Mar 2008 Central Chapter Update -- next Central Chapter Dinner Mar 19
When: Wednesday, March 19, 6:00PM
- meeting at private home in NE Albuquerque
- contact Jeanne for location and directions.
RSVP to: Jeanne Banks, 505-239-2403 (c), or Jeanne.Banks @
Please join us for a little "March Madness"--Network Style! We will be celebrating our successful Expanding Your Horizons Conference that is on March 15, plus hearing from Diane Albert about her exciting career in Patent Law.
Please RSVP to me at 505-239-2403 (c), or Jeanne.Banks @
Remember--guests are always welcome, just add them them your response. I would like to have your reservation no later than Monday, Mar 17. Hope to see all of you there!
Jeanne Banks, for the Central Chapter
Mar 3, 2008