2003 Conference Photos!

(select an image to see a larger view)


Fascinating, Flexible, and Far-Reaching - It's FOAM!


An excited group from Truman Middle School takes a break by the duck pond.


Dr. Viscaya explains the science of QI with hands-on demonstrations


Much is learned about porcupines and ferrets.


This hawk only weighs two pounds!


Searching for interesting items.


Solving the 4N6 (Forensics!) Puzzle...


The excitement continues throughout the day.


An excited group from Harrison Middle School takes a well deserved break


Two 18 year old LPNs get everyone excited about our bones !

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 To volunteer to present a workshop or assist in any way, please send email to klinder@kcp.com.


Last updated: 25-Mar-03 by klinder@kcp.com

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