New Mexico Network for |
NMNWSE Board of Directors President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Archives Elections EYH Coordinator Fund Raising Membership Newsletter Publicity Central Chapter Eastern Chapter Northern Chapter Southern Chapter |
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Kelly Bitner We successfully completed four Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conferences. Many thanks to the committees that made these happen and the presenters who shared their knowledge and experience with the young girls. The EYH participants got a special gift this year - a copy of our new careers handbook, called "Careers: Exploring the Possibilities". This is an exceptional publication, professionally done, and very well written. Every time I read the book I wish that I could start all over again, because each career description sounds so interesting and exciting. If you havent seen it yet, check it out on our web page. A big hand to all the contributors, but particularly to Anne Mauzy, Vicky Ide, and Jennifer Siders for making it all happen. Publishing the careers booklet was made possible by the monumental fund-raising efforts by Yolanda Jones King. In the midst of full-time work and election campaigns, Yolanda has raised more money than in any previous year. But we cant stop there. The donations cover the publishing cost, but dont leave us any for the usual expenses. We all have the opportunity to raise some money for the Network by selling raffle tickets. Deborah Kubicek used her quilting connections to get two beautiful quilts donated for raffling and Debby Potter was also able to use her connections to get a beautiful print donated as well. With these wonderful prizes, it is easy to sell the raffle tickets. Please participate in this fund raising effort. I sent out an e-mail asking for your ideas on how to increase membership and increase participation by the members. I have received some responses with good ideas, but we could really use more ideas. Please give it some thought and send them to me, either by mail to the Network address, by email to kellybitner@mactec_nm.com, or call me at (505) 242-7525. Kelly Bitner |
April 18. 1998
The meeting was held in conjunction with the NM Science Fair and was called to order at 9.03 a.m. at New Mexico Tech Those in attendance were Lynda Towers, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Karen Saenz, Adrienne Dare, Yolanda Jones King, Deborah Kubicek, Debby Potter and Jennifer Siders. The meeting was held at the Vancouver Suites in Las Cruces following the Annual Meeting.
The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved. The Treasurers report was given by Deborah Kubicek. Year to date income of $6736.46 and expenses of $5677.89. The Audit reported no discrepancies. Reports were given by Committee Chairs. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Submitted by Karen Saenz. There were eight rooms reserved at the Vancouver Suites for the Annual Meeting. The hotel was fantastic, great rates that kept dropping as the meeting approached. The next Annual Meeting will be organized by the Central Chapter and they are looking for a volunteer.
No Report. dede agreed to continue as Archives Chair.
Submitted by Debby Potter
Carol LaDelfe of Northern Chapter is nominee for President Elect. Terms that expire in Oct. 1998 include Treasurer and the At-Large Board positions of Potter, Dare, Turner and Schultz-Paige.
Vice President Karen Saenz will serve as President next year. We will need a nominee for Treasurer to follow in the footsteps of Deborah Kubicek.. Those who would like to continue serving the Board include Adrienne Dare and Wyona Turner. Debby Potter is still thinking about it, but we will need at least one nominee for At-Large Member.
Yolanda will continue the fundraising effort but will probably not have as much time to write individual proposals this year. Kelly Bitner volunteered to help with fundraising. Possibility of a fund-raiser was brought up.
Submitted by Wyona Turner, who will continue as Membership Chair. Currently there are 94 professional members, 7 retired, 19 students/unemployed for a total of 120 members. Membership renewal notices were sent to current members in mid-September. Costs incurred: $59.08. In coordinating membership numbers with the Treasurer, a discrepancy was discovered in the listing of professional members in the Northern Chapter. The membership was overstated by one member. The above numbers reflect the correction.
Submitted by Carol LaDelfe, who will continue as Newsletter editor. The next Newsletter will be going out around the first of the year. Carol submitted a bill for $27 for postage expenses.
No report from Mercedes. Kelly will call Mercedes to let her know that she can call on the Publicity Chair, Jennifer Siders, for help with the Fair.
dede reported that she will update the bylaws and bring them to the next meeting. Lynda Towers will take over Policies and Procedures for the next year. Debby Potter read some of the comments from the election on the new by-law.
Submitted by Jennifer Siders, who will continue as Publicity Chair. She sent a letter and the Call for Papers for the Annual meeting to women at New Mexico Tech, New Mexico Highlands University, St. Johns College, Santa Fe College and emailed women faculty at San Juan College in Farmington. Letters went to women faculty, department chairs, or Dean of Faculty at each school. It was suggested by Board members to also contact the community colleges. We will be going to the State Science Fair again in the spring. Kelly will ask Mercedes to send information on the Fair to Jennifer as it becomes available.
Adrienne Dare agreed to continue as State EYH Coordinator. It is time to register our sites for the 1998 EYH Conferences. The fee is $200. Adrienne will need the dates of the various conferences and the names and addresses of the contact person for each site.
March 14, 1998 Central Chapter held their EYH conference on Saturday March 14 at UNM. About 115 women attended, with major interest in computer science, health sciences and law. There were about 32 presenters, many from outside the network. Welcoming remarks were delivered by NMNWSE President Kelly Bitner. Our Keynote Speaker, Rhea Graham, was inspirational and well-received.
Co-Chairs Nan Founds and Debby Potter are grateful for the hard work of the Steering Committee: Dr. Yolanda King, Kelly Bitner, Debby Brinkerhoff, Ellen Evans, Dr. Judy Hendricks, Dr. Diane Marshall, Dr. Beulah Woodfin, Ronda Cole, Dr. Donna Senft, Dr. Mary Ann Sweeney, Anita Reiser, Dr. Aurelia Harris, Tessa Krause, Marilyn Morgan, and Dr. Kim Linder. We also commend the contributions from DOE Federal Women Employees Program and the Delta-Sigma-Theta sorority. Sorority members offered 20 scholarships, assembled the registration packets at no cost, and operated the registration desk. AlphaGraphics donated the copying of our registration materials which saved the chapter about $600 in reproduction costs. Although we dont have a final budget report, we surely avoided running a deficit this year.
We thank all of our sponsors, including Albuquerque Public Schools, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Department of Energy, USAF Research Laboratory, UNM, UIE, PNM, Ethicon, Inc., Intel Corp., Applied Research Assoc., Bradbury & Stamm Const., Cobre Mining, Phillips Petroleum, AlliedSignal Aerospace, Norwest Bank, Albuquerque Doubletree Hotel, Sun Valley Fruit Company and Price CostCo. Those home-made chocolate chip cookies from the Doubletree were a hit once again!
The Chapter has several volunteers to organize EYH next year! We've pleased to have Anita Riser of Sandia Labs lead registration and student outreach by Kim Linder. Nan Founds of DOE offered to help the new leaders and has already held a meeting with them. We still need a computer guru to help with relational databases to match students and speakers, or the chapter may need to relent and give students fewer choices in the future. It was also suggested that since weve had continued difficulty recruiting students, that overflow students who can not be accommodated by the Los Alamos Chapter be routed to Central Chapter. Kim also plans to assign Chapter members to visit schools. Other suggestions included hanging EYH announcement posters at schools. Since many of the conference registration forms were printed from the NMNWSE web site, provisions for online registration may be a good idea. Girl Scout Councils will also help register students, but they will need early notice. Beth from the zoo can provide speakers training. Board members suggested sending a Chapter member to speak about EYH at the APS Principals meetings. Pros and cons of working with school counselors were discussed. Another suggestion was to contact the Math Science Network for help with data bases.
Carol reported that there have been no meetings yet. The first planning meeting will be in December and the conference will probably by in March.
Adrienne reported that the Silver City Conference is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 21, 1998 at Western New Mexico University. We have just begun the planning for the conference. Prospective presenters have been contacted. For the second year we plan to have an adult program along with the conference for girls.
Submitted by Karen Saenz. At our last meeting, the Chapter decided to have the EYH conference later in the year. The date will be April 23, 1998 at White Sands Missile Range. We also decided to structure the day's activities differently. We can have a max of 200 students; 25 to a group; each group will attend 4 group activities. Teachers and high school students from Mayfield High in Las Cruces have expressed an interest to help. The Youth Activities Coordinator, Jim Salvador, from WSMR, also plans to help organize the event and provide group activity leaders.
No report. Debby Potter noted the Chapter is in need of officers, members and volunteers to help with the Annual Meeting.
No report.
Submitted by Carol LaDelfe. Tinka continues to organize lunch time talks. Election of new officers is in progress.
Submitted by Karen Saenz. Chapter members agreed to continue to hold chapter meetings in members' homes with meals catered. I agreed(?) to continue as President and Jane Madrid agreed to be the Vice-President. We need chapter members to volunteer to fill the Treasurer and Secretary posts. Most business conducted was the final preparation for the Annual Meeting in October. **Thanks Nancy for chairing this event. Others and I appreciate your efforts.*** Our next meeting will be 12 November. The place and speaker are yet to be determined. The meal will be deli subs.
Revision of the booklet is in progress. Ann has received 17 updated articles and is expecting more. Still looking for someone to update the article on Math. Yolanda and Liz Ranks might know someone who would do it. Need to send them the article.
Other possibilities for funding the printing of the booklet were discussed. Yolanda will check with UNM Press and Siders will ask Jennifer Roper to contact NM Tech since Roper mentioned they might be interested in helping. dede will check with LANL about printing. The booklet needs a new name since the old one is copyrighted. 'Exploring Possibilities' was mentioned.
Deborah Kubicek reported that we need a minimum of $5000 to keep the Mutual Fund open. Presently Rosalie Graves and Barbara Torres are authorized to sign on the account. To change the names we need a letter of instruction and copy of corporate resolution (Non-profit Corp. report, or a copy of the minutes should suffice). A motion to change the signatures to Treasurer, President, and Vice-President was made by Carol, seconded by Lynda - passed.
Debby Potter said that a member thought this letter might be in regards to a printing bill. Lynda still has had no response and will follow up on this.
The Board will meet on the following dates and places: Dec. 6th at Kelly Bitner's house in Albuquerque, Feb. 7th at Karen Saenz's home in Alamogordo, April 4th (?) at the State Science Fair in Socorro, June 20th at Adrienne Dare's home in Silver City, Aug. 1st at Carol LaDelfe's home in Los Alamos and at the Annual Meeting, Oct. 24(?).
Beulah Woodfin already held a meeting on the scholarships discussed at the Annual Meeting and will be preparing a proposal to submit to the board.
Judy Mead handles the mailbox. Kelly Bitner will call Judy and thank her for all her help.
Yolanda stated that we can not afford to increase the EYH Seed Money until after we pay for the printing of the booklet. It was decided by the Board to keep the same amount.
The overrun of the Central Chapter and their request for reimbursement was discussed at length. In the end it was decided to pay $130 (approximately half of their loss) to the Central Chapter. The Board was not comfortable reimbursing all of their loss because of the expense of the printing the booklet this year. Moved by Debby, seconded by Carol passed.
Yolanda asked the Board for ideas, foundations that she could write to, etc. The possibility of holding a raffle was discussed. Deborah is going to check with her quilting group to see if they would donate a quilt for a raffle. She would like to show them a SYF booklet so they can see what they would be working for. Debby Potter will talk to her husband about raffling a painting. Yolanda said she could print up the raffle tickets.
Board discussed briefly ways of increasing Network membership and increasing activity of members. Tabled to next meeting.
Kelly stated that she would like to have a database of awards that we could nominate people for. Awards like the Trailblazers, Governor's Award, YWCA, etc. Kelly will call (1-800-432-9168) to gather more information.
June 20, 1998.
The Meeting was called to order at 9:10am. Those in attendance were Kelly Bitner, Adrienne Dare, Debby Potter, Margo Clark, Wyona Turner, Carol LaDelfe and Jennifer Siders. The meeting was held in Silver City at the home of Adrienne Dare. Kelly Bitner, President of the Network, suggested that we run the Board meetings by consensus voting instead of Roberts Rules of Order. The Board members agreed to try it.
The minutes, submitted by Jennifer Siders, for the April '98 meeting of the Board of Directors were accepted.
Submitted by Jennifer Siders for Deborah Kubicek. Apr-May income was $454.56 with expenses of $713.13, with $7271.95 in the bank (checking and money market).
Report submitted by Kelly Bitner for Rosalie Graves. Plans for the Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium were discussed at the June Central Chapter meeting. Debby Potter passed out color copies of the Call for Papers and included black-and-white copies in the Central Chapter meeting announcement mailing. Rosalie Graves discussed the possibility of sending out a color copy to all the science and engineering academic departments around New Mexico and including a copy of the `Who We Are brochures with them. This would be an excellent opportunity to `reintroduce the Network to women around the state. About a hundred brochures and fliers would be needed. The State Board agreed that this was a good idea and Wyonna is going to send Rosalie a hundred brochures. Rosalie has agreed to work on the registration forms so that they can be sent out with the August newsletter mailing. Jeanne Banks has agreed to be the keynote speaker of the Y2K problems for the Annual Meeting, barring unforeseen travel problems. Rosalie noted that she had invited two of her ABWA scholarship students to give papers at the Annual Meeting. Debby Potter passed out color copies of the Call for Papers to Board members to distribute and post.
No report.
Submitted by Deborah Potter. Carol LaDelfe of Northern Chapter is nominee for President Elect. Terms that expire in Oct. 1998 include Treasurer and the At-Large Board positions of Potter, Dare, Turner, and Schultz-Paige. Vice President Karen Saenz will serve as President next year. We will need a nominee for Treasurer to follow in the footsteps of Deborah Kubicek. Those who decided to run for re-election to the Board include Adrienne Dare and Wyonna Turner. Margo Clark offered to help us as At-Large nominee. Chapter Presidents are asked to help find nominees for the ballot before the August board meeting. Please give Debby Potter the names of any nominees and their biographical sketch (one paragraph) to include with the ballot. Jennifer Siders noted that Board members should also be searching for a new Secretary as she will be moving to San Diego in mid-August and a new Secretary will have to be appointed to complete her term.
Report submitted by Debby Potter for Yolanda King. For 1998, the fundraising efforts have brought in $7270 (already received and pledged).
Submitted by Wyonna Turner. There are currently 88 Professional members, 8 retired, and 13 students/unemployed for a total of 109 members. The database has been updated and directories were sent to new and renewed members since last report. Labels for the newsletter and annual meeting were produced and given to the appropriate Board members. Cost incurred were $8.08 for postage. New members include Katherine Crist (LANL), Kim Dietrich Elam (Leedshill-Herkenhoff, Inc.) and Patricia Vardaro-Charles (LANL).
Report made by Carol LaDelfe. The next newsletter should be out within the next week. Carol requested a volunteer to do the next newsletter as she has just changed jobs and is too busy. Jennifer Siders volunteered to help with the August newsletter since most of it will be the minutes, which she already prepares. A new newsletter editor can be selected at the Board meeting at the Annual meeting when assignments to At-Large members are made.
No report.
Report made by Jennifer Siders. At the State Science Fair Wyonna suggested that we buy some pencils with the Network logo and web address to pass out. This could be a valuable publicity tool because at the State Science Fair we were constantly being asked for pencils by the judges. If we had a jar of pencils out we might get more attention from the judges. Pencils could also be used at the Annual Meeting and other events. I dont think Il have time to look into it before I leave for San Diego but will leave a note in the binder for the next Publicity Chair. The Careers book is now on-line as a PDF document off the Networks home page. I announced this development on an international listserve for women in science and engineering (WISENET) and know that a number of women downloaded it. A couple even expressed an interest in writing an article on their career. I also know of a hairdresser in NY that has a put a hard copy of our book, courtesy of my mother, in her booth for young girls to browse while they get their hair cut. So the Careers book appears to be a hit and is quickly making its way around the country.
No report.
Submitted by Adrienne Dare. I have received the EYH evaluations from the Southern and Central chapters. I will send these into the Math Science Network. I will be glad to send in the evaluation for the Northern Chapter if you can get that to me. Carol La Delfe said she would check on the whereabouts of the evaluation and get a copy to Adrienne.
Submitted by Debby Potter. Nan Founds will continue to work with the 1999 EYH team. Anita Riser of Sandia Labs will lead registration and Kim Linder will organize student outreach. Once again, Dr. Diane Marshall offered to help arrange facilities at UNM. They have already had two planning meetings for next years EYH! One of their biggest concerns is that they need to bring in more students. They are going to try using the Girl Scout Council to distribute information and possibly put an insert in the ABQ paper. The keynote speaker is from AlliedSignal, and will be completely paid for by AlliedSignal.
Report made by Margo Clark. Thank you letters were sent to presenters and helpers and a party to celebrate the conclusion of this years EYH was held. Alexine Salazar will be the Chair for next years EYH. Jennifer Siders noted that she would be giving Alexine 5 boxes of Career books that she has. This is almost enough for two more years.
Adrienne Dare reported for Karen Saenz that they had 226 students attend their EYH this April. Four boys attended and they had turn away 25 students. They used high school girls as student ambassadors and already have another high school that has volunteered for next year.
Submitted by Adrienne Dare. The Silver City EYH was held March 28. I do not have a final financial report because the treasurer has been out of town for several weeks.
Submitted by Kelly Bitner for Debby Brinkerhoff. The Central Chapter met June 17th at Ellen Evans house. We had one of our larger attendances with 10 women. Instead of a program we discussed what was happening in our lives and what we had been doing during the last year. We had a pleasant social with only a few items of business. Debby Potter passed out more call for papers for the Annual Meeting for the members to post at work.
No Report.
Submitted by Margo Clark. Since our EYH conference in March, we held a thank-you party for all the workshop presenters, volunteers, `gofers and some financial contributors. This consisted of a pizza party held over the lunch period, where contributions were recognized and some thank-you gifts were distributed. Thank-you letters were also distributed. Approximately 25 women attended the thank-you party.
The LAWIS Steering Committee met on June 11. One of the items on the agenda was to plan the annual summer picnic. Although we have been having a picnic immediately after work hours, this year we are experimenting and will be having this one over a long lunch-hour. It is tentatively scheduled for July 10, 1998 and might be held at Ashley Pond in Los Alamos. Hopefully, the attendance will be increased by having it during the lunch-hour. We plan to invite some of the summer students to the picnic.
Tinka Gammel is still putting together great lunch time talks. Since the last Board meeting we have had the following speakers: Wendee Brunish gave a "Report on the 25th Anniversary Conference on Women in Science and Engineering: choices and successes" and Jeanne Fair gave a talk on her graduate work, "The Ecological and Physiological Cost of Contaminants on Cavity Nesting Birds". Over 30 women attended Fairs talk!
No Report.
The scholarship proposal was discussed at great length and the following decisions were made.
Kelly will contact Lynda Towers to remind her to write a letter for Gary King to look over.
No report.
Submitted by Adrienne Dare. According to the Math Science Network it is crucial for each site to have liability insurance. Each Chapter should check with their host site and see if they are covered, and request positive evidence of such coverage. Yolanda might be able to provide more information on insurance companies that provide this kind of one-day event coverage and what the rates will be. Adrienne will check with the Math Science Network to see if they have any recommendations. It was mentioned that it should probably be added to the policies and procedures, that each EYH should have event coverage. This will be postponed until we know more.
Kelly Bitner lead a discussion on ways to increase membership. She had sent an email previously requesting ideas. Some of the responses were - ask a TV station to do a public service announcement on EYH, have FUN meetings, bring a friend to a meeting and your dinner is free, advertise in newspaper, have activities for children at meetings. Jennifer Siders suggested having field trips that involved the entire network similar to the recent field trip to Carlsbad that the Northern Chapter had. Field trips to Chaco, Carlsbad and White Sands might bring in more students and postdocs. It was also suggested to try using institutional communications (Intel, Sandia, etc.). Booths advertising the Network could be set up at Career Fairs, Science Fairs, various events of that sort. We already have a couple of posters that we use at the State Science Fair so all we need are volunteers to set up the booths.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.