New Mexico Network for
NMNWSE Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President
EYH Coordinator
Fund Raising
Margo Clark
Central Chapter
Eastern Chapter
Northern Chapter
Southern Chapter
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Karen SaenzAs my term as your President is over half over, I am surprised at how fast the year is flying by. Nancy, our Election Chair, will be contacting some of you for volunteers for board positions. Two years ago, I swallowed deep and said I would be President. My experience has been "expanding" and not all that time-consuming. Please consider (and swallow deep) a board position when Nancy calls. The time flies by and the Network is full of great women to work with and get to know. Our "Expanding Your Horizons" Conferences became part of the Math/Science Network milestone celebrating half a million young women attending its EYH Conferences. To mark this milestone, a special commemorative patch rode into orbit today on the Space Shuttle Discovery at the invitation of Astronaut Dr. Ellen Ochoa. Mission Specialist Ochoa has participated in the EYH Conferences as a workshop presenter. Nationally, more than 36,000 young women in 30 states enjoy hands-on math and science at EYH conferences and the 1999-2000 school year marks the 25th anniversary of EYH. Congratulations to our EYH chairs, leaders, and participants. I will check with Betty at the Math Network to see if we can get patches or buttons for our EYHs next year. Another milestone for our State Network was our 20th Anniversary. Lunch and the museum tour in Santa Fe was fun I enjoyed socializing with other members. Congratulations of all of you for the support as we go into our 21st year. One comment made at the lunch was to have a discussion at the Annual Meeting about refocusing our purpose. Concentrating on EYHs or redirecting our goals to Networking with women in New Mexico? Think of ways we could refocus and redefine us to better serve the Network and our ways and bring them to the Annual Meeting. See you then.
Announcement:Los Alamos Women in Science (LAWIS), which is the Northern Chapter of NMNWSE, is sponsoring a contest to design a new logo for the organization. The design should carry the ideas of science, women, and Los Alamos or the northern area of New Mexico. The winner will receive $50 and a year's free membership in the organization. Membership of this organization includes all who live in Northern NM who support the goals of the organization to encourage and help women enter and succeed in careers in science and engineering fields. For more information and current logos associated with the organization see: http://www.t12.lanl.gov/~lawis/ or http://www.nmnwse.org |
Present: Adreinne Dare, dede Collins, Mercedes Agogino, Nancy Weinbrenner, Wyona Turner, Karen Saenz, Kelly Bitner, Carol LaDelfe, Angelique Neuman, Kristin Bennet, Claudia Lewis.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes accepted as amended. Silver City's EYH was on February 27, 1999.
Claudia's report was accepted as submitted.
No report. See old business
No report.
No report.
We need to send Thank you notes to Furrs, Intel and Sandia. Karen volunteered to take the responsibility of sending the notes. Accounting will be necessary for Intel and Sandia. Furrs does not require accounting.
Current status: 95 members.
The questionnaire had a 60% response for preference of newsletter by e-mail, snail mail or the web. Most of those 60% requested e-mail (which saves us some $$). Another questionnaire was sent out to those members who didn't respond last time, or whose response was hard to read.
No report.
No report.
The Science Fair was April 17, 1999. Ten students were selected to receive prizes out of a total of approximately 500 students. The selection process was arduous, but here is the list of the winning students, their topics, school name, and standing:
Please send your EYH evaluations for this year to Adrienne along with 10 copies of your brochures. Adrienne will send the evaluations to the Math/Science Network.
300 Student signed up and 200 attended due to snow. The keynote was Ms Karen Clegg, President of Allied Signal Energy Division in Kansas City. One student asked her how much an executive at AS might earn. The answer perked the student up.
121 Students attended on March 24, 1999. There was a lengthy report produced that will be scanned and put on the web site. 2 Girls tried to escape and were found loitering in the hall. There was coverage of the event in the local newspapers (no mention was made of the attempted escape).
The chapter EYH was held on 18 March 1999 at White Sands Missile Range. We had approximately 180 students and 25 adults. Overall the event was very successful and the students had a great time. We are still waiting to be paid from 4 schools. Our final budget (after payment from the 4 schools, which we expect by next week) is:
Income: $1,836.00
Total: $ 568.27
Again, the day's schedule (2 workshops in the morning, lunch, 2 workshops in the afternoon) worked well for us. We had several presenters who did the workshop for the first time-Emma Mora, Jeanne Dye, Sharon Howell, and Dr. Deborah Grady from WSMR and Sandy Ruttle, Kenny McCardle, and Jill Rollings from NASA. Audrey Hartley, Gold 101 Radio; Pat White, Nora Christianson, and Jane Madrid from WSMR; and Doris Channel, retired from the Forest Service.
The response was very good from the adults who attended. Several expressed an interest in joining WSE and will be mailed membership flyers. A potential member has volunteered to chair the EYH next year-expressing the fact that it would be a shame to discontinue the event because of low membership.
Adrienne Dare reported. The EYH conference at Western New Mexico University, Silver City will be held February 27, 1999. They are expecting 150 girls and 50 adults. There will be two separate conferences. Planning is going well. Adrienne is thinking of reusing left over T-shirts from previous years and putting something new on the backs.
The EYH conference was held at Western New Mexico University, Silver City was held February 27, 1999. Approximately 100 girls attended. Several female science majors got the girls in groups to take them across campus to their first workshops. The girls were well behaved this year. Using old t-shirts printed with 1999 on the back worked well to give the girls a choice of colors. Lunch was not very good.
Central chapter is not active. 3 Members were judges for the 4 awards in the regional science fair.
No report.
No report.
There are still no officers and there has been no meetings. The chapter, via email, voted to sponsor a Girl State Delegate again this year. We also plan to invite our sponsors, EYH committee members (those who help, but are not members), and area women to this meeting.
December 5 |
Kelly Bitner
February 6 |
Wyona Turner
April 17 |
New Mexico Tech
June 5 |
Margo Clark
August 7 |
Adriene Dare
October 17 |
Annual Meeting