and donuts) and Registration
- Opening Remarks
- 2 Workshops
- Lunch
- Tour / Group Activity
Central Chapter
The Chapter extends their appreciation to all officers from last year, i.e., to Kelli Bitner for serving as President, Secretary Rosalie Graves, Treasurer Debby Brinkerhoff, Program Chair Jerry Sue Thompson, and Program Committee member Rosalie Graves for sending announcements and helping to arrange catering! Continuing officers are Secretary Rosalie Graves and Treasurer Debby Brinkerhoff. We still need a President and representative to the Board. Programs were assigned to individuals who will each coordinate the speaker for one meeting. Debby Brinkerhoff expressed interest in the Chapter Presidency: Debby Potter is willing to help, and will discuss the responsibilities of the Presidency with Debby Brinkerhoff. The next Chapter meeting will be on November 20.
Eastern Chapter (Mercedes Agogino)
ENMU Women in Science group has held 2 meetings this fall. Kari Bernard, a student member, attended the Annual meeting and expressed interest in having a Portales EYH.
Northern Chapter
The Northern Chapter held their annual meeting on September 18. It was a luncheon meeting with approximately 20 members in attendance. The keynote speaker was Elizabeth Aiello. She reminisced about her friendship with the late Georgia Fritz and encouraged other members to share their memories. The results of the board election were announced at this meeting.
On October 15, the new and old board members met together for a dinner meeting at Wendee Brunish's house. Some business was discussed but mostly the meeting was a social gathering. The main purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity to assign new board members to positions. The following positions were assigned during that meeting:
Southern Chapter (Mary Bochmann)
EYH Conferences: El Paso - report pending, Las Cruces (see EYH above), Silver City - report pending. We have been meeting as a Chapter every month. Started a membership drive in September. Sent a letter on day-glo paper to every woman at White Sands Missile Range. Briefly it covered what the NMNWSE is about, the EYH, points of contact, and gave the date and place for the Sept. meeting. Response rate could have been better but we did see some new faces at both the Sept. and Oct. meetings! Network friend and supporter Lisa Blevins was recognized as the Army Material Command Radiation Safety Professional of the Year. She is a Physical Science Technician and has presented workshops at EYH Conferences. I attended the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary dinner honoring the 1996 Girls State/Boys State delegates on Sept. 29. Karen Saenz is their new President
New book about 89 women in science and engineering soon to be published
Gloria Cordova of Los Alamos sent us a copy of the following announcement.
Several years ago we sent you a request for nominations for a book with the working title THE FIELD GUIDE TO WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. We are happy to let you know that our book, now titled JOURNEYS OF WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: NO UNIVERSAL CONSTANTS, will be published in the spring of 1997 by Temple University Press. We are enormously grateful to all of you on the list who helped us along the way.
JOURNEYS now includes a substantial historical introduction and eighty-nine profiles of contemporary women scientists and engineers. Each 1,500 - 3,000 word profile personally narrates the excitement each woman has experienced pursuing her career and the impact her scientific or engineering work has had on her life and in her discipline. Each narratives includes antecdotal stories of incidents and influences that shaped that woman's journey and how she has managed to combine her personal life with her career.
In choosing whom to include, our focus was diversity and inclusivity. We chose to feature women who represented a range of backgrounds, experiences and career trajectories, who were at different stages in their careers, who represented different races and ethnic backgrounds, who were both disabled and able-bodied, and who self-defined themselves as heterosexual, lesbian or bisexual.
While scientists and engineers look for unifying themes to describe and use natural phenomena, the stories in JOURNEYS are as diverse as the eighty-nine women featured. Unlike the universal constants of physics, which embody the presumed existence of single theories and patterns that underlie all physical phenomena on a universal scale, the only universal constant these women share is their love of and passion for their work.
We trust that girls and women who look for stories to interest and inspire them will find events and decisions in the lives of these women that evoke a special resonance within themselves. We hope that boys and men too will find inspiration in the excitement, spirit and the joy of work that form the central strand in these journeys. The women in JOURNEYS ARE all heroines and we are honored that each has joined us in our work.