Betsy Frederick is recognized for her long career of facilitating learning in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Ms. Frederick taught for the Albuquerque Public Schools for 20 years, assisting schools in their acquisition of hardware and software, and finding meaningful applications for the new technology in curricula areas.
Ms. Frederick has chaired several organizations including Expanding Your Horizons, New Mexico Council of Computer Users in Education, and the International Telecommunications in Education Conference. Additionally, she has been a board member of Network New Mexico and the International Society for Technology Education.
Currently, Ms. Frederick is a member of the managerial team of the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge, a year-long project-based Computational Science and problem solving competition that attracts a diverse student body, and Co-Principal Investigator for Santa Fe Institute's Project GUTS, a STEM afterschool and summer program for middle school students.
full news release
Betsy will be honored at the Central Chapter dinner on 14 January 2009 at the Hilton Garden Inn Uptown in Albuquerque. Members and Friends of the Network are welcome to join us. See the Central Chapter website for details, noting the RSVP deadline is noon 12 January 2009.