New Mexico Network for
PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185



Board of Directors


by Lynda Towers

Greetings to all you wonderful members!
First, I like to encourage and commend each Chapter for the wonderful planning and preparation going into the upcoming EYH activities. The Southern Chapter has already finished their EYH in early February. The reports received at the last NMNWSE board meeting are it was very successful.
In a January/February, 1997, ExecutiveFemale article written by Jon Entine and Martha Nichois headlines stated:

Good Leadership: What's Its Gender?
"Some say women are born to nurture; other insist we're better leaders than men ever dreamed of being. The truth lies somewhere in between, where people are individuals and gender, like race and ethnicity, is a highly unreliable guide to real-world behavior."
Since the 70s, women have been climbing the corporate ladder, often becoming high-visibility role models for a new style of "feminine" management. More recently, everyone from feminist academics to the mainstream press has celebrated a surge in what is thought of as female ways of leadership, particularly among charismatic entrepreneurs like Roddick and Donna Karan.
According to popular myth, women entrepreneurs lead their companies differently from the way the typical business guy does. And women managers empower and nurture employees, establish more egalitarian relationships and substitute web like corporate structure for the traditional command-and-control reporting hierarchies. Compassion, according to this belief, gets equal billing with competition.
This new fascination with female management is not just a woman thing. Male executives, too-especially "new age" ones like Tom Chappell of Tom's of Maine, Howard Schultz of Starbucks and Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's-promote their companies as bastions of compassion, icons of socially responsible business and models of a gentler, more embracing form of capitalism. Even some of the most prominent corporate men-such as "neutron" Jack Welch of General Electric-have flourished in part because they balance traditional values with stereo typically feminine one.
Now that women have begun to garner power, filling nearly half of all managerial positions by some counts, many don't opt for the feminine, nurturing model. In fact most successful executives (of either gender) demonstrate a blend of several different styles. Take Carol Bartz of Autodesk, Inc., who was hyped, by the business press as a "feminine" leader when she became CEO in 1992. The former VP at Sun Microsystems was hailed as a team builder with a women's torch who could successfully reorganize the faltering California software company. The success that was predicted has come to pass.
Neither men nor women have a lock on integrity, nor on the ability to inspire a team, develop good personal relationships and establish a flexible and accountable corporate structure-the diverse qualities all executive will need to make business thrive in the future.

In summary, It is stated that good leadership does not so much depend on gender but on the style you use to lead employees. In the current team environment, I believe that means encouraging participation, share power and information, enhance other people's self worth and get other excited about their work.
As each chapter prepares for their EYH activities, may we make a difference in the life of the girls who will attend EYH and in the lives of fellow employees! Looking forward to attending many of the EYH activities and getting to know each of you better.
Keep up the good work and thank you!

Lynda K. Towers

Lynda Towers
Los Alamos, NM

Past President
Libby Haas
Albuquerque, NM

Vice President
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM

Jennifer Siders
Los Alamos, NM

Deborah Kubicek
Los Alamos, NM

dede Collins
Santa Fe, NM

Debby Potter
Albuquerque, NM

EYH Coordinator
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM

Fund Raising
Yolanda Jones King
Moriarty, NM

Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX

Carol LaDelfe
Los Alamos, NM

Mary Bochmann
Las Cruces, NM

Central Chapter
Judy Hendricks
Albuquerque, NM

Eastern Chapter
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM

Northern Chapter
Carol LaDelfe (acting)
Los Alamos, NM

Southern Chapter
Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM


December 7, 1996.

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. at Nancy Stages' Home in Las Cruces by President Lynda Towers with the following Board Members present: Mary Bochmann, dede Collins, Adrienne Dare, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Wyona Turner, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Saenz, Debby Potter, Jennifer L. W. Siders, and Nancy Stages. The minutes from the August and October meetings were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Installation of new officers and board members was held. Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.


Oct/Nov 1996 NMNWSE Financial Report

Report Period Balances

Opening Balance

Ending Balance


$ 2,264.32

$ 3,415.76

Money Market

$ 6,102.86

$ 6,180.58


$ 8,367.18

$ 9,596.34

Oct-Nov 1996 Quarter

Year To Date


$ 2,680.96

$ 2,680.96


$ 1,451.80

$ 1,451.80


$ 1,229.16

$ 1,229.16



Let's take the opportunity of a
Board meeting in Las Cruces to find an FY98 candidate for president-elect from the Southern Chapter. If we can't get a volunteer during the meeting, I'd like to establish a phone tree to call each member and plead for a leader to come forward. The focus of the call would be to explain the responsibilities involved and to stress the need for geographic balance on the Board.


1996 NMNWSE Annual Meeting & Technical Symposium Financial Report


State Board startup funds


State board scholarship funds


LANL TSA-DO donation


CIC-1 time donation/produce programs


Registration fees (before conference)


(during conference)





Lunch (46 meals @ $12)


Dinner (49 meals @ $18)








Supplies (nametags, folders, pencils)


CIC-1 time produce programs


Postage (mailings out to members)


Keychains (15 @ $1.97)


Lapel pins/non-members (7 @ $1.76)


Membership dues


for non-members who joined

Speaker wire


State startup funds


State scholarship funds



$ 3814.69



$ 4324.85

Expenses -

$ 3814.69


$ 510.16

meals include speaker's meals AND scholarship people's meals!

Misc. Statistics
40 registered before conference
5 registered at conference
3 guest speakers (used 1-lunch & 2-dinner)
5 guest dinners
Since there was a profit on the Annual Meeting, the startup funds were returned and the scholarship funds never used. With the extra funds, the committee decided to donate $300 toward the Georgia Fritz scholarship fund at UNM-LA and keep the remaining in the LAWIS Annual Meeting account for the next conference that the Northern Chapter sponsors.










23 (-18)




3(2 new)

5 (-3)


38(5 new)


7(4 new)

46 (-12)




1(1 new)

17 (-1)







Database was updated with 1996-97 membership information.

Costs Incurred

Box of Mailing Labels $23.80
Postage .78
Total $24.58

New Members since September/October

Kari Bernard
PO Box 2777
Portales, NM 88130

Amy McNeil
46 County Road 2396
Aztec, NM 87410

Victoria Reed
P. O. Box 2961
Portales, NM 88130

Josie M. Encinias
600 San lldefonso #106
Los Alamos, NM 87544
661 -6271

Angelique Neuman
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Julie Valdez
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Georgia M. Farris
312 Joya Loop
White Rock, NM 87544

Nely Trintinella Padial
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Betty Harris
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Future Activities

Continue work on automating the preparation of the membership renewal form with preprinted member information.


The mailing database was updated as was the fundraising letter. About 75 companies have been mailed to as of this date. A thank you letter was sent to AlliedSignal for the $500 they had sent to us. I sent a thank you to Marilyn Morgan through whom the donation was pushed as an employee of AlliedSignal. Marilyn has been a member of the NMNWSE. I have had a few additional suggestions of companies and I will mail to them before the end of the year. We have just received a $1000 pledge from INTEL.

The proposals can still not be accomplished in that there are many members of the Board who have not sent me their information. I will proceed when I get most of them; however, four (4) doesn't quite present a very cooperative picture. Thanks to those who were so prompt.

Please tell your EYH chair to put all of the statewide sponsors in their brochures. I usually give credit to the previous year, since we are out of sync to give them credit in the year they give. See last report and newsletter for the names from last year, plus make sure your add AlliedSignal. Remember to report local sponsors to me as well.

If your employer has a donation program for organizations to which their employee belong, please request funding for EYH. Also let me know when you put in the request. If you need help with needed information, I'm glad to assist.


The 11 boxes of information given to the NMNWSE Archives from Joe Fritz, Georgia's husband, have been processed by dede Collins, '96 Archivist. It is now 3 and a half boxes of which only a half a box is NMNWSE information. The other three are all Los Alamos WIS. dede plans to give the 3 boxes to the Los Alamos Historical Society. dede is sure that there is more NMNWSE stuff that may be coming from Joe. She will just keep the stuff (half box) and pass it on to next Archivist. There is very little information other than what she has collected on NMNWSE. If anyone has any Newsletters or Board Meeting Minutes or Annual Meeting Information or EYH Information from previous years let dede know so she can put together into a complete set.


dede Collins handed out new copies of the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures. dede reported one change in the Bylaws that was passed at the Taos Annual Meeting; The change in the Annual Audit Committee from 3 to 2.

The Board reviewed the updated Policies and Procedures. Some changes were made. dede will bring final copies to everyone for their notebooks next meeting.


State, Adrienne Dare

The organizational material for the EYH conferences should be mailed to me next week by the Math Science Network. The student and adult packets should follow soon. As soon as I receive the materials I will forward them to the contact person at each site.

Yolanda will be bringing the EYH Folders for distribution at the board meeting.

I'd like to verify the contacts, dates and the numbers expected.


Mary Bochmann

Feb. 6, 1997



Adrienne Dare

Feb. 22, 1997



Ronda Cole

March ?



Joyce Guzik

March 19, 1997




I'll need a check for 783.75 to order the Women in Science Newsletters. The cost is $.75 each plus 10% shipping. (.75x950 + .1x.75x950) If the 950 figure needs to be changed then the amount of the check would have to be adjusted accordingly.

Lt. Natalie Holzherr from the Air Force Academy in Colorado springs has contacted me wanting to help with our EYH conferences. I have given her the names of the contacts at each site. (Lt. Natalie Holzherr, USAFA/RRPM, 2304 Cadet Drive Suite 203, USAFA, Colorado 80840-5025, 1 -800-443-3864)

Central Chapter, Debby Potter

The Chapter has tentative plans to hold an EYH Conference at UNM in March. Nan Founds is Co-Chair, and we are seeking a second Co-Chair. Beulah Woodfin will organize registration and Diane Marshall will make arrangements for facilities. Ronda Cole will interface with APS. The potential keynote speaker is Ann Pizzorusso, VP for Environmental Affairs for Philips North America, a Dutch electronics group. Ann has combined her talents as geologist and artist to determine that one work in the British Museum attributed to DaVinci may be the work of another artist. We will emphasize more "hands-on" workshops. The Federal Women's Program is being asked to participate. To date, no organizing meetings are planned prior to the next bimonthly meeting in January.

Silver City, Adrienne Dare

The conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 1997 at Western New Mexico University. We have begun the planning for the conference. We are planning for 150 girls. For the first time we will try an adult program for 50 adults. Presenters are being contacted and committees are being formed.

Southern Chapter

We are completing the final planning stages of the Conference. We have 9 confirmed workshops and are contacting presenters for 6 more. We are also working on approximately 6 White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) site tours. The conference will be held on 6 February 1997 at WSMR.


Central Chapter

The Central Chapter met on November 20 at Kelly Bitner's home. The speaker was Dr. Donna Cowell Senft who discussed her involvement in improving the reliability of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems at Sandia National Laboratory. The next meeting will be held January 15 at the home of Rosalie Graves. The January meeting is traditionally used to prepare mail packets for EYH, so we'll need lots of help! Debby Brinkerhoff has volunteered to serve as President of the Central Chapter for FY 1997. Judy Hendricks has agreed to be the representative to the Board for the Central Chapter. Debby Potter will carry proxy votes for Kelly Bitner and Judy Hendricks at the December Board meeting. The Chapter responded to the Regional Science Fair with a commitment to sponsor awards in several categories in 1997.

Eastern Chapter (Mercedes Agogino)

ENMU Women in Science group has held 2 meetings this fall. Kari Bernard, a student member, attended the Annual meeting and expressed interest in having a Portales EYH.

Northern Chapter

Northern: We are currently planning our Holiday activities. In a Board meeting on Nov. 19th, Tinka Gammel agreed to host our annual holiday party at her house on the evening of Dec. 12th. Food and refreshments will be served and door prizes will be given out. We use this event as a membership drive and have posted flyers in public areas to encourage attendance.

Tentative plans for 1997 include an EYH planning meeting in early January, as well as lunch time gatherings for our members. We are currently trying to establish an open lunch date, say the first Monday of each month, when members can just meet in the LANL cafeteria and have lunch together. We will see how well this concept works. In addition, we are trying to line up lunch time seminar speakers, include a trainer who would talk to us about improving our talks and presentations, and possibly have a archeologist talk about some of the petroglyphs and other archeological features in Northern New Mexico. These talks will take place in early 1997, before the big push leading to EYH begins.

Southern Chapter (Mary Bochmann)

We are having EYH committee meetings to finalize the Conference, and Chapter meetings every other month The next Chapter meeting will be on January 15 1997 at Jane Madrid's home, 4024 Tamarisk, Las Cruces, at 6:30 p.m. We plan to have dinner catered and then hold the Business Meeting. The Chapter will try an every other month Chapter Meeting and committee meetings as needed to attempt to increase members and interest.


February 8, 1997.

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10 a.m. at Debby Potter's home in Albuquerque by President Lynda Towers with the following Board Members present: dede Collins, Adrienne Dare, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Carol LaDelfe, Karen Schultz Paige, Debby Potter, Karen Saenz, Jennifer L. W. Siders, and Wyona Turner. The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and approved as amended. The Treasurer's report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Other reports followed, as below. The meeting adjourned shortly after noon.



Debby Potter made a few additions to the Elections notebook, i.e., a sample ballot and chronology of ballot positions elected since 1994. She also drafted the ballot for August 1997, without specifying names of the nominees. Karen Saenz is seriously considering the position of President-elect which needs to come from the Southern Chapter. In addition 3 At-Large Members are up for either re-election or replacement (Yolanda Jones King, Carol La Delfe, and dede Collins). We will also elect a Secretary in the event Jennifer Siders, who was appointed by the President, can not accept an elected 2-year office.


Karen Saenz reported that planning is moving ahead on the 1997 Annual Meeting.














4(2 new)



40(5 new)


8(5 new)





1(1 new)







Five renewal forms were returned indicating nonrenewal of memberships Two had moved out of state and the others were primarily time management issues.


Database was updated with 1996-97 membership information. Lists of members were sent to all chapter presidents. Draft of membership directory is provided for board approval One addition still needed is to indicate the preferred mailing address.

Costs Incurred



Dec 1996-Jan 1997 NMNWSE Financial Report


Report Period Balances

Opening Balance Ending Balance

Checking $ 2,264.32 $4,047.44

Money Market $ 6,102.86 $6,258.15

Total $ 8,367.18 $10,305.59

Dec 96 -Jan 97 Quarter 1

Income $2,382.53

Expenses $ 1,673.28

Total $709.25

Year To Date

Income $5,063.49

Expenses $ 3,125.08

Total $1,938.41

New Members since December/January

Martha Klein
4650 Northgate Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 8801

Hilary Noskin
LANL, PO Box 1663 MS K490
Los Alamos, NM 87505

Sharon Thomas
134 Royal Crest
Los Alamos. NM 87544

Future Activities

Produce and mail membership directories by end of February. Enclose welcome letters with directories to all new members. Is there a need to make more membership brochures? Revise?


About 100 companies have been mailed to as of this date. Thank you letters have been sent to UIE ($300), PNM ($250), Bradbury & Stamm ($250), Applied Research Associates ($100), Ethicon ($250) and AlliedSignal ($500). Intel will be thanked as soon as we receive their check ($1000). Cobre Mining and Norwest ($500) will be thanked as soon as the amount is determined. The total to date (with pledge) is $2900.

The proposals will be accomplished even though there are some members of the Board who have not sent me their information. I obtained some write-ups from the Elections notebook in order to have a near-complete set. Let's hope we do well. I need the statistics from last year's EYHs: attendance by grades, sex and minorities. The summary of surveys would be useful as well as a copy of each budget. They need a total project cost estimate. I need a copy of the last audit form as well.

PLEASE tell your EYH chair to put all of the statewide sponsors in their brochures. I usually give credit to the previous year, since we are usually out of sync to give them credit in the year they give. Adrienne has a copy of the donors as well. Remember to report local sponsors to me.

On the EYH folders: Phillips Lab did not put it in the FY97 budget. I have requested that it go into the FY98 budget to get printed early this Fall for the l 998 EYHs.


dede Collins again asked if anyone has any Newsletters or Board Meeting Minutes or Annual Meeting Information or EYH Information from previous years as some information is missing and she would like to bring the archives up to date.


dede Collins handed out copies of the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures. The Board reviewed the updated Policies and Procedures. Some errors were found and corrections were indicated. dede will bring corrected copies to everyone for their notebooks next meeting.


State, Adrienne Dare

Report not available

Central Chapter, Debby Potter

We're making steady progress on our March 15 EYH conference at UNM. Co-Chairs are Nan Founds and Debby Potter. The Steering Committee also includes Diane Marshall, Beulah Woodfin, Yolanda Jones King, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Ronda Cole, Ellen Evans, Judy Hendricks, Donna Senft, Mary Ann Sweeney, and Jerry Sue Thompson. Speakers' forms were mailed after an EYH meeting at Nan's house on January 26, with replies requested by Feb. 10. Responses are starting to be received, but please, CHAPTER MEMBERS WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! There were problems getting printing by Sandia Labs this year, so the Forest Service donated printing of 2,000 brochures and 200 color flyers. The steering committee met at the home of Debby Brinkerhoff on February 1 to package the brochures and flyers for distribution. These were mailed to all public and private middle schools and high schools and to neighboring pueblos. Ronda Cole hand-delivered all materials for APS. We'll probably need to meet after the registration deadline of Feb. 24th to match speakers to presenters. Three weeks before EYH, Judy Hendricks and Jerry Sue Thompson will lead a "How-To" session for all presenters.

The Co-Chairs are adding to the existing notebook and software repository for EYH. Some critical pieces seemed to be missing from past years, but we hope to have a complete package to turn over to the next Chairs. This will include a check-list of tasks with recommended timeline and a list of who led each task this year (see attachments).

We also have a letter inviting President Lynda Towers to provide welcoming remarks. Copies of EYH materials were passed-around for viewing.

Northern Chapter, Joyce Guzik

We are off to a good start preparing for our Expanding Your Horizons conference to be held Thursday, March 20, at the J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center at LANL. This year's EYH committee co-chairs are Joyce Guzik and Shirley Herrera. Our committee chairs are:

Workshop Presenters: Karen Schultz Paige and Wendee Brunish
Treasurer: Trish Wright
Recruiting: Ann Mauzy and Tinka Gammel
Registration: Carol Ladelfe
Programs: Deborah Kubicek
Team Activity: Deborah Kubicek and Ginger Young
Fund Raising: Diane Albert
Facilities and Refreshments: Shirley Herrera

We already have donations from X and T division at the lab, the American Vacuum Society, and AAUW. We have at least 6 confirmed workshop presenters. For our team activity we are planning an "egg drop". We are also planning two adult workshops/presentations by the Bradbury Science Museum and the American Vacuum Society. Veterinarian Kathleen Ramsey will be our guest speaker.

A change from last year is that we decided to provide lunch on-site to the participants, as well as healthier refreshments.

This week Joyce Guzik and Gloria Cordova were interviewed for the LANL publication Reflections. The March issue will highlight women's history month, and include some pictures of past EYH conferences.

Silver City, Adrienne Dare

The Silver City EYH is scheduled for Saturday Feb. 22 on the WNMU campus. After the opening session the girls will attend two morning workshops. After lunch there will be one more workshop plus a group activity in the gym. Our goal is to reach 150 middle school and high school girls. At the conclusion of the day the girls will receive T-shirts. Twelve women from the community in technical positions will provide the hands on workshops.

In addition, this year we are doing an adult program for parents and teachers. We plan for 50 adults. In the morning there will be a panel of middle school girls who will discuss with the adults an AAUW video "Girls in the Middle" which address issues of concern to middle school girls. After lunch, "Girls Can", another AAUW video and discussion will address some of the gender issues that produce barriers for girls. Financial information for colleges and career information will also be provided. The adult program is designed to aid adults in playing a more constructive role in helping girls succeed.

Southern Chapter

The EYH conference was held on 6 February. We had approximately 170 students (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) and 40 adults. We had a total of 13 workshops and 6 tours. Each student attended 2 workshops, 1 tour and a group activity. The evaluations, at a quick glance, were very positive, had some good suggestions for next year, and were typical for students that age ("interesting, but boring"). The evaluations will be rated at the next EYH Working Meeting and at our next regular Chapter Meeting. As usual, we learned a lot, had fun, and are glad it is over. The clean up stuff, such as Thank You letters, lessons learned discussions, and storage of supplies, still remain to be done.


Central Chapter

Debby Brinkerhoff graciously offered to serve the Chapter as both President and Treasurer. The Chapter met on January 15 at the home of Rosalie Graves for a working meeting for Expanding Your Horizons. Because printed materials were not ready, we discussed progress to date and planned future tasks. Work planned for the January Chapter meeting was deferred to the EYH steering committee meeting of January 26. The next Chapter meeting will be after EYH, on Wednesday April 16, 1997, at the home of Libby Haas (6 PM).

Eastern Chapter

Report unavailable.

Northern Chapter

The Northern Chapter is planning a luncheon meeting for members February 18th. The speaker will be Bev Larsen, a LANL archeologist. She will be speaking on archeological sites around the lab. We hope that the brown-bag luncheon is well attended.

In other chapter news, we recently "discovered" an old savings account that we had not been using. Those funds have been transferred to our new accounts and will help out with EYH expenses.

LAWIS members helped out as judges for Los Alamos School's Science Fair on Feb. 7th. The awards were gift certificates from Ottowi bookstore with the values of $25, $15, $10.

The Northern Chapter board has chosen Carol Ladelfe to replace Karen Schultz Paige as president of the chapter. Karen's term as president will end February 28th. Because of EYH activities, the Northern chapter board will not be holding any more meetings until after the EYH activities end, probably sometime in April. Carol will be responsible for these meetings until the end of the LAWIS calendar year. A replacement member is currently being sought to fill Karen's position on the board. The term of this open position is the end of the LAWIS calendar year.

Our next scheduled newsletter is Feb 18. The deadline for all articles is Feb. 14. Tinka Gammel is the newsletter editor for the chapter.

Southern Chapter

Our chapter met 15 January 1997, at Jan Madrid's home with 6 members and 2 guests attending. We discussed the upcoming EYH conference and finalized the details. We also viewed the "Techno Success: Careers for the 21st Century" 15 minute video. The response to the meeting at a member's home was very positive. We all had a chance to visit, network, and hold the Business meeting. Separate committee working meetings helped keep the business portion of the Chapter meetings short and informative.

The Chapter is participating in the Gadsden School Career Day on 7 February 1997. Two of our members, Mary Bochmann and Ruth French, will be attending. They have extra materials from the EYH conference to hand out and a video about career choices "Techno Success: Careers for the 21st Century" to view.

Our next Chapter meeting will be 4 March 1997, at Kay Fleming's, 3112 Executive Hills, Las Cruces, NM, at 6PM. Our speaker will be Ann Carlson on the "Baby Think It Over Program". The meal will be free.


National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships

As a means of increasing the number of US citizens trained in disciplines of science and engineering of importance to DOD, the DOD plans to award approximately 90 new three-year graduate fellowships in April of 97. Disciplines considered: Biosciences (includes toxicology), chemistry, cognitive, neural, and behavioral science, computer science, geosciences (includes terrain, water, and air) oceanography and several others. Those selected in 1997 will receive full tuition and required fees plus a stipend ($17K for 97-98, $18K for 98-99, and $19K for 99-2000.



Come and explore Washington DC through the Legislative Affairs Staff Congressional Fellowship Program. This unique program provides the opportunity to see Congress up close and personally. Vacancy Announcement WO-250-97 can take you to a whole new world.

The person selected for this position gets an expense paid move to Washington and the chance to compete for selection as an American Political Science Association (APSA) Congressional Fellow. That honor - it is! - comes with a wonderful orientation to the processes and players of the 105th Congress. Join political scientists; medical, media, and education professionals; fellow government employees from domestic and foreign affairs programs as you learn about our political system. Noted Political Scientists that you watch on TV share their views; Members of Congress share their experiences and expectations; Hill Staff tell you about their world and the costs and benefits of the Hill lifestyle; and the Congressional Research Service provides you training on Congress, from how offices are organized to how the Committee system works. Seminars throughout the year include topical issues, orientation to the Supreme Court, and an international exchange program. Following the orientation you will begin your job search on the Hill. Work assignments can be found in personal or committee offices in both Chambers of Congress.

Once you get a Hill assignment the Forest Service pays your salary and you are a "Hill Staffer" for up to 9 months. APSA encourages Fellows to switch offices and get exposure to both the House of Representatives and Senate. You serve Members of Congress and see the truth behind the newspaper articles. Its a fascinating experience and - for some the best part is - you know when it is going to end!

For those of you that love politics, you can see how the "big guns" play. For those of you that hate politics, you can test your skills and endurance. Who knows, you might even like it! When you finish your stint on the Hill a warm chair awaits you on the Legislative Affairs Staff in the WO.

LIFE IN DC?!? Think you won't like it? Think again.... There are tons of things to do and see. Housing is available, though you may go through a bit of a shock at costs. Tradeoffs have to be made but rural and suburban lifestyles can be found. Don't write us off. This vacancy is, in many ways, a chance of lifetime. Former fellows all think it a "significant" life event. Do you need one?!?

Consider putting in for WO-250-97. If you have questions about the Staff or the Fellowship program you can contact the most recent Fellows to see what its all about:

Maureen McBrien, Missoula Regional Office 406-329-3518

Tom Klabunde, WO Legislative Affairs 202-205-0579

Logan Lee, WO Legislative Affairs 202-205-1216


April 5

Socorro Wyona Turner

June 7

Los Alamos Deborah Kubicek

August 9

Silver City Adrienne Dare


Annual Meeting, Las Cruces