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EYH Archives & Photos

This web page is under construction.

See the local EYH webpages for more archives and photos,
linked from the NMNWSE EYH dates and contacts webpage

Direct Links to local NMNWSE EYH Archives:

Note on 2005 and 2006 Central Photos: If your browser doesn't recognize the '.pps' extension, use the option save the link target to a file and open with MS PowerPoint, or add the extension '.pps' as a PowerPoint application in your browser preferences.

Links to articles on NMNWSE EYH Conferences:

Robokids Workshop, Photos by Michael Carlson, Public Affairs, LANL


Marielle Remillard, 13, of Los Alamos Middle School assembles a motor-control circuit during the recent Expanding Your Horizons conference. The all-day event featured various workshops that emphasized science and mathematics. Inset photo: One of the sample robots served as an example for the teenage girls who were working to build circuits used in motion control. Photos by Michael Carlson, Public Affairs

Photos and (edited) caption from the Los Alamos National Laboratory Daily News Bulletin, April 4, 2001