New Mexico Network for
NMNWSE Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President/President-Elect
Annual Meeting
EYH Coordinator
Fund Raising
Policies and Procedures
Science Fair
Central Chapter
Eastern Chapter
Northern Chapter
Southern Chapter
PRESIDENTS MESSAGEby Carol La Delfe This is my chance to thank you, the members of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering, for giving me the opportunity to preside as President for the coming year. It is my hope that together we can rekindle the enthusiasm once held by our founders as we move into the year 2000; a Y2K celebration, not a Y2K crisis. Perhaps it is also time to re-examine how we NETWORK. Two of our chapters are struggling to exist and one has been "virtual" for several years. Indeed, our prime reason for being has become the planning and execution of Expanding Your Horizons conferences--perhaps the ONLY reason for some. The purpose of the NETWORK as stated in the articles of Incorporation is "to encourage the entry into and career development of women in science and engineering professions." EYH is certainly a significant method of encouraging young women to enter technical fields, but I read the rest of our purpose as "to encourage ... career development." This is where the importance of a NETWORK comes in. We may need to do some major brainstorming to develop new ways of maintaining contact, supporting, and communicating with each other. Those of us at Los Alamos understand that we are not part of the "real world" and, as a result, have opportunities not available to other NETWORK members. Nearly all of our chapter's members are employed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), with many of us within walking distance of central meeting places. This makes our "Lunchtime Talk Series" not only possible, but rather successful. True, I have never seen ALL of our members there for any of the talks, but enough come that we are usually not embarrassed and with a little effort, we can get a quorum of our chapter's steering committee together for breakfast in the cafeteria. On the other hand, we may not serve our non-LANL members as well as we should. We do have a list server that is heavily used by our LANL members, for meeting announcements, general topics of interest, job notices, scholarship announcements, alerts to current news items or events, etc. but I haven't noticed that it fosters discussion. We have a web site, available for input from any member. Annual efforts at publicizing the EYH events and occasional notices of employment opportunities are about all the input we get for that from any but LANL members. Are we missing opportunities? I'd like to hear what you hope for from the NETWORK, and what you hope to contribute. Then we need to start thinking about how to fulfill those hopes. Well, please forgive me for leaping onto my soapbox. Here's to a great year.
Carol La Delfe
October 1999 Board Meeting![]() October 17, 1999 Present:Adrienne Dare, Wyona Turner, Karen Saenz, Carol La Delfe, Margo Clark, Nina Thayer, dede Collins, and Lynda Towers. Call to Order:9:02 AM Approval of Minutes:Minutes of June 5 and August 7 were accepted as read. |
See annual meeting.
Interim report: 35 people registered with 7 guests. Final report will be submitted at the next board meeting.
dede has the archive material for new chair.
The results of the FY99 elections were reported at the annual meeting of the membership. Special thanks goes to Past-President, Karen Saenz. Lets all acknowledge our new President, Carol La Delfe (Northern Chapter) and Vice President/President-Elect, J. Margo Clark (Northern Chapter) and welcome Angela Ferrara, Sara Gottlieb, Julie Seton, and Kim Elam to the Board. Lets express our gratitude to all Board members with a round of applause!
The next (October 2000) election will need a candidate for the position of VP/President-Elect from Central Chapter. The terms of four Members-At-Large will expire-Adrienne Dare, Wyona Turner, and Angelique Neuman. J. Margo Clark has been selected to the Vice President/President-Elect position so there is now a 1 year At-Large position vacancy.
Ballots were mailed so that they could be returned anonymously. If youd like to be on the Elections Committee, please contact the new Elections chair. She could use help with applying postage and mailing labels, reproductions, counting the ballots, etc.
The upcoming year will be my second year of my two year commitment.
Nancy Stages Weinbrenner.
Kelly Bitner will submit proposals to New Mexico Children Foundation and Albuquerque Community Foundation.
Wyona Turner reported that there are currently 106 members. She sent renewal notices. We have three new members.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
All EYH evaluations have been sent to the Math Network.
No report.
No report.
The Chapter is beginning to organize for the next EYH. We have tentatively selected March 9 as our date. We expect to have the same format as last year with the addition of a skit performed by the High School Ambassadors at the closing session. Several members and volunteers have stepped forward to chair various parts of the EYH-we expect to have another successful EYH in March.
The tentative date for next years EYH will be February 26th on WNMU campus. We will plan for 150 girls. An adult session is planned.
Central is thinking about having joint meetings with SWE.
No report.
We have been organizing the annual meeting. The noontime talk series had a talk in August by Angelique Neuman, NMT-9, "The effects of thermal treatment on uranium oxide properties" and a talk in September by Cheryl Rofer, "Travels in Estonia". Two soviet installations have significant radiological contamination and need to be cleaned up. A large uranium tailing pond remains on the Gulf of Finland, and the process sends large amounts of uranium nitrate into the Gulf. We are working with the Estonians to clean up the problem.
The chapter remains inactive handling most business via email. No meetings are planned, except planning meetings for the EYH. We audited the treasury books and found everything in order. The audit report was filed in our records. We sponsored the Mentoring Pilot Program Kick-Off on 17 December by providing funds for refreshments. The chapter, via email, voted to sponsor a Girl State Delegate again this year. Karen Saenz attended the American Legion Appreciation Banquet honoring those who sponsored delegates and did meet with our delegate, Ashley Foster. She is interested in attending the next EYH as a High School Ambassador. Members also agreed to participate in the Leisure Fair at the Community Center at White Sands in August as a membership drive and contribute toward a gift certificate as a door prize.
11:32 am.
October 16, 1999
approximately 20 members.
8:00 AM
Minutes were approved.
Treasurers report was presented and accepted with applause.
Will be presented at the board meeting tomorrow.
no report.
This year we received 27 ballots from the membership. NMNWSE members Nancy Stages Weinbrenner and Karen J. Saenz counted the results. No write-in votes were received.
The following positions have been filled by election of the membership:
Vice President/President-Elect J. Margo Clark Secretary Julie Seton Member-At-Large Kim Elam Member-At-Large Sara Gottlieb Member-At-Large Angela Ferrara
Notes: All term are 2 years, except President and President-Elect, which are one-year terms. Candidates for Vice President/President-Elect rotate among chapters. Resigned positions are filled by appointment of the President for the remainder of the term. One At-Large position will need to be filled by appointment because J. Margo Clark has been elected to the Vice President/President Elect position.
Continuing board members for FY00 are Past President Karen Saenz, At-Large Members: Adrienne Dare, Nancy Stages Weinbrenner, Wyona Turner, Mercedes Agogino, and Angelique Neuman.
Congratulations to all!
Nancy Stages Weinbrenner.
No report.
Current status 106 members. Wyona submitted her report which included the specifics per area, status and gains/losses.
Angelique Neuman reported that she sent out four newsletters during the FY99: January, April, June, and August. She sent out some questionnaires to determine NMNWSE members preferred format for receiving the newsletter and is now sending email and paper copies depending on requested format. If you are receiving a paper copy and would prefer an email version, or vice versa, let her know and she will accommodate your needs. Angelique also sent out Call for papers and registration forms for the Annual meeting.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Organizational and Student packets were distributed to each site coordinator. Four conferences were held in 1999 in New Mexico:
No report.
No report.
The Chapter EYH was held 18 March 1999 at White Sands Missile Range with a total of 180 students and 25 adults. We kept the format as last year with each student attending 4 workshops. We had the EYH in conjunction with Womens History Month here at WSMR. Again, the EYH was very successful.
The Seventh annual Expanding Your Horizons Conference was held in Silver City on February 27, 1999 at Western New Mexico University. Registration for about 100 girls was held in the new Student Memorial Union. Several of our female science majors got the girls in groups to take them across campus to their first workshop. Each girl was to attend three workshops from among the thirteen workshops held. As I walked around during the day to observe all the workshops I was pleased to see that there were a lot of hands on activities. Lunch, back in the student Memorial Union, followed their second workshop. Food service once again was over priced and disappointing in providing a sack lunch. Because of the contract the food service has with WNMU we aren_t allowed to go off campus.
Their third workshop was followed by a group activity in the gym after which evaluations were filled out and the girls choose a t-shirt. Since we had more than enough t-shirts left over from previous years I had a new logo with the 1999 year put on the back _old_ t-shirts.
This year the girls were very well behaved. In previous years there had been some disruptive behavior reported by some of the presenters.
We had planned for 150 girls. As usual contact with the schools is often difficult. Even though I had pinpointed teachers who were known to be interested in our conference we failed to recruit very many girls from some schools. The problem is, partly, that everybody is just too busy. There are so many different activities in the schools. However I hope to be able to have some of our female math and science majors go into the schools next year to help recruit. We did have good coverage in our local papers before and after the conference.
No report.
No report.
No report.
The chapter remains inactive handling most business via email. No meetings are planned, except planning meetings for the EYH. We audited the treasury books and found everything in order. The audit report was filed in our records. We sponsored the Mentoring Pilot Program Kick-Off on 17 December by providing funds for refreshments. The chapter, via email, voted to sponsor a Girl State Delegate again this year. Karen Saenz attended the American Legion Appreciation Banquet honoring those who sponsored delegates and did meet with our delegate, Ashley Foster. She is interested in attending the next EYH as a High School Ambassador. Members also agreed to participate in the Leisure Fair at the Community Center at White Sands in August as a membership drive and contribute toward a gift certificate as a door prize.
Bylaws amendment which had been mailed to members with election ballots was approved by members.
Approximately 9:30 A.M.