NMNWSE Award at the NM Supercomputing Challenge

Team accepting award Team JacksonMid-1 received the NMNWSE Award at the 2017 New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge Expo, held April 24-25, 2017 in Albuquerque. Cheri Burch presented the award for NMNWSE.

The Gears are Turing wins NMNWSE Award

Team JacksonMid-1, Jackson Middle School
Team Members: Isabella Montoya, Munia Omer, Reyanna Fromme, Savannah Phelps
Sponsor: Karen Glennon

Congratulations to the team!

The team became interested in the Turing Test and asked the question, "can we successfully create a conversational machine that can imitate a human teenager?" The award recognizes the team's cooperation across campuses as the students attend three different schools. They demonstrated the conversational teenage machine at the Expo. Read their final report for details.

Each student on the team received $50 and an NMNWSE tote bag with career materials. The advisor received a tote bag with career materials. The judges for the NMNWSE Award were Cheri Burch and Dana Roberson.