MINUTES WIS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF January 26, 1994 Members of the steering committee met in room E-128 of the Ottowi Building. Attending members were: Lois Dauelsberg Denise George Shirley Herrera Deborah Kubicek Karen Schultz Paige Lynda Towers Wendee Brunish Carol Ladelfe This meeting was dedicated solely to planning for Expanding Your Horizons (EYH). Quick overview of EYH: a one day event where 150 - 200 girls from Middle schools around Northern New Mexico come to LANL. 10 - 12 girls are assigned per workshop. The girls will attend one workshop in the morning and one workshop in the afternoon. The morning workshops will be the same as the afternoon workshops. Settled Issues: 1. Wendee had 2 suggestions for demos/presenters: one about map making and another. Contacts given to Karen. 2. Alexine Salazar contacted Gloria Cordova about being the opening speaker for the conference. She accepted. 3. Lynda talked to Dr. Kathleen Ramsay about being the closing speaker. She accepted and will also probably participate in a workshop. 4. Denise sent out the letters to the schools. 5. Photos, evaluation forms, list of last years presenters gotten from DeDe Collins. 6. Last years budget gotten. Denise called Nina Thayer - she can't help this year. See Outstanding Issues and Agenda Issues fro other information discussed. Next meeting will be Noon on Wednesday Feb. 2nd. Karen will arrange the room at send us all out notices. **************************************************************** ** Agenda items for February 2nd steering committee meeting ** **************************************************************** Determine best meeting time/next meeting time Local Science Fair (Saturday Feb. 5th) Request from public affairs for science fair judges for schools in the area and also for tutors at Santa Clara Pueblo and science fair project mentors at McCurdy school. Expanding Your Horizons: Outstanding Issues: 1. Wendee has prepared a letter to go out to Robin Marshment to invite her to be the second speaker for opening. The letter will go out soon. 2. Shirley to contact Protocol about getting help with registration. 3. Karen to write flyers to WIS about participation. 4. Jo to write flyers to Lab Women about participation. 5. Contact Gloria Cordova (now in public affairs) to try to get some money to help with this event - ?? 6. Finance (Roberta Day Idzorek) a. Budget Roberta took last years and reworked it A copy of the budget was sent around - many question marks WIS treasure has about $1000 in it b. Suggestions for T-shirts, buttons, etc. Karen will look into getting scientific gadgets/toys Shirley and Roberta will work on donations Lois will look into Protocol for money and/or give away items It is believed that the Network has rules regarding the amount WIS can give toward transportation. Last year we gave $90. We have 9 T-shirts remaining from last year. It was suggested that these be given away in a drawing for the girls. Denise will be in ABQ and will look at several places for give away items. 7. Program ( Jo and Karen) a. Status on Presenters Karen has 4 definites and 3-4 still trying to get to help b. Program Layout Same as last year with a few minor changes: 8:30 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 - 9:10 Welcome by Gloria 9:10 - 9:45 Robin Marshment or Gloria opening 10:00 - 11:15 Morning workshops 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch 12:45 - 2:00 Afternoon workshops 2:15 - 2:30 Speaker from LANL closing 2:30 - 3:30 Kathleen closing c. Speakers status See comments above d. Refreshments (Shirley) Shirley will check with Protocol about getting these ordered: Hot cocoa for the morning Cookies and punch for the afternoon 8. Evaluations (Pat Nickel) a. Distribute evaluation forms got forms to give to Pat b. Last years results Got 9. Facilities (Wendee) a. Status on Facilities University House and Study Center are either reserved or are being worked on. 10. Public Relations (Lynda) a. Brochure Lynda talked to Georgia Fritz about looking into getting EYH stickers made for the handout packet (about 200). We need to assemble packets Lynda will call DeDe about getting the information from the Network that goes into the packets. We should list the donators on the brochure. b. Adult Recruitment (Jo and Karen) Possibilities: Mary Jo Lundy - talk on college financing and Tour of Science Museum ? Handouts or someone to talk about Summer Adult Programs c. Registration (Alexine) d. Materials (Lynda) 11. Contact the school of Deaf to invite girls from there. They will need to provide their own signers. **************************************************************** ** Agenda item for future steering committee meetings ** **************************************************************** Bylaws - approval of changes - update board member duties - WIS name change Replacement of Carolyn Robinson and Elizabeth Aiello Subtasks: what topics can we attack using this method? Mentoring/Aid UNM Co-op program with UNM-LA Talk about DOE study Networking Recruitment More Publicity Talks (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*)*(*) Written: 02/02/94 by Deborah Kubicek - WIS Secretary (*)*(*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)