WOMEN IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185 THE NETWORK NEWS July 1997 |
President |
Past President |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Archives |
Elections |
EYH Coordinator |
Fund Raising |
Membership |
Newsletter |
Publicity |
Central Chapter |
Eastern Chapter |
Northern Chapter |
Southern Chapter |
The meeting was called to order at 3:13 p.m. at New Mexico Tech in Socorro by President Lynda Towers with the following Board Members present: Mercedes Agogino, dede Collins, Yolanda Jones King, Carol LaDelfe, Debby Potter, and Jennifer L. W. Siders. The meeting was held in conjunction with the State Science Fair at New Mexico Tech. The minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report was given by Lynda Towers for Deborah Kubicek. Because the bank is charging the Network fees on our accounts, the Board agreed that it was a good idea to look into moving the accounts to another bank. Deborah Kubicek was able to obtain another signed copy of the missing audit report. Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Karen Saenz of Southern Chapter has agreed to run for the position of President-elect. According to the last Board meeting the At-Large Members who are up for re-election will run again. We will also elect a Secretary.
Annual Meeting: Committee meetings will be held as needed through out the summer. Contact Karen Saenz or Nancy Stages for meeting information, as we need lots of volunteers to help. We need 10 rooms credited to the WSE Annual Meeting; we have guaranteed 10 rooms. Flyers will go out with the next newsletter. Registration will be mailed in August.
Directory was prepared and sent out. Changes included adding email address, fax number and preferred mailing address indicator. Revised membership form.
A correction to the Membership directory was mentioned--Lynda Towers FAX number is (505) 665-7835.
Professional |
Student/ |
Total |
Central |
28 (2 new) |
1 |
34 |
Eastern |
1 |
4(2 new) |
6 |
Northern |
48(9 new) |
9(5 new) |
58 |
Southern |
17(1 new) |
1(1 new) |
20 |
Total |
94 |
17 |
118 |
Diane Marshall |
Marilyn Morgan |
Morrison Bennett |
Yolanda Jones King reports that Intel was thanked for their check ($1000). Their data form was mailed at a letter date. Total this fiscal year is $3700, with $500 being from last year's fundraising drive. It was a late arrival from Allied Signal.
Two proposals have been submitted so far for funding for the reprinting of the "Surveying Your Future" booklet: General Mills and the Albuquerque Community Foundation for about $3000. There are plans to submit others as the submittal dates come up. We really need to finish the updating or make a totally new booklet.
Thanks to board members for getting me the copy of the audit report, EYH budgets, Board Member information and EYH flyers.
Remember to report local sponsors to me. I would like a copy of the EYH reports as well for demographics.
dede Collins reported that progress continues on sorting the Archives.
dede Collins handed out final copies of the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures.
Jennifer Siders printed business cards with the NMNWSE web page address on them to hand out at events such as the State Science Fair.
Newsletters went out to all members and included reports from the December and February board meetings. $33.60 weas spend on postage. Carol LaDelfe was asked to link the NMNWSE web pages to job ads at Kirland and White Sands Missile Range.
Central Chapter held their EYH conference on March 15 at UNM. Co-Chairs Nan Founds and Debby Potter are grateful for the hard work of the Steering Committee: Diane Marshall, Beulah Woodfin, Yolanda Jones King, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Ronda Cole, Ellen Evans, Judy Hendricks, Donna Senft, Mary Ann Sweeney, and Jerry Sue Thompson.
There were 38 presenters, including welcoming remarks from NMNWSE President Lynda Towers. Judy Hendricks and Jerry Sue Thompson led a "How-To" session for all presenters prior to the Conference. Our Keynote Speaker, Geologist Ann Pizzorusso, was great! Ann described her role in the debate over the authenticity of Leonardo da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks," a work that hangs in the National Gallery, London. About 120 women attended, including a few adults and students from midschool and high school. We thank all of our sponsors, including Albuquerque Public Schools, American Chemical Society, BDM Technologies, Sunwest Bank, Ethicon, UIE, USAF Phillips Laboratory, UNM, US Department of Energy, USDA Forest Service, Intel Corp., U.S. West Foundation, Applied Research Associates, Bradbury and Stamm Const., Allied Signal Aerospace, Albuquerque Doubletree Hotel, Sun Valley Fruit Company and Price CostCo. Those home-made chocolate chip cookies from the Doubletree were served on a silver platter and eagerly devoured!
Nan is planning a barbecue in late April to celebrate the success of the Conference. All presenters and the Conference Committee will be invited. The Chapter has several volunteers to organize EYH next year! We've got a great start with Co-Chairs Leann Minier of Sandia Labs and Nan Founds of DOE. Debby Potter offered to help again. Tessa Krausc, from Laguna Pueblo and Cibola National Forest, wants to work on outreach to American Indian women. Nan plans to hold monthly meetings to make steady progress for 1998. Lynda Towers offered to help with relational databases to match students and speakers.
.Northern Chapter held their EYH Conference on March 20. One hundred fourteen women students attended, plus 33 adults from northern New Mexico middle and high schools. We held fifteen workshops for the students and 2 for the adults. Seven members of AAUW also attended. The AAUW members were instrumental in contacting and recruiting teachers and students from the Santa Fe area schools. Lunch was catered by Aramark and served adjacent to the lawn near the cafeteria (on top of the Otowi building). Joyce Guzik chaired the EYH Committee.
Report not available
Report not available
The Chapter has not met since January. The next meeting will be on April 16.
ENMU Women in Science group has held a meeting, but has not submitted a report to Mercedes Agogino.
The Northern Chapter has not met since the Holidays. The Next meeting will be after our EYH Conference.
Our chapter met 4 March 1997 at Kay Fleming's home. Six members and 1 guest attended. The program speaker was Ann Carlson, who showed us a video and a doll from the high school "Baby Think It Over" program.
We are organizing and planning the Annual Meeting. The dates for the meeting will be 17 to 19 October 1997; the place will be Las Cruces, New Mexico at the new Vancouver Suites. The "Call for Papers" flyers are being distributed now. Registration and a
genda flyers will be distributed in June. We would like to hold a raffle to support the "Baby Think It Over" program in hopes of purchasing dolls for the high schools. Are others interested in donating prizes and helping selling tickets in their chapters?
Our next meeting will be 20 May 1997 at Nancy Stages's home, 3428
Eastridge Place. I am looking for a speaker, possible from a local
cancer support group. Reservations are recommended, as the meal will
be catered.
June 18, 1997.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 10 a.m. at Deborah Kubicek's home in Los Alamos by President Lynda Towers with the following Board Members present: Adrienne Dare, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Carol LaDelfe, Debby Potter, Karen Saenz, Jennifer L. W. Siders, and Wyona Turner. The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and approved as amended. The Treasurer's report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Other reports followed, as below. The meeting adjourned before noon.
Jennifer Siders has agreed to run for Secretary. Therefore, the slate has been completely selected. The ballot has been prepared and will be included with this Newsletter.
I've contacted a few web-masters (UNM-ABQ, ENMU, VIVA NM, etc.) asking them to put a link to our page. I have receipts from the meeting at Socorro for my Hotel bill and Poster board.
Oct-Nov |
Dec-Jan |
Feb-Mar |
Apr-May |
Jun-Jul |
Aug-Sep |
Opening Balance |
Checking |
$2,264.32 |
$3,415.76 |
$ 3,415.76 |
$ 4,047.44 |
$ 4,697.83 |
$ 3,942.11 |
Money Market |
$6,102.86 |
$6,180.58 |
$ 6,180.58 |
$ 6,258.15 |
$ 6,258.15 |
$ 6,334.83 |
Total |
$8,367.18 |
$9,596.34 |
$ 9,596.34 |
$10,305.59 |
$10,955.98 |
$10,276.94 |
Income |
Payback |
$ 200 |
$ 204.32 |
$ 204.32 |
Memberships |
$ 3000 |
$1,895.00 |
$ 390.00 |
$ 150.00 |
$1,895.00 |
Fund Raising |
$ 1800 |
$ 500.00 |
$1,900.00 |
$1,300.00 |
$ 500.00 |
Interest |
Checking |
$ 60 |
$ 3.92 |
$ 14.96 |
$ 9.00 |
$ 9.23 |
$ 37.11 |
Money Market |
$ 200 |
$ 77.72 |
$ 77.57 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 76.68 |
$ 231.97 |
Total |
$ 5260 |
$2,680.96 |
$2,382.53 |
$1,459.00 |
$ 85.91 |
$6,608.40 |
Expenses |
Annual Meeting |
$ 250 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Annual Mtg Scholarships |
$ 110 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Archives |
$ 30 |
$ 0.00 |
Chapter Rebates |
$ 1000 |
$1,000.00 |
$ 25.00 |
$1,025.00 |
Elections |
$ 95 |
$ 0.00 |
EYH Conferences |
Albuquerque |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Los Alamos |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Las Cruces |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Silver City |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Statewide |
$ 350 |
$ 200.00 |
$ 36.69 |
$ 236.69 |
EYH Printing |
$ 1400 |
$ 783.75 |
$ 783.75 |
Fund Raising |
$ 50 |
$ 32.00 |
$ 3.99 |
$ 35.99 |
Membership Booklet |
$ 325 |
$ 187.05 |
$ 187.05 |
Membership Mailings |
$ 80 |
$ 89.96 |
$ 88.14 |
$ 178.10 |
Newsletter |
$ 250 |
$ 27.84 |
$ 31.04 |
$ 58.88 |
Officers' Expenses |
$ 300 |
$ 136.60 |
$ 8.70 |
$ 18.05 |
$ 163.35 |
PO Box |
$ 60 |
$ 58.00 |
$ 58.00 |
Public Relations |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
Science Fair |
$ 400 |
$ 24.00 |
$ 428.40 |
$ 452.40 |
Travel - Board |
$ 350 |
$ 160.00 |
$ 37.75 |
$ 197.75 |
Travel - President |
$ 600 |
$ 0.00 |
Memorium |
$ 100 |
$ 100.00 |
$ 100.00 |
Misc. |
$ 100 |
$ 10.00 |
$ 6.89 |
$ 3.22 |
$ 1.57 |
$ 21.68 |
Total |
$ 7350 |
$ 1,451.80 |
$ 1,673.28 |
$ 808.61 |
$ 764.95 |
$ 4,698.64 |
Report Period Balances |
Opening Balance |
Ending Balance |
Checking |
$ 4,047.44 |
$ 3,942.11 |
Money Market |
$ 6,258.15 |
$ 6,334.83 |
Total |
$ 10,305.59 |
$ 10,276.94 |
Year To Date |
Income |
$ 6,608.40 |
Expenses |
$ 4,698.64 |
Total |
$ 1,909.76 |
A meeting was held May 13 at Los Alamos. Ann Mauzy, dede Collins, Deborah Kubicek and Jennifer Siders attended. Carol LaDelfe and Alexine Salazar were not present but are also involved. We decided to add one question to the articles, related to the different types of work/fields. Those who contributed before will be asked to revise their article--but so far Ann has only been able to get in touch with three previous authors. We hope to use EYH presenters from around the state, so PLEASE send us a contact list of presenters for your EYH. Vicky Ide is willing to do the design/publishing work as well as getting the book to the printer and back to us. She can be reached at Threshold4@aol.com and works out of her home in Norman, OK. The cost for printing is $1400 for 500 books but Vicky is trying to find a better deal than that, the design work will be approximately $700 ($7 per master page) with NO extra charge for photos. So along with the contact list, PLEASE send photos from EYH or yourselves at work. If we don't get enough photos we will ask for volunteers from each chapter to take some pictures of women in the Network on the job. Some fields were added; Material Science (Diane Albert, LANL), Political Science (wondering if we can get Liz Stefanics?), Veterinary Science (going to try Kathleen Ramsay). If you have suggestions for careers we missed, or volunteers to write about their career please give them the email of one of the committee members listed above.
Committee meetings will be held as needed through out the summer. Contact Karen Saenz or Nancy Stages for meeting information, as we need lots of volunteers to help. We need 10 rooms credited to the WSE Annual Meeting; we have guaranteed 10 rooms. Flyers will go out with the next newsletter. Registration will be mailed in August.
Membership Status remains the same as the April report. One request for membership information was received.
Lynda Towers, Yolanda King, Debby Potter, Amy Brinkerhoff, Jenifer Siders, and Mercedes Agogino (coordinator) served as judges at the 45th New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair, April 12, 1997 in Socorro.
In cagegories previously selected by the Board, eight deserving young women were selected as winners. They will receive a check for $50 and an individualized certificate. Sections are encouraged to invite the awardees to a meeting or perhaps a meal. Lynda Towers has their home addresses. This year's winners are:
Senior Earth and Space Science. Jocelyn L Salaz. Cuba High School, Cuba NM. "Variable Stars."
Senior Engineerion. Jennifer L. Thompson. Heights Junior High School, Farmington, NM. "Trussworthy: A Variation of Geometric Design in Roof Trusses."
Senior Environmental Science. Stephanie L. Levine. Eldorado High School, Albuquerque, NM. "Removal of Radioactive Nuclear Uranium Wastes from Contaminated Water Environments Via psuedomonas aeruginosa Microorganism."
Senior Math/Coimputer Science. Kelley Fulks. Farmington High School, Bloomfield, NM. "Explorations of Dynamical Changes Resulting from Parametric Variations in Polynomial Functions."
Junior Earth and Space Science. Rebecca E. Agnew. Cliff School, Gila, NM. "Interpretation of Soil Factors on a Valley Transect."
Junior Engineering. Victoria V. Gonzales. Cuba Middle School, Cuba, NM. "The Sea Shell Stress Test."
Junior Environmental Science. Lindsey B. Fagrelius. Tibbets Junior High School, Farmington, NM. "Analysis and Interpretation of Water Composition in the La Plata River."
Junior Math/Computer Science. Maria R. Seiferie-Valenci. Mesa View Junior High School, Farmington, NM. "Robotic Rats: Programming Robots to Run Mazes."
Report not available
We're making steady progress on our March 15 EYH conference at UNM. Co-Chairs are Nan Founds and Debby Potter. The Steering Committee also includes Diane Marshall, Beulah Woodfin, Yolanda Jones King, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Ronda Cole, Ellen Evans, Judy Hendricks, Donna Senft, Mary Ann Sweeney, and Jerry Sue Thompson. Speakers' forms were mailed after an EYH meeting at Nan's house on January 26, with replies requested by Feb. 10. Responses are starting to be received, but please, CHAPTER MEMBERS WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! There were problems getting printing by Sandia Labs this year, so the Forest Service donated printing of 2,000 brochures and 200 color flyers. The steering committee met at the home of Debby Brinkerhoff on February 1 to package the brochures and flyers for distribution. These were mailed to all public and private middle schools and high schools and to neighboring pueblos. Ronda Cole hand-delivered all materials for APS. We'll probably need to meet after the registration deadline of Feb. 24th to match speakers to presenters. Three weeks before EYH, Judy Hendricks and Jerry Sue Thompson will lead a "How-To" session for all presenters.
The Co-Chairs are adding to the existing notebook and software repository for EYH. Some critical pieces seemed to be missing from past years, but we hope to have a complete package to turn over to the next Chairs. This will include a check-list of tasks with recommended timeline and a list of who led each task this year (see attachments).
We also have a letter inviting President Lynda Towers to provide welcoming remarks. Copies of EYH materials were passed-around for viewing.
Report not available
Report not available
Income |
$1,531.00 |
Expenses |
$1,341.09 |
$189.91 |
The Chapter is very proud of Dr Beulah Woodfin, recipient of the 1997 Governor's Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women. Beulah was recognized for her research in biochemistry, teaching success, contriubtions to EYH and the Basic Science Enrichment Program.
Central Chapter met on April 16 and June 18, 1997. The April meeting featured Regional Science Fair winners selected by the Central Chapter-- Laura A Franklin of Hoover Middle School for "Which Wing Shape Creates the Most Lift at Low Speeds;" Kimberly Ray of Los Lunas High School for "Environmental Monitoring of Terra Patre: Phase II;" and Tamara Holcomb of Sandia High School for "What Are the Load-Bearing Capabilities of Different Soils? Phase II." Attendance at Chapter meetings has been light Therefore, President Debby Brinkerhoff suggested that next year we look at having more timely/controversial meeting programs on topics such as cloning, water quality, the new aquarium, or even a science fiction author. If members have suggestions on how to improve our program, please contact one of local our officers (e.g., Debby Brinkerhoff or Rosalie Graves) Roberta Miller "Bobbi" Baca spoke at the June meeting on "Pecos Road Cleanup and Other Interesting tidbits of Environmental Cleanups." Bobbi explained her exciting work as Regional Environmental Engineer with the U.S. Forest Service. Chapter members were encourage to respond to the Call For Papers for the Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting and reminded to send their abstracts to Karen Saenz by August 29. The next Chapter meeting will be on September 17.
Report unavailable.
The Northern Chapter is planning a luncheon meeting for members Wednesday, June 18, at noon. The topic will be "DNA, Proteins, and Chromosomes", by Kieran Cloud, Tracy Ruscetti, Susan Bailey, Sue Thompson, and Carolyn Bell-Prince, LS division, LANL which they gave at the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Workshop the chapter sponsored last March.
The next luncheon meeting is to be held July 11, at noon, in the LANL Otowi Cafeteria Sideroom C. Dolores Montano of ESH-3 at LANL will give her view of how the first Northern Chapter"Expanding Your Horizons", held at the College of Santa Fe, came to be, along with the history of how LAWIS was born. Time for all you historians to come out of the woodwork and join us for what promises to be an enjoyable discussion!
Chapter Report: The Chapter met 20 May at Nancy Stages' home. Nine members and 4 guests attended. Lori LaPlanche, Lynn Mulholland, and Fern Harrison discussed the Y Me Breast Cancer Support Group that was started in Las Cruces this year. The Chapter voted to sponsor a Girl State Delegate again this year. Our delegate will be Molly Parson, who we plan to invite to our Annual Meeting Saturday lunch. Also discussed were plans for the Annual Meeting and distribution of the "Call for Papers" flyers. The Chapter has discontinued the use of a Post Office Box; the address is c/o Karen Saenz, 2909 Hopi Trail, Alamogordo, NM, 88310. Our next meeting will be September 17 at Jane Madrid's home. Mary Bochman will chair the catering and the program will be the Annual Meeting organization. The Chapter was contacted to help find a woman physicist interested in mentoring for the Celebrate Youth program for a 10 year old gifted student in Las Cruces. Jill Thompson from WSMR agreed to be the mentor.