NMNWSE helps make 2011 School To World a success

NMNWSE volunteers Yolanda King, Laurie Marnell, and Dana Roberson handed out copies of our Careers CD and other educational materials to students attending School to World, as well as presenting a demo on surface tension and advertizing our Expanding Your Horizons conferences.

Over 1800 8th and 9th grade students representing 85 schools attended the 2011 School to World on Feb. 12, 2011 in the Albuquerque Convention Center. The students engaged with over 400 Career Presenters representing 110 businesses, government and educational organizations. The School to World organizers gave us the feedback that the surveys from the students and their chaperones were extremely positive about their experience and the overwhelming information they received about all the possibilities for their futures, and thanked NMNWSE for helping make it a successful event.

NMNWSE plans to participate in the 2012 School to World, scheduled for Feb 25, 2012 - see http://www.schooltoworld.org for more information on this event.