2012 NMNWSE Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Conferences

NMNWSE EYH conferences, licensed from the EYH Network, feature small hands-on technical careers workshops designed to encourage young women to consider technical careers. Each of the roughly 1000 New Mexico teens that attend these annual conferences receives a copy of the NMNWSE Careers CD with our Careers Book and other career information, participates in workshops where they get a taste of what it is like to work in various technical fields, and meets women role models from those fields. There are also programs for educators and parents who accompany the students to EYH. Please encourage teens in your area to attend, and also please consider volunteering to help or sponsor - see the webpages below for conference contacts plus registration information etc, or email the NMNWSE Board if you'd like to help, sponsor, or have questions.

    All 2012 NMNWSE EYH Conferences

         28 Jan 2012, Albuquerque, grades 5-9
         25 Feb 2012, Silver City, grades 5-8
         25 Feb 2012, Las Cruces, grades 6-8
         21 Mar 2012, Los Alamos, grades 8-10
         4 May 2012, Santa Fe, grades 4-8