WOMEN IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185 THE NETWORK NEWS September 1997 |
President |
Past President |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Archives |
Elections |
EYH Coordinator |
Fund Raising |
Membership |
Newsletter |
Publicity |
Central Chapter |
Eastern Chapter |
Northern Chapter |
Southern Chapter |
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am. Those in attendance were Lynda Towers, Karen Saenz, Adrienne Dare, Carol LaDelfe, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Judy Hendrix, Debby Potter and Jennifer Siders. The meeting was held at the home of Adrienne Dare in Silver City.
The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Year to date income of $6730.36 and expenses of $5096.20. Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
Oct-Nov |
Dec-Jan |
Feb-Mar |
Apr-May |
Jun-Jul |
Aug-Sep |
Opening Balance |
Checking |
$2,264.32 |
$3,415.76 |
$ 3,415.76 |
$ 4,047.44 |
$ 4,697.83 |
$ 3,942.11 |
Money Market |
$6,102.86 |
$6,180.58 |
$ 6,180.58 |
$ 6,258.15 |
$ 6,258.15 |
$ 6,334.83 |
Total |
$8,367.18 |
$9,596.34 |
$ 9,596.34 |
$10,305.59 |
$10,955.98 |
$10,276.94 |
Income |
Payback |
$ 200 |
$ 204.32 |
$ 204.32 |
Memberships |
$ 3000 |
$1,895.00 |
$ 390.00 |
$ 150.00 |
$35.00 |
$ 2,470.00 |
Fund Raising |
$ 1800 |
$ 500.00 |
$1,900.00 |
$1,300.00 |
$ 3,700.00 |
Interest |
Checking |
$ 60 |
$ 3.92 |
$ 14.96 |
$ 9.00 |
$ 9.23 |
$ 6.89 |
$ 44.00 |
Money Market |
$ 200 |
$ 77.72 |
$ 77.57 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 76.68 |
$80.07 |
$ 312.04 |
Total |
$ 5260 |
$2,680.96 |
$2,382.53 |
$1,459.00 |
$ 85.91 |
$121.96 |
$ 6,730.36 |
Expenses |
Annual Meeting |
$ 250 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Annual Mtg Scholarships |
$ 110 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Archives |
$ 30 |
$ 0.00 |
Chapter Rebates |
$ 1000 |
$1,000.00 |
$ 25.00 |
$ 1,025.00 |
Elections |
$ 95 |
$ 0.00 |
EYH Conferences |
Albuquerque |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Los Alamos |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Las Cruces |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Silver City |
$ 300 |
$ 300.00 |
$ 300.00 |
Statewide |
$ 350 |
$ 200.00 |
$ 36.69 |
$ 236.69 |
EYH Printing |
$ 1400 |
$ 783.75 |
$ 783.75 |
Fund Raising |
$ 50 |
$ 32.00 |
$ 3.99 |
$ 5.90 |
$ 41.89 |
Membership Booklet |
$ 325 |
$ 187.05 |
$ 187.05 |
Membership Mailings |
$ 80 |
$ 89.96 |
$ 88.14 |
$ 178.10 |
Newsletter |
$ 250 |
$ 27.84 |
$ 31.04 |
$33.60 |
$ 92.48 |
Officers' Expenses |
$ 300 |
$ 136.60 |
$ 8.70 |
$ 18.05 |
$47.30 |
$ 210.65 |
PO Box |
$ 60 |
$ 58.00 |
$ 58.00 |
Public Relations |
$ 300 |
$22.09 |
$ 22.09 |
Science Fair |
$ 400 |
$ 24.00 |
$ 428.40 |
$ 452.40 |
Travel - Board |
$ 350 |
$ 160.00 |
$ 37.75 |
$57.42 |
$ 255.17 |
Travel - President |
$ 600 |
$221.25 |
$ 221.25 |
Memorium |
$ 100 |
$ 100.00 |
$ 100.00 |
Misc. |
$ 100 |
$ 10.00 |
$ 6.89 |
$ 3.22 |
$ 1.57 |
$10.00 |
$ 31.68 |
Total |
$ 7350 |
$ 1,451.80 |
$ 1,673.28 |
$ 808.61 |
$ 764.95 |
$397.56 |
$ 5,096.20 |
Report Period Balances |
Opening Balance |
Ending Balance |
Checking |
$3,942.11 |
$3,586.44 |
Money Market |
$6,334.83 |
$6,414.90 |
Total |
$10,276.94 |
$10,001.34 |
Year To Date |
Income |
$6,730.36 |
Expenses |
$5096.20 |
Total |
$1634.16 |
Deborah Kubicek led the Board members in a discussion of the
Budget for 1997-98. Some items were changed. Deborah also reminded
the Board that auditors will be needed before the Annual Meeting in
October. Three people are needed from the other Chapters since
Deborah is with the Northern Chapter, and it would be so difficult
for someone from the Southern Chapter to meet to go over the books,
it was decided that two auditors could
come from the Central Chapter. Names of the volunteers should be
given to Deborah by Sept. 1st and they will meet in Albuquerque
between Oct. 1st and mid-Oct. She will also find out what needs to be
done to change names on the Mutual Funds and be prepared to do so at
the Annual Meeting.
The ballot for FY 1998 officers was distributed with the last issue of the newsletter. Election returns are steadily being received. We'll need at least one volunteer to help with the easy task of verifying results of the election. If you can help, please contact Debby Potter. There have been some comments onthe amendment to the bylaws written on the ballots: it would be good to discuss these after the ballots have been counted.
Annual Meeting: Committee meetings will be held as needed through out the summer. Contact Karen Saenz or Nancy Stages for meeting information, as we need lots of volunteers to help. We need 10 rooms credited to the WSE Annual Meeting; we have guaranteed 10 rooms. Flyers will go out with the next newsletter. Registration will be mailed in August. We have received 2 abstracts so far.
Submitted by Karen Saenz for Wyona Turner. Currently there are 95 professional members, 7 retired, 19 students/unemployed for a total of 121 members. This includes three new members. Labels were sent for the newsletter and the database was updated.
Membership Status Professional Student/ Total Central 28(2 new) 4(l new) 35 Eastern 1 4(2 new) 6 Northern 49(10 new) 10(6 new) 60 Southern 17(1 new) 1(1 new) 20 Total 95 19 121
New Members Since June/July
Lisa Colletti
320 Rim Rd.
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Susana Delano
Life Sciences Div., LS-7
MS M888
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Fawn Miller
P.O. Box 621
Tijeras, NM 87059
No Report
No Report
Deborah Kubicek received two thank you notes from students. They were passed around the Board.
No Report
Submitted by Jennifer Siders. Have hung up Call for Papers around MST-11 in TA-3 at LANL as well as offices around TA-35 and UNM-LA. I also sent it to the WISENET listserv. I am going to send the Call for Papers to women at New Mexico Tech and some other schools that might not be getting the information through the Network. Next year at the Science Fair I would like to produce 'good job' cards for the Network judges to pass out - similar to what the Air Force was doing this past year.
Submitted by Carol LaDelfe. Newsletter went out in June, the next one should be out in September
Submitted by Jennifer Siders. There was one meeting where the last few articles without authors were divided among the committee members. I was asked to find an oceanographer and did so using WISENET (an internet listserv) and got quite a few responses, one of which is Teresa Greeley who runs a summer school on oceanography for young girls in Florida. I also got a number of women asking if they could buy a copy of the book for their daughter. (The Board decided that they would sell copies of the completed book at cost.) Patricia O'Connor from Duke University suggested that we shouldn't use the word 'nontraditional' in the title, that its too negative. The Board discussed this and decided to keep it unless a better term could be found. O'Connor also suggested an article on 'Careers of the Future' - or careers that don't exist yet. Board members suggested that we accept more than one author per article and assign different articles to different committee members or Board members for editing so Ann Mauzy doesn't have to do it all. Board members also want to put professional associations and their web addresses with the articles. Personal contact information on the authors should be recorded for the Network's future use and authors should be asked whether or not they want it published in the booklet.
Debby Potter passed around her article on Ecology which will be emailed to all the authors-s as a sample article.
No Report
No Report
No Report
EYH Report: The Chapter has started thinking about the FY98 Conference and will have the first committee meeting in August. Jim Salvador, WSMR Youth Activities, has been invited to attend. He has sponsored Math and Science Camps here this summer. The conference date probably will be either February 5 or February 12, 1998.
No Report
No Report
We had our summer picnic and two lunch time talks. The lunch time talks organized by Tinka Gammel are going well and will continue.
No Chapter meetings have been held this summer.
Our next meeting will be September 17 at Jane Madrid's home. Mary
Bochmann will chair the catering and the program will be the Annual
Meeting organization. The Chapter will co-sponsor the Hispanic
Heritage Month Luncheon in September with the 3 Crosses Chapter FEW.
LTC (retired) Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch will be the speaker.
New Mexico Network for
PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185
December 4 Las Cruces February 7 Alamogordo April 18 Socorro June August 1 Los Alamos October 24 Albuquerque