New Mexico Network for

PO Box 18073, Albuquerque, NM 87185



January 1999

NMNWSE Board of Directors

Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM

Past President
Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM

Vice President
Lynda Towers
Los Alamos, NM

Kristen Bennet
Los Alamos, NM

Claudia Lewis
Los Alamos, NM

dede Collins
Santa Fe, NM

Nancy Weinbrenner
Las Cruces, NM

EYH Coordinator
Adrienne Dare
Silver City, NM

Fund Raising

Wyona Turner
El Paso, TX

Angelique Neuman
Espanola, NM

Margo Clark
Santa Fe, NM

Kelly Bitner
Albuquerque, NM

Central Chapter

Eastern Chapter
Mercedes Agogino
Portales, NM

Northern Chapter
? Margo Clark
Santa Fe, NM

Southern Chapter
Karen Saenz
Alamogordo, NM


by Karen Saenz

I am not much of a procrastinator, but I have found that the "words of wisdom" I expected to write were not forthcoming and this task especially daunting. So instead, I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Several comments I heard at the Annual Meeting touched on the subject of networking and how we as a group are doing. Such as, gosh, I hardly ever see you, nice to see you again, wouldn't it be nice to meet again before a year is up.. It appears to me that the "networking" part is being neglected and even though we all are busy, some of us can get together at other times to renew friendships and gain new ones if events are planned and scheduled. Since 1999 is our 20th year, what do you think about having a special meeting at the June 5th board meeting? Margo, dede, and I are tossing around ideas to extend an invitation to all the members, visiting a museum (the O'Keefe was mentioned), and having a potluck or meal at a restaurant after. And, at the February 6th board meeting, we are meeting at Wyona Turner's home in El Paso. After the meeting, the board and any others will adjourn to a local restaurant where we can "network". Any member is welcome, but please call Wyona for a headcount.

As President, I would like to again visit each EYH conference. I don't expect nor plan to participate in your program per se, but as was done in the past, I would like to visit and extend the State Network's support to each conference. I'd also, depending on time, like to visit each chapter at one of their regular meetings. I don't expect to attend all, but I do expect to get to several events. One of my personal goals is to knit the Network closer together and to that end I hope to become visible.

This first message also includes special thanks to the Central Chapter, especially Rosalie Graves and Debby Potter, for organizing the Annual Meeting. I enjoyed getting away from the office and home, but more importantly, I enjoyed getting together with other members to renew friendships and make a few new ones. And, a very big thanks to Kelly Bitner, the outgoing President, for her leadership last year and for her help during the transition.

On a different matter, Yolanda King is moving to D.C. and has resigned from the Board. We will miss you, Yolanda, and we thank you for your efforts at our Fundraising Chair. Now, we have a Member-at-Large position and a chair available on the Board. Anyone interested, please contact me.

See many of you in February.



  • 30 January EYH at UTEP, El Paso
  • 6 February Board Meeting at Wyona Turner's in El Paso
  • 27 February EYH in Silver City
  • 18 March EYH at WSMR
  • 24 March EYH at Los Alamos
  • 17 April Board Meeting at NM Tech in Socorro

October 1998 Board Meeting


October 5, 1998

Present: Karen Saenz, Kelly Bitner, Carol LaDelfe, Rosalie Graves, dede Collins, Debbie Potter, Nancy Weinbrenner, Wyona Turner, Angelique Neuman, Margo Clark, Lynda Towers, Adrienne Dare.

Call to Order: 8:00 am

Approval of Minutes:

Karen Saenz read the minutes aloud. Minutes accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report:

Deborah Kubicek presented the financial status in the absence of the new treasurer. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. Deborah suggested that all receipts be turned into the treasurer before the annual meeting to facilitate closing the books for the year. Deborah will make the deposit of all money collected during the Annual Meeting.


Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting and Technical Symposium of the Network was held October 23-25, 1998 at La Sevilleta, near La Jolla, New Mexico. Twenty members and one non-member registered in advance of the conference. Four registration scholarships were awarded. The keynote address, presented by Jeanne Banks of the Central Chapter, was entitled "Y2K Computer Problems, Myths, and realities". Twelve talks in all were presented. In addition to the talks a tour of the explosives research facility at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology was conducted. A large dinner at Val Verde Steakhouse in Socorro was held on Saturday night. The Annual Meeting of the membership was held Saturday morning and the Board of Directors meeting was held Sunday morning.

The financial report of the meeting includes: Total income of $2045; Total Expenses $1242.54; with a Net Income of $802.46. Seed money of $250 was received from the Board and will be reimbursed to it. No childcare was requested. The committee awarded four scholarships, and $200 is requested for this line item. Only one registration cancellation was received by the chair before the meeting. The registration check was returned to the registrant and thus does not appear under "canceled registrations."

The annual meeting committee consisted of chair, Rosalie Graves; program organizer and LTER liaison, Debby Potter; tour organizers, Yolanda King and Ronda Cole; food arrangements, Beulah Woodfin; and child care, Kelly Bitner. Thanks go to the LTER staff for housing and meeting facility arrangements.

Nina Thayer, dede Collins, and Lynda Towers volunteered to chair the 1999 Annual Meeting. They are thinking about Ghost Ranch as a location.

Debby Potter asked if the seed money had to be refunded. Deborah Kubicek said that it does not.


No report.


The results of the FY1999 elections were reported at the annual meeting of the membership. Special thanks goes to Past-President, Kelly Bitner. Let’s all acknowledge our new President, Karen Saenz (Southern Chapter) and President-Elect, Carol LaDelfe (Northern Chapter) and welcome Claudia Lewis and Angelique Neuman to the Board. Note that Carol LaDelfe holds an at-large position for the second year of her term. Let’s express our gratitude to all the Board members with a round of applause!

The next election (October 1999) will need a candidate for the position of VP/President-Elect from Central Chapter. The terms of three Members-At-Large will expire - Yolanda Jones King, Carol LaDelfe, and dede Collins. The Secretary’s position to which Jennifer Siders was elected will also expire: if we are lucky, Kristin Bennett will accept a nomination to continue!

Note that one ballot was returned without votes due to an objection concerning mailing labels that were placed on the bottom of the ballot. Some members returned their ballots with the bottoms cut off or labels removed. Nearly all ballots contained the optional signature. Note that the bylaws and policies and procedures do not require a secret ballot, only a written ballot. Perhaps this matter could be addressed by the Board to see if a policy revision is warranted. If you’d like to be on the Elections Committee, please contact the new Elections Chair. She could use help with applying postage and mailing labels, reproductions, counting the ballots, etc.

The notebook I’m passing to the new Elections Chair includes a sample ballot, chronology of past officers and minor revisions to the job description. It also contains a computer disk with ballots, reports, etc.

This year we received 32 ballots from the membership. NMNWSE members Debby Potter, Jeanne Banks, and Barbara Torres counted the results. No write-in votes were received. Except for one abstention, members unanimously voted for the unopposed candidates. The abstention was due to placement of address labels on the ballot. Note that 18 ballots included optional signatures.

The following positions have been filled by election of the membership:

Vice President/President Elect: Carol LaDelfe

Treasurer: Claudia Lewis

Member-at-large: Adreinne Dare

Member-at-large: Wyona Turner

Member-at-large: J. Margo Clark

Member-at-large: Angelique Neuman

NOTES: All terms are 2 years except President and President Elect are one-year terms. Candidates for Vice President/President Elect rotate among chapters. Resigned positions are filled by appointment of the President for the remainder of the term. Kristin Bennett will assume the responsibilities of Secretary until the term of Jennifer Siders expires.

Continuing Board members for FY99 are President Karen Saenz, Past President Kelly Bitner, Secretary Kristin Bennett, At-Large Members Carol LaDelfe, Yolanda Jones King and dede Collins.

Congratulations to all!


Yolanda King sent a report by Debby Potter as proxy. Total for 1997-1998 is $9,120, with $1,850 being from next year’s fund raising drive. Due to a busy fall schedule, I had to do the mailing earlier than usual. Statewide donations are as follows: Academy Corporation ($500), Allied Signal ($1000), Applied research Associates ($250), BDM Technologies ($300), Bradbury & Stamm Construction ($200), Ethicon, Inc. ($250), Furr’s ($20 gift certificate), Honeywell ($1,000), Intel ($1,000), Norwest Banks ($750), Phillips Petroleum ($3000), PNM ($250), The Old Bats ($50), and UIE ($50).

I submitted several full proposals during the year asking for funding for the reprinting of the EYH careers booklet. Funding responses were great!! I have tried again this year to get our bank account up for the next printing.

The raffle will add even more funds into the booklet printing line. Many thanks to the Old Bats Quilting Guild, Jeff Potter, Barbara Torres, and Rosalie Graves for the wonderful prizes. Funds raised by the raffle will have to be determined after the Annual Meeting, but is estimated to be close to $1000!!

Thanks to other Board members for getting me the copy of the audit report, EYH budgets, Board Member information and EYH flyers that are needed in many of the proposals.

Remember to report local sponsors to me. I would like a copy of the EYH reports as well for demographics --- which are often requested in proposal applications.

There is a difference between the finance report and the fundraising report because the fundraising report uses a different fiscal year. Deborah Kubicek and Yolanda Jones King will discuss the discrepancy.


Wyona Turner presented the membership report. In 1997-1998, there were 90 professional members, 8 retired members, and 13 student or unemployed members, for a total of 111 members Two new members joined since last Board meeting - Marlene Brown (Central) and Claudia Mader (Northern).As of today, there are 44 members, five of them are new.

Claudia Mader joined in the last quarter and wanted to know if she had to pay again. This is hard for members that join late in the year. Some suggestions are: pro-rate the next year’s dues or hold the check until October 1. For Claudia Mader specifically, the Northern Chapter will discuss whether to pay Claudia’s membership dues. Wyona will hold off on responding to Claudia until the Northern Chapter has decided.


Carol LaDelfe reported on the newsletter. Newsletters were compiled and distributed in November, February, May, and August of 1998. Jennifer Siders compiled and edited the August issue. All issues were also posted on the web site. The newsletter is usually distributed quarterly - the month after the Annual Meeting and every three months after that.

Policy and Procedures

No report.


No report.

Science Fair

No report from Mercedes Agogino. However, Angelique Neuman and Wendee Brunish volunteered to be Science Fair judges, as did most of the Board members because the Board meeting will be held at the Science Fair. Wendee Brunish also volunteered to help organize the judges. Another "thank you" letter was received along with an abstract. Carol LaDelfe will put it on the web site.

Expanding Your Horizons


Adrienne Dare reported on the State EYH. It is time to register with the Math/Science Network for next years’ conferences. The Agency fee for up to 5 sites is $200. If we want direct mailing of materials to the different sites that will be $30/site. Last year some of the copies of the materials sent to you was of poor quality. It was decided not to request individual mailing of materials.

I have 864 career booklets at my house. Out of that we will need 400 for next years’ EYH conferences (Central will need 50, Southern will need 200 and Silver City will need 150. Central currently has 100 and Northern has 250). Therefore there are 464 career booklets that won’t be needed for next years’ conferences.

The Math/Science Network does not have any information about liability insurance. Rosalie Graves volunteered to ask a lawyer in her firm who specializes in insurance about suggestions for what to ask for and where to go for insurance.

Albuquerque EYH

Rosalie graves reported for Nan Founds on the Albuquerque EYH. Plans for the EYH conference in Albuquerque in March 1999 are well underway. Chairing the EYH is Nan Founds. The EYH will be held at UNM and room arrangements have been completed. A vice president from Allied Signal has been contacted to give the keynote talk and has agreed to speak. A mailing to potential presenters was made about the first of October. The January Central Chapter meeting will be held at Nan’s home and will be a working EYH meeting in which the envelopes will be stuffed for the large mailing to the schools. The brochures that will be sent to the schools will have presentation titles.

Anita Reiser is heading the scheduling effort. She did this for 800 students in Pittsburgh and has her school/teacher database already set up to assign kids to sessions and mail confirmations. Anita will be collecting checks and giving them to Beulah Woodfin, EYH treasurer.

The organizing committee has been meeting with outside groups to get their help. Nan has met with the AAUW and gave them presenter information. Kim Linder is sending out information to companies and Navajo groups. Nan is planning for unusual talks including potters to talk about the science of pottery and setting up small businesses. The committee is currently meeting monthly at the Coronado Club on base and includes Nan Founds, Kim Linder, Anita Reiser, Yolanda King, and Kelly Bitner. More help would be appreciated, just call Nan.

Los Alamos EYH

No report.

Las Cruces EYH

Karen Saenz reported on the Las Cruces EYH. The Chapter EYH will be held 18 March 1999 at White Sands Missile Range. We will keep the same format as last year. To date, four presenters have agreed to lead a workshop again next year. We are having the EYH in conjunction with Women’s History Month here at WSMR. We also expanded the duties of the Student Ambassadors to include helping the presenters run experiments. We hope to have pizza for lunch this year and do the printing in-house to save funds.

Silver City

Adrienne Dare reported on the Silver City EYH. The financial results of the 1998 conference are: total receipts: $1,786; total expenses: $2,121.25. The net was ($335.25). The 1999 EYH conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 27 on the WNMU campus. We will plan for 150 girls. We will also plan an adult session. The planning is just beginning.

Chapter Reports


Rosalie Graves presented the Central Chapter report. The first meeting of 1998 was held at Rosalie Graves’ home on Tuesday September 22. The first meeting was primarily a planning meeting: plans for the Annual Meeting and plans for the year were made. Meeting dates for 1998-1999 are Thursday November 12 at Yannis restaurant with Betsy Frederick hostess; Wednesday January 20, 1999 at Nan Founds’ home, a working EYH meeting; April 21, 1999 at Debby Brinkerhoff’s home, with a speaker to be obtained by Yolanda Jones King; and June 17, 1999 at Ellen Evans’ home, a social with a celebration of the 20 anniversary of the Network. EYH plans were also discussed and reported separately. Possibilities for putting out the word about chapter meetings were discussed: DOE newsletters/web-sites, Sandier, UNM, and Unum’s Valencia Campus newsletters. Officers for 1998-1999 are interim president, Yolanda Jones King; secretary, Rosalie Graves; and treasurer, Debby Brinkerhoff.


No report.


Report to be submitted by Margo Clark.


Karen Saenz made the report on the Southern Chapter. We have no officers so far. The members agreed to cancel any regular meetings and concentrate on organizing the EYH in March. I continue to expect help for the local FEW and EEO with the conference.

Old Business

Education letter - tabled until Yolanda is present and can provide an update.

Bank accounts - table until new treasurer has a chance to decide on a new bank.

Insurance for EYH - LANL does not have event insurance. In Silver City it is unclear whether events are covered. The VP of Business Affairs thought the EYH should have insurance. We will get quotes for state-wide or individual events. Rosalie will consult with an attorney about liability limits and other aspects of coverage that we should know about.

New Business

Meeting dates and places:

Carol LaDelfe resigned her At-Large position. Karen Saenz appointed Nancy Weinbrenner.

Travel costs - Use verbal guidelines to add the choice of a rental car and gas in place of mileage rather than change the policy.

Karen Saenz has gotten permission to take administrative leave to attend Network meetings at other chapters. She will be doing that to find out what is working and what is not. These visits are also intended to show the importance of the Chapters to the organization. Other support employers provide for the network include:

Use e-mail to communicate to both Margo Clark (jmclark@lanl.gov) and Angelique Neuman (neuman@lanl.gov) regarding the newsletter.

Twentieth Anniversary of the Network. Suggestions for a celebration included a picnic after the June Board meeting or some other activity after the June Board meeting such as tour of the Georgia O’Keefe Museum.

Adjourned at 9:40.


Karen: Get volunteer for member-at-large to replace Yolanda

Claudia: Contact banks for best deal; report at Feb board meeting

Yolanda: Send Education Letter

Rosalie: Report on insurance information

Insurance: Most sites do not have insurance; should we (State Network) have something, 1 policy for 4 days or individual policies

Carol: New notebook for Angelique

Continue establishing web site and domain

Angelique, Carol & Wyona: Coordinate sending newsletter via web, labels, preferred distribution