NMNWSE Board of Directors President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Archives Elections EYH Coordinator Fund Raising Membership Newsletter Margo Clark Publicity Central Chapter Eastern Chapter Northern Chapter Southern Chapter |
Present: Karen Saenz, Kelly Bitner, Carol La Delfe, Yolanda King, Angelique Neuman, Margo Clark, Kristin Bennet, Claudia Lewis.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes accepted as amended.
Welcome Claudia: She presented the budget for '97 and '98. There are few cost overruns. The '97 actual overrun is ~3k in EHY printing but over the course of 2 years it will balance out.
No report. Dede sent the proxy to Kelly. Linda called to say that they are "looking at a number of sites". Nine sites are possible for the Annual meeting.
No report.
No report.
Yolanda King is moving to Washington for 2 years. Though we are losing a great fundraiser, we wish her great new horizons! The official fundraising report for FY98 is $4,100. Yolanda reported great news from the New Mexico Children's Foundation. We finally received $2,500 from the Foundation for educational purposes. The Foundation has requested a monthly/quarterly report of expenditure. Intel is interested in funding us and asked NMNWSE to "please submit a proposal for $5,000. This is a great opportunity and we should get going on this! Yolanda suggested that we include the names of our sponsors in our booklets, to acknowledge their contributions.
Karen Saenz asked for suggestions from members at large to fill Yolanda's position. There is a disk with the entire database and all fundraising letters that will help the new fundraiser.
Current status: 43 total: 30 Professional, 8 Retired, 5 Students (or unemployed). We sent a package of brochures to Mercedes. We welcome new members Nachelle (Shelly) Pell, Barbara Wahsburn, Karen Browne and Cameron Langner whom all came from the Annual Meeting! There was a discussion whether changes to the applications should go out through snail mail or ASCII/pdf. This is discussed at length in newsletter report.
Welcome Angelique! There was a long discussion as to whether we should send the newsletters hard copy or electronically. It was noted that Carol La Delfe already includes the newsletter on the web site. In the next newsletter (last one) we shall ask member preferences. "Please let us know if you would prefer a hard copy". There are 6-7 members that do not have e-mail addresses. One idea was to send out an e-mail announcing that the arriving newsletter was on the web using an embedded URL to the site. We are required to have a newsletter 4 times a year by law. Further discussion is necessary. Action item: Carol will prepare a NMNWSE notebook to send to Angelique.
No report.
No report.
No report from Mercedes Agogino. Mercedes asked Kelly if the Board would support her nomination to the NM Board of Education. Yes. Add to new business.
Report provided by Adrienne Dare. Adrienne has registered the sites with the Math/Science Network. As soon as the student and adult packages arrive Adrienne will send these on to each site coordinator.
Yolanda King reported. The EYH is going very well. Anita Reiser has been transferring her knowledge of the Pittsburgh EYH (800 students) to our operation-especially her relational database. Beth Dillingham, head of the educational department will also do a hands-on workshop at EYH. Nan made contact with the AAUW and they appear to be willing to help. The Girl Scouts Council will distribute information through their network. Kim Lindner has been contacting minority groups and companies to help get additional speakers and attendees. The next meeting is at lunchtime, Coronado club, Dec. 8, 1998. No budget to present.
Margo Clark reported. There was one EYH meeting. This year's EYH committee is being formed. It will be held on March 29, 1999. Some of the committee chairs are selected. No budget presented. Sciece education has some discretionary funds that may be useful.
Karen Saenz reported. The chapter EYH will be held March 18, 1999 at White Sands Missile Range. We will keep the same format as last year. To date four presenters have agreed to lead a workshop again. We are having the EYH in conjunction with the Women's History Month here at WSMR. The approval letter has been submitted to the General for approval and the rooms have been reserved. Also submitted is the proposed budget to next years conference. EYH budget includes income of $1565 (seed money $300, Registrations $1200, and adult lunches $65). Expenses totaled $1515 (letters/postage $100, Supplies $315, Food $1100).
Adrienne Dare reported. The EYH conference at Western New Mexico University, Silver City will be held February 27, 1999. They are expecting 150 girls and 50 adults. There will be two separate conferences. Planning is going well. Adrienne is thinking of reusing left over T-shirts from previous years and putting something new on the backs.
Adrienne submitted the proposed budget for this year's conference. The total income for the conference is $2300 that consists of: (1) Seed money from NMNWSE = $300, (2) Registration for girls (150x$5)=$750, (3) Registration for adults (50x$5)=$250, (4) Donation from local businesses = $1000. The total expenses are $2300 that consists of: (1) Lunch (200x$7)=$1400, (2) T-shirts and supplies (paper postage badges, etc.) (150x$3 + $25 + $200)=$675, (3) prizes $75, (4) Potluck (30x$5)=$150.
Yolanda King reported. Central Chapter met at Yanni's for a social/networking dinner on 12 November '98. We had about ten members show up. Nan Founds gave a brief update of the EYH plans. Otherwise we got to know each other a little better. The next meetings are January 20, 1999 at Nan Founds' home to work on EYH maillings/stuffings or whatever the committee needs and April 21, 1999 at Debbie Brinkerhoff's house for a regular meeting, speaker TBD. We have also been brainstorming about how to increase participation and membership. Nan took applications to the EYH speaker's training and distributed them.
No report.
Margo Clark reported. The LAWIS steering committee appointed Wendee Brunish to chair the Nomination Committee for new members for our steering committee. Wendee appointed Amy Anderson to be on the Committee. The nominating committee sent out ballots on November 30, 1998 and they must be returned by December 14, which is two days prior to our annual meeting on December 16, 1998.
The LAWIS steering committee also appointed Dede Collins to char the Bylaws Committee for purposes of creating revisions to our policies and/or bylaws. She has appointed Nancy Scheer to serve on that Committee.
The LAWIS Christmas party is December 16, at6 PM at Carol La Delfe's home: 600 Los Pueblos, Los Alamos. Meeting begins at 6:30 the new steering committee will be announced. Bylaws revisions if any will be voted on and a potluck dinner will follow. There will be no speaker but lots of fun and fellowship!
Karen Saenz reported. We still have no officers and have not had a meeting. I polled the members to see if they would agree to sponsor the Mentoring Pilot Program Kick Off on December 17, 1998. Response so far has been favorable. The chapter will provide funds along with other organizations, for refreshments for the Kick Off. One requirement of the mentoring program is for each protégé to join a WSMR sponsored organization and participates in their activities. We hope to gain members from the program. We are attempting to have the books audited this month, depending on work schedules. Southern needs more brochures.
Present: Karen Saenz, Claudia Lewis, Adrienne Dare, Wyona Turner.
Minutes accepted as amended.
Budget has been adjusted to reflect interest on a bimonthly basis, rather than the quarterly interest as reported on the money market funds. Report was accepted as submitted.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Until a person is found to fill this position on the Board, all fundraising mail should be forwarded to Kelly Bitner, except for checks, which are to be sent to Claudia Lewis.
There are currently 91 members. Mailing labels for members who did not renew this year were prepared and given to representatives of those chapters. Chapters may choose to do some follow up on these members. An amendment was proposed by Wyona to extend membership of new members who join in the last quarter. Notice of the proposed amendment will be sent with a special mailing (early April) announcing the anniversary celebration to be held June 5th. A vote on the proposed Bylaws Amendment will be taken at that meeting of the membership.
The newsletter was sent last week and a survey was included asking members how they preferred receiving the newsletter.
No report.
No report.
Science Fair date is April 17th. Mercedes Agogino needs judges. She currently has three including herself. Wendy Brunish is helping. This year we can start special judging at 8 AM. In last year's minutes, Mercedes reminded everyone that they may be sent judges forms this year, but return them ONLY if you are willing to judge all the projects. Volunteers are requested only for the special judging of the Network. It was agreed that the Network would again give 10 awards: 5 Senior Division at $50 each and 5 Junior Division at $35 each. The following categories were recommended: Earth and Space Science, Physics and Engineering, Math and Computer Science, Environmental Science, and Life Science (Medicine and Health Sciences, Zoology, and Botony). These categories may be adjusted. Wyona and Karen will set up a table in the judges' room again.
Adrienne sent out both the adult and the student packet information. 200 career booklets were delivered to Southern and Karen will send 50 booklets to Central Chapter. Adrienne had about 100 folders and did not know where the others were (Southern needs more for their conference). She reminded chapters to return the Math/Science Network evaluation of the conference and 10 of their brochures to her as soon as possible after their conference.
No report.
The budget was submitted.
Their EYH will be March 18th, 1999, at White Sands Missile Range in the same format as last year. They will have six presenters to lead workshops, and are working on lunch and registration. They will only be taking 160 students and hope to have the High School ambassadors. NMMI was invited to send the ambassadors this year.
The date for their EYH is February 27th, 1999. They are expecting 160 girls and no adult program will be offered. They have 13 presenters and brochures were sent out on February 1st.
No report
No report.
No report.
They still do not have any officers and have not had a meeting. Nancy Weinbrenner and Karen audited the Chapter's books and found everything in order. The audit report was filed in their records. A chapter meeting to finalize the EHY conference is planned for February 26th at Nancy's house.
December 5 |
Kelly Bitner |
February 6 |
Wyona Turner |
April 17 |
New Mexico Tech |
June 5 |
Margo Clark |
August 7 |
Adriene Dare |
October 17 |
Annual Meeting |