New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering REPLACEMENT CONTENTS.HTM for CD labeled "Non-Traditional Career Awareness Resource CD" or "Nontrad", version 2012 for Mac with CD "Nontrad" in CD drive |
The 2012 Non-Traditional Career Resource CDs which show up on your desktop as a CD icon labeled "Nontrad" were inadvertently burned missing the file "CONTENTS.HTM".
This file should allow Mac users to navigate the CD - insert the CD, save this file to your desktop (using "save as page source", not "webpage, complete"), open the copy on your desktop with your browser, and with any luck, you are good to go.
If this fails, unfortunately you will need to navigate to the indicated folders on the CD and open the files individually.
Alternately, we have provided and "online version" of the CD at https://archive.nmnwse.org/careers/CareersCD/, although the contents are not identical.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Careers: Exploring the Possibilities from the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering Careers: Exploring the Possibilities, describes several careers and provides tips for job interviews, etc. This book is provided in two formats: the HTML version is best for browsing and the Adobe Acrobat PDF format prints nicely. |
New Mexico Career Clusters Guidebook
from the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Are you ready to be a success, earn more money, work at a job you love, and be appreciated for it? The New Mexico Career Clusters Guidebook puts you in charge! Reprinted here with permission of the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions. Visit http://www.dws.state.nm.us/careersolutions/ online for updated salary information and more information about what you need to do to be ready to work in New Mexico. |
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Packets from the Expanding Your Horizons Network NMNWSE holds annual EYH conferences in New Mexico - see the NMNWSE EYH pages online for current year conference information. Resource materials provided by the national Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Network which licenses Expanding Your Horizons conferences nationwide. EYH_StudentPacket2011.pdf contains a collection of career profiles, tips for choosing the right college, and forms for use at EYH conferences. See the above links for other resources in this folder, including Equals, startling statements about math education. Reprinted here with permission of the EYH Network. |
Science Experiments from the AIMS Education Foundation Several science experiments to do at home or in the classroom from the book Spills and Ripples, published by the AIMS Educational Foundation. Have fun trying them! Reprinted on this CD with permission from AIMS. See also the AIMS standard duplication rights. |
Getting Started in Astronomy from Sky and Telescope An easy guide to exploring the universe containing valuable tips for beginner stargazers, a detailed Moon map, and six bimonthly star charts for either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Reprinted here using the online permission to reproduce for educational use. Visit http://www.skyandtelescope.com/howto/basics/Getting_Started_in_Astronomy.html online for any updates of this booklet. Interactive star charts can also be found online: |
A New Universe to Discover: A Guide to Careers in Astronomy from the American Astronomical Society Contains answers to frequently asked questions about careers in Astronomy such as "What kind of jobs are there?" and "How much do Astronomers make?" Reprinted here using the permission on page 19 of the booklet to reproduce for educational use. Visit http://aas.org/education/EducatorResources.php online for additional astronomy careers resources, and any updates of this booklet. |
Careers in Biology from the American Institute of Biological Sciences Wondering what biologists do? This brochure describes job opportunities for biologists, suggests background and training requirements, highlights new directions and fields in biology, and provides additional resources. Reprinted with permission of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (http://www.aibs.org). Visit http://www.aibs.org/careers online for additional information about careers in biology and any updates of this brochure. |
Careers in Ecology from the Ecological Society of America Careers in Ecology contains information on types of ecology jobs and employers, ecology job outlook, ways to gain ecology experience, and contacts for ecology internships and job searching. Reprinted here with permission of the Ecological Society of America. Visit http://www.esa.org/education_diversity/explore.php online for additional ecology educational resources, and any updates of this booklet. |
What IT Professional Do from the Mount Pleasant Educational Services Inc. and the IBM Corporation What IT Professional Do is a window into the world of Information Technology (IT) professionals. Whether you love solving puzzles, exploring the world on the Internet, or finding answers to everyday problems, the world of IT might be a terrific destination on your pathway to the future. Reprinted here with permission of Mount Pleasant Educational Services, a not-for profit corporation located in the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke Quebec, who produced this brochure in partnership with IBM. |
Physics in Your Future from the American Physical Society Physics in Your Future conveys the exciting possibilities of a career in physics. Reprinted here with permission of the American Physical Society. Visit http://www.aps.org/programs/women/reports/physicsfuture/index.cfm online for additional physics educational resources, and any updates of this booklet. |
Explore, Understand, Succeed: Physics from the American Physical Society Explore, Understand, Succeed: Physics welcomes students to the fascinating world of physics. Reprinted here with permission of the American Physical Society. Visit http://www.aps.org/programs/minorities/index.cfm for more resources targeting increased minority participation in physics, and any updates of this booklet. |
InSight Physics from the American Physical Society InSight Physics slide shows inform and excite students about careers and opportunities in physics, and can be customized for your needs. Versions optimized for Mac and PC, wide and standard screen, are included on this CD. Reprinted here with permission of the American Physical Society. Visit http://www.aps.org/careers/ for additional physics job and career resources, and any updates of these slide shows. |
Celebrate Women in Physics Poster from the American Physical Society The Committee on the Status of Women in Physics has created a full color poster illustrating some of the exciting possibilities for young women in physics, reprinted here with permission of the American Physical Society suitable for printing at 8"x11". |
NM Supercomputing Challenge Flyer Want to learn how to use powerful computers to solve real world problems? Win awards and prizes? If so, join the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge! Visit http://www.challenge.nm.org or contact consult@challenge.nm.org for more information and any updates of this flyer. Reprinted with permission of the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge. |
Project GUTS Flyer Project GUTS -- Growing Up Thinking Scientifically -- is a summer and after-school science, technology, engineering and math program for New Mexico middle school students. Want to join or start a program in your area? If so, visit http://www.projectguts.org or contact Irene Lee at lee@santefe.edu for more information and any updates of this flyer. Reprinted with permission of Project GUTS. |
Internet Science and Career Resources A starting point for science and career related materials available on the internet. You need to be online to view the linked pages. Included in the links are 2 excellent publications from Science magazine in partnership with the L'Oréal Foundation: Young Women in Science and Women in Science: Forging New Pathways in Green Science. To see them and other links click on Careers & Profiles in the sidebar on the web resources page. |
NMNWSE - Who We Are Information about NMNWSE and it's activities, including our annual EYH technical career workshops for young women, and our new IMPACT! Award recognizing New Mexico women for their extraordinary efforts in encouraging women to enter into and develop their careers in science and engineering. |
We hope you enjoy learning about the
many different career possibilities open to you!
Sincerely, New Mexico Network for Women in Science & Engineering |
Board Email:
NMNWSE_Board-L@list.unm.edu Home Page: https://archive.nmnwse.org |
If you have problems reading the material on this CD, please see our 'Frequently Asked Questions' page, /Volumes/Nontrad/FAQ.HTM.
In case you received a copy of this CD without the jewel case label insert, we have included the CD label as an
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, or
MS Word DOC file in the folder /Volumes/Nontrad/CD_LABEL.
Simply open the format you prefer, print the file, cut on the lines, fold in half, and insert in the CD holder to make a label for this CD.
If the printed size is not right, please check the settings to make sure the file is not being auto-scaled before printing.
If you wish to make copies of this CD or materials on it, see the copyright notice below and the files for the CD jewel case insert above.
We also recommend writing 2013 NMNWSE Careers CD on the CD itself in case it gets separated from the case.
If you are printing multiple copies of the CD (see copyright notice below), we would appreciate your putting a sticker on the back of the jewel case which advertises our organization. The files to create the stickers are also in the folder /Volumes/Nontrad/CD_LABEL and versions to print on standard 2x5 (pdf, doc) or 3x10 (pdf, doc) label sheets are provided.
This CD and the NMNWSE Careers book were created by NMNWSE as part of our educational outreach mission. They are distributed at our annual "Expanding Your Horizons"TM (EYH) Technical Career Workshops for Young Women, given as part of our Science Fair awards, and made available at similar educational or outreach events as our funding allows. See https://archive.nmnwse.org/eyh for more information on the EYH program and current year NMNWSE EYH conference dates and locations.
Our deepest appreciation goes to all the NMNWSE members and friends who contributed material or helped with editing, organizing, updating, and publishing of the current as well as previous editions. Our sincerest thanks goes to the various organizations that gave permission for their outreach materials to be included on this CD.
EYH conferences in New Mexico are licensed by the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering from the national EYH Network and have been supported by statewide grants from the New Mexico Public Education Department as part of the NM STEM Statewide Initiative via a Carl Perkins TechPrep Grant with Santa Fe Community College. See https://archive.nmnwse.org/eyh for current year statewide and local sponsors - without their generous support, and the support of past sponsors, this CD would not be possible. Donations to support future printings of this CD are welcome.
Copyright Notice
Careers: Exploring the Possibilities in the CAREERS folder was generated by NMNWSE and is uncopyrighted and can be reprinted in whole or in part with credit given to NMNWSE.
However, some materials in the other folders are copyrighted (reprinted here with permission). Readers may view, browse, and/or download material for temporary copying purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as provided by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the publisher. If you wish to make and distribute copies of this CD, you will need to contact the copyright holders of the non-NMNWSE materials for permission to reprint their materials.
You can also contact NMNWSE at PO Box 1360, Los Alamos, NM 87544 or NMNWSE_Board-L@list.unm.edu for additional copies of the CD.