July 2011 Central Chapter Update

Hi Central Chapter--

Hope everyone has been having a great summer.

Our next Central Chapter Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, August 10 at 6:00 PM at Ellen Evans' home. There will be a cold buffet served with wine, beer and softer drinks. Cost $10 per person. If you did not receive the e-vite and need location information or directions, please contact me.

In addition to renewing our connections--this meeting will also be our opportunity to wish Betsy Frederick a fond good bye. She is moving east to be near her grandchildren. Please join us to send Betsy off with a warm New Mexico--Vaya con Dios!

Hope to see you there!

Jeanne Banks, for the Central Chapter
July, 2011
505-239-2403 (c), or Jeanne.Banks @ comcast.net

PS: Central Chapter Dinners are generally held every other month on 2nd Wednesday, so pencil that in on your calendar and periodically check this page for updates. You don't have to be a member to attend - anyone interested in learning about our organization is welcome to attend any NMNWSE event.