Thank you, NMNWSE members, for another amazing year!
The NM Network for Women in Science and Engineering (NMNWSE) continues to encourage women of all ages to enter into science, engineering, and allied professions. In the past year, our Network has provided expansive and dynamic support for:
The NM Science and Engineering Fair, including $500 in monetary awards, backpacks, and other swag to twelve (12) outstanding young female researchers for impactful STEM projects
The IMPACT! Award to recognize an outstanding NM woman for her extraordinary efforts in furthering the goals of the Network. Congratulations, Casey DeRaad! Keep up the great work.
Five Expanding Your Horizons Conferences, serving young women in Albuquerque, Carlsbad, Las Cruces, Los Alamos, and Santa Fe – including over $3,000 in grant dollars, backpacks, and materials -- reaching over 900 girls in grades 6 – 10.
The top performing all-female team at the Supercomputing Challenge and Expo, including $50 gift certificates, backpacks, and swag.
AAUW Tech Trek – New Mexico
Serving as the fiscal agent for AAUW Girls CAN! to expand fundraising opportunities, in order to continue to serve over 300 6th grade girls in Dona Ana County.
As NMNWSE members, we have lead projects in research, development, networking opportunities, and expansion of STEM education, outreach, and services. We have held information tables at conferences, hosted workshops, led STEM discussions, coordinated conferences, published papers, and directed teams in regional and national industries. And we continue to serve as primary caretakers for family members, running households, and maintaining order in the midst of potential calamity.
Thank you for all you do! What an honor it is to be a part of this professional group.
Rebecca Galves,
NMNWSE President