Sponsors and Acknowledgements
The Carlsbad EYH committee is actively seeking donations to cover the cost of EYH. Both monetary and in-kind donations in any amount are welcome. Please contact the Carlsbad EYH chair Cassie Marrs if you would like donate or have questions about sponsoring this event.
NMNWSE is a 501(c)(3) public charity, so donations to the Carlsbad EYH are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Monetary donations can be made to NMNWSE via credit card through the Network for Good.
If you want your donation to go to the Carlsbad EYH, be sure to designate "Carlsbad EYH" in the designation box, as otherwise it will go in the NMNWSE general fund which supports all NMNWSE EYH conferences and other NMNWSE outreach.
click here to donate via the Network for Good
The Carlsbad EYH is co-hosted by NMSU Carlsbad and AAUW Carlsbad
A big thanks to the 2015 Carlsbad EYH sponsors:
the United Way
the Nuclear Waster Partnership
and the 2014 Carlsbad EYH sponsors:
Dept. of Energy
Devon Energy
We'd also like to thank all the individual
AAUW members who volunteered their time and made small monetary donations
Expanding Your Horizons conferences in New Mexico are licensed by the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering from the national Expanding Your Horizons Network.
NMNWSE Statewide Sponsors.
National EYH Sponsors.