February 2016 Central Chapter Update


What: Spring 2016 Central Chapter Meetings
When: 3rd Tuesday of Odd Months, 6:00p - 7:30p 
Jan 19, Mar 15, May 17, Jul 19, Sep 20
  next meeting: Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 6:00p - 7:30p
   Where: Mimi's Cafe
4316 The 25 Way, Albuquerque (map)

 March Networking Dinner

The next Central Chapter meeting will be on March 15, 2016, at Mimi's Cafe in Albuquerque, on the west side of I-25 just north of Jefferson (map), from 6:00p - 7:30p. This is a new location, and we hope it will prove to work well for Central Chapter meetings. We will be in a private room. Unlike Flying Star, we will order at the table.

Our March speaker will be Dana Roberson: Dana will present "Downtown Albuquerque from a Geologic Point of View" -- a walking tour (in pictures) of the geologic resources viewable in and on buildings in Albuquerque.

Abstract: The building materials used in the construction of downtown Albuquerque contribute greatly to the attractiveness of the skyline and to the artistic detail encountered on close inspection. The dimension stone identified and discussed in this presentation is on building exteriors which any one can see at any time and any day of the week. Among the stone material used in downtown Albuquerque are sandstone, limestone, travertine, granite, gneiss and marble. The various shades of red, brown, and yellow in the sandstone, commonly composed of the mineral quartz (SiO2), are caused by iron oxides. Stone used downtown comes primarily from New Mexico but some come from as far away as Canada, Wisconsin and California.
Locations in this discussion will be listed on a map of downtown Albuquerque if anyone wants to see the "geology" for themselves.

Speaker bio: Dana has twenty plus years' experience in geologic exploration; software engineering, analysis, development, and implementation; multiple systems engineering methodologies; software quality assurance; and project management. She has performed project, process, and software assessments with experience and training in software process methodology and project management. She also has line management experience, leading teams of software engineers, developers, and operations maintenance personnel.

We hope you can join us for Dana's talk!

 January Networking Dinner

The Jan 2016 meeting, originally scheduled for Jan 19, was cancelled as we had not yet found a suitable new meeting location since our old location was no longer available.

 2016 Meetings General Information:

The meetings are held every other month, on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:00p-7:30p, so in 2016 on March 15, May 17, July 19, and Sep 20, followed by the NMNWSE Annual Meeting October 21-23, 2016. Please pencil these dates in on your calendar and periodically check this page for updates.

Note you don't have to be a member to attend - anyone interested in learning about our organization is welcome to attend any NMNWSE event.

  If you would like to suggest speakers or give other input for Central Chapter meeting planning, please email me, or use the "contact central" form, or contact Phyllis Baca at 505-490-1557 or plbaca@gmail.com.

Hope to see you at a Central Chapter meeting soon to meet and network with some wonderful women And please get us your suggestions for future speakers/topics.
Jeanne Banks, for the Central Chapter
February, 2016
505-239-2403 (c), or Jeanne.Banks @ comcast.net