NMNWSE Award for Supercomputing Challenge 2019-20

NMNWSE is proud to announce our Supercomputing Challenge 2019-20 Award went to Team 25, a multi-school team from Eldorado and Manzano High Schools in Albuquerque, including Nancy Avila, Gwenevere Caouette, Priscila Flores, and Kyreen White, and sponsored by Sharee Lunsford, Karen Glennon, and Patty Meyer.

The title of their project was Internet of Things Security: How to Keep IoT Devices Secure at Home. Our prizes included a NMNWSE bag, pin, and water bottle, safety goggles, a certificate, and a $50 gift card for each team member.

The competition was judged online this year, with the awards delivered by the Supercomputing Challenge Prize Patrol.

Congratulations Team 25!
- Cheri Burch, NMNWSE STEM Coordinator