Online Form for New and Returning Volunteers
If you are interested in helping with NMNWSE Central Chapter Expanding Your Horizons conferences (CEYH), please complete the following information. After submitting the form electronially, you will be contacted by a Planning Committee member to follow up on your interests. You will also be added to the planning committee listserver if you check that box in the general preference section below (or see the volunteer page for instructions to add yourself).
This form can be submitted at any time. Both new and returning volunteers are welcome to use this form. This form can also be used to request being removed from our distribution, or to request information about NMNWSE membership and actitives.
If you are not directed to a page saying "Form Sucessfully Submitted" after clicking on the submit button, or you do not hear back from us within a week, likely there was an error and we may not have received it - in this case please either email the planning committee directly or print and send a hardcopy of the form to us at CEYH Planning c/o NMNWSE, PO Box 51926, Albuquerque, NM 87181.
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