WOMEN IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185 THE NETWORK NEWS February 1998 |
Vice President |
President |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Archives |
Elections |
EYH Coordinator |
Fund Raising |
Membership |
Newsletter |
Publicity |
Central Chapter |
Eastern Chapter |
Northern Chapter |
Southern Chapter |
October 19, 1997.
The meeting was called to order at 9.03 a.m. Those in attendance were Lynda Towers, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Karen Saenz, Adrienne Dare, Carol LaDelfe, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Debby Potter and Jennifer Siders. The meeting was held at the Vancouver Suites in Las Cruces following the Annual Meeting.
The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Year to date income of $6736.46 and expenses of $5677.89. The Audit reported no discrepancies. Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Submitted by Karen Saenz. There were eight rooms reserved at the Vancouver Suites for the Annual Meeting. The hotel was fantastic, great rates that kept dropping as the meeting approached. The next Annual Meeting will be organized by the Central Chapter and they are looking for a volunteer.
No Report. dede agreed to continue as Archives Chair.
Submitted by Debby Potter, who agreed to continue as Elections Chair. The results of the FY1998 elections were reported at the Annual Meeting of the membership. Special thanks go to Past-President, Lynda Towers. Karen Saenz is the new Vice-President/President Elect and is new to the board.
Adrienne Dare agreed to continue as State EYH Coordinator. It is time to register our sites for the 1998 EYH Conferences. The fee is $200. Adrienne will need the dates of the various conferences and the names and addresses of the contact person for each site.
Yolanda will continue the fundraising effort but will probably not have as much time to write individual proposals this year. Kelly Bitner volunteered to help with fundraising. Possibility of a fund-raiser was brought up.
Submitted by Wyona Turner, who will continue as Membership Chair. Currently there are 94 professional members, 7 retired, 19 students/unemployed for a total of 120 members. Membership renewal notices were sent to current members in mid-September. Costs incurred: $59.08. In coordinating membership numbers with the Treasurer, a discrepancy was discovered in the listing of professional members in the Northern Chapter. The membership was overstated by one member. The above numbers reflect the correction.
Submitted by Carol LaDelfe, who will continue as Newsletter editor. The next Newsletter will be going out around the first of the year. Carol submitted a bill for $27 for postage expenses.
No report from Mercedes. Kelly will call Mercedes to let her know that she can call on the Publicity Chair, Jennifer Siders, for help with the Fair.
dede reported that she will update the bylaws and bring them to the next meeting. Lynda Towers will take over Policies and Procedures for the next year. Debby Potter read some of the comments from the election on the new by-law.
Submitted by Jennifer Siders, who will continue as Publicity Chair. She sent a letter and the Call for Papers for the Annual meeting to women at New Mexico Tech, New Mexico Highlands University, St. John's College, Santa Fe College and emailed women faculty at San Juan College in Farmington. Letters went to women faculty, department chairs, or Dean of Faculty at each school. It was suggested by Board members to also contact the community colleges. We will be going to the State Science Fair again in the spring. Kelly will ask Mercedes to send information on the Fair to Jennifer as it becomes available.
Central EYH Treasurer Beulah Woodfin reported that expenses for 1997 amounted to $1127.09, and there was a net loss of $267.64. One reason for the loss is that we had a last minute cancellation by Sandia Labs for a donation of copying. The cost for copying material for student and adult packets was $608.44. They therefore request that the Board reimburse Central Chapter for $267.64. (see New Business) Plans for 1998 are in progress. A planning meeting was held on September 6. The conference is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, March 14, 1998 at UNM and registration will be at the Biology Department. Perennial favorite, astronaut Linda Godwin (colleague of Chapter member Rosalie Graves), will be invited as keynote speaker. Beulah Woodfin will continue as EYH Treasurer. Nan Founds, Debby Potter and Leanna Minier will Co Chair the conference. At the September Chapter meeting members helped mail brochures announcing the date. Lynda, when can you help us generate a compute program to match our presentations to students? The data are currently in Excel spreadsheets. Carol, can you put our-one page, color flyer on the web site?
Northern. Carol reported that there have been no meetings yet. The first planning meeting will be in December and the conference will probably by in March.
Silver City Adrienne reported that the Silver City Conference is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 21, 1998 at Western New Mexico University. We have just begun the planning for the conference. Prospective presenters have been contacted. For the second year we plan to have an adult program along with the conference for girls.
Las Cruces Submitted by Karen Saenz. At our last meeting, the Chapter decided to have the EYH conference later in the year. The date will be April 23, 1998 at White Sands Missile Range. We also decided to structure the day's activities differently. We can have a max of 200 students; 25 to a group; each group will attend 4 group activities. Teachers and high school students from Mayfield High in Las Cruces have expressed an interest to help. The Youth Activities Coordinator, Jim Salvador, from WSMR, also plans to help organize the event and provide group activity leaders.
Central No report. Debby Potter noted the Chapter is in need of officers, members and volunteers to help with the Annual Meeting.
Eastern No report.
Northern Submitted by Carol LaDelfe. Tinka continues to organize lunch time talks. Election of new officers is in progress.
Southern Submitted by Karen Saenz. Chapter members agreed to continue to hold chapter meetings in members' homes with meals catered. I agreed(?) to continue as President and Jane Madrid agreed to be the Vice-President. We need chapter members to volunteer to fill the Treasurer and Secretary posts. Most business conducted was the final preparation for the Annual Meeting in October. **Thanks Nancy for chairing this event. Others and I appreciate your efforts.*** Our next meeting will be 12 November. The place and speaker are yet to be determined. The meal will be deli subs.
Surveying Your Future Revision of the booklet is in progress. Ann has received 17 updated articles and is expecting more. Still looking for someone to update the article on Math. Yolanda and Liz Ranks might know someone who would do it. Need to send them the article.
Other possibilities for funding the printing of the booklet were discussed. Yolanda will check with UNM Press and Siders will ask Jennifer Roper to contact NM Tech since Roper mentioned they might be interested in helping. dede will check with LANL about printing. The booklet needs a new name since the old one is copyrighted. 'Exploring Possibilities' was mentioned.
Mutual Funds Deborah Kubicek reported that we need a minimum of $5000 to keep the Mutual Fund open. Presently Rosalie Graves and Barbara Torres are authorized to sign on the account. To change the names we need a letter of instruction and copy of corporate resolution (Non-profit Corp. report, or a copy of the minutes should suffice). A motion to change the signatures to Treasurer, President, and Vice-President was made by Carol, seconded by Lynda - passed.
Dept. of Education letter Debby Potter said that a member thought this letter might be in regards to a printing bill. Lynda still has had no response and will follow up on this.
Calendar The Board will meet on the following dates and places: Dec. 6th at Kelly Bitner's house in Albuquerque, Feb. 7th at Karen Saenz's home in Alamogordo, April 4th (?) at the State Science Fair in Socorro, June 20th at Adrienne Dare's home in Silver City, Aug. 1st at Carol LaDelfe's home in Los Alamos and at the Annual Meeting, Oct. 24(?).
Scholarships Beulah Woodfin already held a meeting on the scholarships discussed at the Annual Meeting and will be preparing a proposal to submit to the board.
Mailbox Judy Mead handles the mailbox. Kelly Bitner will call Judy and thank her for all her help.
EYH Money Yolanda stated that we can not afford to increase the EYH Seed Money until after we pay for the printing of the booklet. It was decided by the Board to keep the same amount.
The overrun of the Central Chapter and their request for reimbursement was discussed at length. In the end it was decided to pay $130 (approximately half of their loss) to the Central Chapter. The Board was not comfortable reimbursing all of their loss because of the expense of the printing the booklet this year. Moved by Debby, seconded by Carol passed.
Fundraising Yolanda asked the Board for ideas, foundations that she could write to, etc. The possibility of holding a raffle was discussed. Deborah is going to check with her quilting group to see if they would donate a quilt for a raffle. She would like to show them a SYF booklet so they can see what they would be working for. Debby Potter will talk to her husband about raffling a painting. Yolanda said she could print up the raffle tickets.
Increasing Membership Board discussed briefly ways of increasing Network membership and increasing activity of members. Tabled to next meeting.
Awards Kelly stated that she would like to have a database of awards that we could nominate people for. Awards like the Trailblazers, Governor's Award, YWCA, etc. Kelly will call (1-800-432-9168) to gather more information.
December 6, 1997.
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am. Those in attendance were Lynda Towers, Kelly Bitner, Adrienne Dare, Carol LaDelfe, Deborah Kubicek, Debby Potter, dede Collins, Wyona Turner and Jennifer Siders. The meeting was held at Kelly Bitner's home in Albuquerque.
The minutes, submitted by Jennifer Siders, for the October 97 meeting of the Board of Directors were approved as corrected.
The treasurer's report was submitted by Deborah Kubicek. Oct.-Nov. income of $2771.01 and expenses of $1308.33. The bank is charging us service fees. Deborah has requested more information and will look for another bank
Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 12:04 p.m.
Oct.-Nov. |
Dec.-Jan |
Feb.-Mar |
Apr.-May |
Jun-Jul |
Aug-Sep |
Opening Balance |
Checking |
$3,415.76 |
$ 4,390.31 |
Money Market |
$6,414.90 |
$ 6,498.12 |
Total |
$9,425.75 |
$ 10,888.43 |
Income |
Payback |
$ 0 |
$ 0.00 |
Memberships |
$ 2500 |
$ 1,685.00 |
$ 1,685.00 |
Fund Raising |
$ 2500 |
$ 1,000.00 |
$ 1,000.00 |
Interest |
Checking |
$ 50 |
$ 2.79 |
$ 2.79 |
Money Market |
$ 300 |
$ 83.22 |
$ 83.22 |
Total |
$ 5350 |
$2,771.01 |
$ 2,771.01 |
Expenses |
Academic Scholarships |
$ 400 |
Annual Meeting |
$ 250 |
$ 0.00 |
Annual Mtg Scholarships |
$ 320 |
$ 0.00 |
Archives |
$ 30 |
$ 0.00 |
Chapter Rebates |
$ 940 |
$940.00 |
$ 940.00 |
Elections |
$ 95 |
$ 0.00 |
EYH Conferences |
Albuquerque |
$ 300 |
$ 130 |
$ 130.00 |
Los Alamos |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
Las Cruces |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
Silver City |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
Statewide |
$ 350 |
$ 200.00 |
$ 200.00 |
EYH Printing |
$ 3500 |
$ 0.00 |
Fund Raising |
$ 50 |
$ 0.00 |
Membership Booklet |
$ 200 |
$ 0.00 |
Membership Mailings |
$ 225 |
$ 0.00 |
Memorium |
$ 100 |
$ 0.00 |
Misc. |
$ 100 |
$ 11.13 |
$ 11.13 |
Newsletter |
$ 250 |
$ 27.20 |
$ 27.20 |
Officers' Expenses |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
PO Box |
$ 60 |
$ 0.00 |
Publicity |
$ 300 |
$ 0.00 |
Science Fair |
$ 500 |
$ 0.00 |
Travel - Board |
$ 500 |
$ 0.00 |
Travel - President |
$ 600 |
$ 0.00 |
Total |
$ 10270 |
$ 1,308.33 |
$ 1,308.33 |
Opening Balance |
Checking |
$ 4,390.31 |
Money Market |
$ 6,498.12 |
Total |
$ 10,888.43 |
Submitted by Debby Potter. Central Chapter is hosting the annual meeting in 1998. The preliminary date is Oct. 23-25, 1998. Debby Potter was Chair three years ago and has materials needed for mailing material, organizing the meeting, etc. She is willing to put together the Program but does not want to be in charge of facilities or Chair the meeting. Volunteers are needed, and the sooner we get started the easier it will be to have a successful meeting. One possible meeting place is the Sevilleta LTER (north of Socorro) like last time. Beulah would arrange the food. A tour of the La Joya Wildlife Refuge was suggested. Are there other suggestions? Other Board members liked the idea of having the meeting at LTER. Debby also mentioned the possibility of a team building exercise lead by a martial arts instructor - the Board also liked this idea.
No Report
Submitted by Debby Potter. Carol LaDelfe from the Northern Chapter has agreed to run for VP/President Elect in the next election.
Submitted by Adrienne Dare (darea@cs.wnmu.edu - new email). I have organizational packets from the Math Science Network to distribute to the Southern, Central and Northern Chapters. Please note there have been some changes. There is a new Network project- Pathways: For Young Women to Careers in Math, Science, and Engineering - an on-line mentoring project. Let me also remind each site that the Math Science Network wants us to send in the EYH evaluation form to them within a month after your EYH conference. You can send these to me along with 10 copies of your brochures. As soon as the student and adult packets arrive I will send these on to each site coordinator.
Report submitted by Debby Potter and Kelly Bitner for Yolanda Jones King. For 1998 we have the following contributions so far, $500 from Allied Signal Aerospace, $500 from Phillips Petroleum Company, $500 from Northwest and $50 from UIE. The last two were received by Deborah Kubicek who gave the checks to Debby Potter to give to Yolanda. A draft of-the raffle ticket was passed among the Board members. Deborah showed two quilts that were donated by members of her quilter's guild. One is complete and valued at $1200 while the other will need to be finished. The Board approved of the expense to finish the second quilt (on the order of $100). The cost of the ticket will be $1, or 6 for $5. Other prizes include a print of a painting by Jeff Potter, a set of luggage donated by Barbara Torres and a throw (NM cotton weave). There will be one set of tickets and the prizes will be ranked ' by value. The drawing will be at the August Board meeting in Los Alamos. Tickets should be available at the Feb. Board meeting in Alamogordo for distribution to Board members. The Board also discussed putting the quilts on display and rotating to the different Chapters via the Board meetings.
Submitted by Wyona Turner. There are currently 62 professional members, 6 retired and 5 students/unemployed members for a total of 73. The membership database has been updated and no cost incurred since the last Board meeting. There are four new members from Los Alamos, Kathleen Mark, M. Catherine Johnson, Tamara Seebach and Claudia Lewis. Future activities include sending out final notice letters for renewals, prepare and print membership directory incorporating member's primary field in membership listing by chapter.
No Report.
Kelly Bitner reported for Mercedes Agogino. The Science Fair will be held April 18th so the April Board meeting will the 18th in Socorro. Mercedes needs to know the categories in which we will giving awards this year. Jennifer will determine the categories and send the information to Mercedes. The Board suggested decreasing the amount of money given in the junior categories so that more prizes could be given. Savings bonds were discussed and determined to be too much of a hassle. Kelly, Lynda, Carol, Jennifer, Debby, dede and Mercedes have volunteered to Judge. Since we will be judging all the categories this time we can use as many judges as we can get. If you would like to help us judge please contact Jennifer Siders.
Lynda made the revision to the By-laws about honorary memberships. The Board discussed making it clearer by stating that an honorary membership was an 'annual' membership not a life time membership. Since the new by-law was already voted on my the membership the wording has to remain as originally stated. Changing the wording would have to be proposed to the membership at the next annual meeting.
No Report.
Central Submitted by Debby Potter. EYH will be held March 14, 1998 at UNM. Co-Chairs Nan Founds and Debby Potter met on Oct. 13 to mail the announcement flyer to previous presenters. We have volunteers to lead facilities (Diane Marshall), food donations (Kelly Bitner), accept registration material (Beulah), and a third Co-Chair, Leanna Minier of Sandia National Lab. Committees that still need a leader include speakers and registration (on-site help and matching students to presenters). The registration brochure has been drafted and emailed to the conference committee for comment. It needs to be reproduced for mailing at the January Chapter meeting. A letter requesting presenters has been drafted and an email address list was prepared from the UNM faculty and staff listings. Rosalie Graves will send an invitation to astronaut Linda Goodwin for the keynote address. Nan Founds will check whether Phillips Laboratory can pay for her airline tickets as in the past. Otherwise we'll have to include that fee in the budget.
Northern. Carol reported that the EYH conference will be held the week of March 23rd. Joyce Guzik and Alexine Salazar are Co-Chairs and they are trying to bring Donna Shirley, the woman in charge of the Mars Pathfinder project as the keynote speaker. The first planning meeting will be in early January.
Silver City Submitted by Kelly for Karen Saenz. Committee meetings have continued as needed to plan the conference in April. We have an agenda (day starts at 8:30am and ends at 2:15pm) and a timetable to complete tasks. We are revising the first contact letters to be mailed out in January. We also need to confirm the 8 group activity leaders by January 31.
Las Cruces Submitted by Adrienne Dare. The Silver City EYH Conference is scheduled for February 21, 1998 at Western New Mexico University. We are planning for 200 girls and 100 adults. There will be two separate conferences. This year I have additional help. Mary Hittle is active in our AAUW Branch and is helping organize this years conference. Mary has recruited several people. We have had some productive planning meetings. Planning is going well. Adrienne submitted a proposed budget for this years conference.
Central Debby Potter submitted a report for Central. Speaker for the Nov. 17th meeting was Brynda Gutierrez, Pollution Prevention Specialist from the City of Albuquerque. The Chapter received a $300 donation from AlliedSignal Aerospace (they also donated $200 to Northern Chapter). The check was mailed to Deborah Kubicek rather than deposited in the Chapter's EYH account. Apparently au donations go to the state-wide fund. Yolanda was concerned that the network needs to pay printing fees for the new career booklets this year. Debby Potter sent an email message about a $25,000 Good Housekeeping award for women in government. Cash awards (one for $25,000, 9 for $2500) will be given. Deadline for nominations is Dec. 15. Nominations for the Albuquerque YWCA 'Women on the Move Award" are also due Dec. 15. Kelly Bitner and Debby Potter have copies of the announcements and forms. The next meeting (January 21) will be a working session for EYH.
Eastern No report.
Northern Carol LaDelfe reported that there was a Board meeting and new officers are: President Margo Clark, Vice-President Jennifer Siders, Secretary Cass Mason, Treasurer Ginger Young, Membership Carol LaDelfe, Newsletter Tinka Gammel, members at large Amy Anderson and Trish Wright. The Holiday Party will be at Jennifer Siders on Dec. 18th.
Southern Submitted by Kelly Bitner for Karen Saenz. We had a November meeting at Nancy Stages Weinbrenner's home on Imperial Ridge. We talked about the Annual Meeting (and how we are glad that's over) and our EYH in April. Next committee meeting was set for Dec. 2 (which I forgot to attend!). January meeting is yet to be decided. I have photos of the Annual Meeting for Archives. I'll have them at the next Board meeting at my house in February.
Scholarships. No report. Debby Potter will contact Beulah who was writing a proposal for the scholarships.
Awards. Kelly has started making a list of awards and would like to put it on the Network web page. Debby Potter will be nominated by the Network for the Women on the Move award. Nominations for some awards carry a nomination fee, like the Women on the Move award so there was some discussion by the Board on how to pay for such fees. Lynda will write a draft policy on nomination fees for the next Board meeting. It was also discussed that Adrienne should also be nominated for the Women on the Move Award. It was suggested that completed packages - especially some of Yolanda's, since she has won some of these awards - should be posted on the Network's web page.
Mailbox. Kelly reported that she talked to Judy Mead who is now retired and enjoys helping with the mail. Judy needed a new list of Board members so she could re-direct the mail to the correct people. Kelly sent her a new list. Yolanda can get the mail as an emergency backup. Deborah Kubicek asked if any of the Board members had received the non-profit paperwork, nobody had so she will contact Rachel to see if she has it or knows how to get it.
Increasing Membership. Wyona will bring 'Who we are packets' to the next Board meeting for distribution. Jenny will provide business cards for the Network with contact information for each Chapter. Board members should have this information with them when selling raffle tickets.
Surveying Your Future. A meeting is planned for next Friday (Dec. 12) in Los Alamos. Some articles are in their final form, some are in draft and Ann is still waiting to hear from some authors.
Dept. of Education letter. Yolanda wants to get a letter written to the Dept. of Education asking for confirmation that this problem is resolved if we do not hear from them in a specified time. Lynda will draft a letter.
Calendar. Please note the change for the April Board meeting, it will now be on April 18th in Socorro at New Mexico Tech.
December 6 |
Kelly Bitner |
Albuquerque |
February 7 |
Karen Saenz |
Alamogordo |
April 18 |
New Mexico Tech |
Socorro |
June 20 |
Adrienne Dare |
Silver City |
August 1 |
Carol LaDelfe |
Los Alamos |
October 24 |
Annual Meeting |
New Mexico Network for
PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185